Dr Sylvia Onyinyechi Anyadoh-Nwadike

Dr Sylvia Onyinyechi Anyadoh-Nwadike
Anyadoh–Nwadike, Sylvia Onyinyechi (PhD, FIPMD; Fellow, institute of policy management and development) is a Reader (Associate Professor) in the Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State. She is currently the Head of Science Laboratory Technology Department, FUTO. She holds a B.Sc. Hons. in Microbiology, M.Sc. and PhD in Pharmaceutical Microbiology. Her current research interest is on Genetic profiling of Multidrug-Resistant Microorganisms and the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance of locally isolated microorganisms to specific antibiotics. She also has a special interest in the identification and isolation of antimicrobial substances from plants.
Dr Sylvia also holds national and international certificates in various professional areas such as Bioethics, Genomics, Science Communication. She is a consultant on Effective Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (EWASH).
She has been lecturing at the Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria since 2005. She is a member of many professional and non-professional bodies such as Nigerian Society for Microbiology, Consortium of Universities on Global Health, Women in Global Health, Organization for Women in Science in the developing world, International Research and Development Institute, Catholic Graduates Association etc. She has published in several national and international journals. She has also acted as guest editor to a special issue of the Science Journal of Public Health.
Aside from academic endeavours, she also indulges in community development working as a resource person and guest speaker in several issues especially concerning women, youths and children.
- Honours/Awards
- Experience
- Research Interest
- Publications
- Qualifications
- Affiliations
- Courses Assigned
Fellow Institute of Public Management and Development
Work Experience
- St Mary’s Joint Hospital Amaigbo Nwangele L.G.A. Imo State, Nigeria [In Charge of Microbiology Unit 2003-2004]
- School Of Nursing, St Mary’s Joint Hospital Amaigbo Nwangele L.G.A. Imo State, Nigeria [Part-Time Lecturer 2003 – 2004]
- Department of Biotechnology, School of Science, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State [Asst. Lecturer 2005 – 2008, Lecturer II 2008 -2011, Lecturer I 2011- 2014, Senior Lecturer 2014 – 2017, Reader 2017 till date]
Research Interest
- Antimicrobial Chemotherapy; Inhibition and Destruction of human microbial pathogens
- Isolation and identification of novel organisms (especially plants) with antimicrobial activities
- Genetic profiling of multi-drug resistant microbes of public health importance.
- Anyadoh, S.O. (2010). Nutrition. In: Undergraduate Biology 1. (Anyadoh and Ezeji Eds.) Readon Publishers, Owerri. Chp. 3.
- Anyadoh, S.O. (2010). Reproduction. In: Undergraduate Biology 1. (Anyadoh and Ezeji Eds.) Readon Publishers, Owerri. Chp. 4.
- Anyadoh, S.O. (2010). Importance of Microorganisms in the Marketing of Pharmaceutical and Agricultural products In Marketing in Contemporary Nigeria. Ogbuji C. ed. Stramark Publishers, Owerri, Nigeria. Chp. 11.
- Anyadoh, S.O., Akerele, J and Udum, U.I. (2010). Prevalence of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli among Pregnant Women in Owerri, Imo State. International Journal Of Medical Sciences And Technology, India 3 (3):17-20
- Eloilo, J.C., Anyadoh, S.O., Egbuonu, I., Ezechukwu, C.C. and Chukwuka, J.O. (2011). Impact of Social Status on the Prevalence of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Nursery School Children. Paper Presented at The 42nd Annual General and Scientific Conference of Paediatric Assoc. of Nigeria Paediatricians, Abuja 2011.
- Toochukwu Ekwutosi Ogbulie, Harriet Chinyelu Nwigwe, Sylvia Onyinyechi Anyadoh (2011). Comparative assessment of bioload of healthy and diseased Oreochromis niloticus as means of food security. Universităţii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie Tom. XVIII, Issue: 1, 2011, pp. 10-14
- Okorondu S.I., Akujobi C.O., Nnadi C.B., Anyadoh–Nwadike S.O. and Okorondu M.M.O. (2013). Prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity profile of urinary tract infection pathogens among pregnant and non-pregnant women. Intl. J. Biol Chem. Sci. 7(4):1668 – 1677
- Anyadoh–Nwadike S. O., Okereke J. N., Odah R., Obijekwu O., Okorondu S. I., Obasi K.O. (2015). Bacteriological Quality of Water Contaminated with Faecal Wastes from Livestock. Science Journal of Public Health.Special Issue: Who Is Afraid of the Microbes. Vol. 3, No. 5-1, pp. 29-33. DOI: 10.11648/j.sjph.s.2015030501.
16 - Okorondu S. I., Anyadoh–Nwadike S. O. (2015). Bacteriological and Physicochemical Analysis of Oguta Lake Water, Imo State, Nigeria. Science. Journal of Public Health. Special Issue: Who Is Afraid of the Microbes. Vol. 3, No. 5-1, pp. 14-19. DOI: 0.11648/j.sjph.s.2015030501.13
- Duru C. M., Anyadoh–Nwadike S. O., Okechukwu R. I.. Antimicrobial Activity and Phytochemical Analysis of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of the Bark of Tabernaemontana pachysiphon Stapf. Science Journal of Public Health. Special Issue: Who Is Afraid of the Microbes. Vol. 3, No. 5-1, 2015, pp. 8-13. DOI: 10.11648/j.sjph.s.2015030501.
12 - Sylvia. O. Anyadoh–Nwadike, S.I. Okorondu, I. O.C. Obiajuru, P.O. Nwadike, F.O. Nwaokorie and J.O. Akerele, (2015). Comparative Study of the Prevalence and Antibiogram of Bacterial Isolates from the Urinary and Genital Tracts of Antenatal Patients. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS)e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 10, Issue 1 Ver. III, PP 15-19. www.iosrjournals.org. DOI: 10.9790/3008-10131519. www.iosrjournals.org
- Jacinta C. Elo-Ilo, Elochukwu Cajetan Ilo, Sylvia O. Anyadoh–Nwadike. (2015). Antibiogram of Bacteria Isolated From Pre-School Children with Asymptomatic Bacteriuria. Science Journal of Public Health.Special Issue: Who Is Afraid of the Microbes. Vol.3, No. 5-1, 2015, pp. 34-39. DOI: 10.11648/j.sjph.s.2015030501.
17 - Obasi, K.O., Chinedu, K., Udebuani, A.C., Okereke, J.N., Ezeji, E.U. & Anyadoh, S.O. (2015). Study on concentrations of selected heavy metals: Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic and Mercury in the soft tissue of Periwinkle ( Tympanotonos fuscatus Var Radula) from Brass Island River, Bayelsa State, Nigeria, International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(10): 1 – 7
- Anyadoh–Nwadike S.O., Ugwu C.O. Udebuani A.C. and Okorondu S.I. (2017). Antibiogram of microbial isolates from keypads of Automated Teller Machines in Higher Institutions in Owerri Metropolis. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 31(1): 3800 – 3809
- Anyadoh–Nwadike, S. O, Ahumibe N.C, Manunyewor, D.J and Ilo Cajetah E. (2019). Phytochemical and Antifungal properties of Chromolaena odorota (Siam weed) leaves. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 6(10): 18-23.
- Ofochebe, A.C. and Anyadoh–Nwadike, S.O. (2019). Phytochemical and Antifungal properties of Hedranthera barteri on pathogenic fungi of the human skin. Global Scientific Journals. Vol 7(7): 2320 – 9186
- Anyadoh, S.O. (2011). The Youth and the Church. Read on Publishers, Owerri, Nigeria. Pp.41
Academic Qualification
- B.Sc., Microbiology, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria – 2000
- M.Sc., Pharmaceutical Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria – 2003
- PhD., Pharmaceutical Microbiology, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State – 2014
- Certificate in Science Communication, Citta Della Scienza Napoli, Italy – 2009
- Certificate in Module 1 of the TRREE Training Programme in Research Ethics Evaluation – 2011
- Certificate in Introductory Genomics
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Member Nigerian Society for Microbiology [NSM]
- Member New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society
- Member Biotechnology Society of Nigeria [BSN]
- Member Organization for Women in Science in developing countries
- Member Biotechnology Online Forum [BON]
- Research and Development Network, International Research and Development Institute [IRDI]
- Member, League of Researchers, IRDI
- Member, Consortium of Universities on Global Health
- Member, Women in Global Health
- Member, Biological systems and organisms group, Organization of Women in Science in developing countries
Courses Assigned to Teach