Mr Benedict C. Eke

Mr Benedict Chukwudi Eke
Mr Benedict Chukwudi Eke
Lecturer I
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Benedict C. Eke is a Lecturer I in the Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. He holds BSc in Physics and MSc in Radiation and Health Physics. He was first appointed Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri in 2009. He was then promoted to the ranks of Lecturer II and Lecturer I in 2012 and 2015, respectively. Benedict has published several articles in both local and international referred journals and has attended many conferences and workshops. He has been a member of the University Ceremonials Committee (Accommodation Sub-Committee) since 2016 and has served in various University Committees. Other statutory committees include membership of School of Physical Sciences Board of Studies and Department of Physics Board of Studies. Also, he is a member of the following professional bodies: (i) Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP) (ii) Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria (RAESON) (iii) Physics Writers Series Creation (PWSC). As regards community services, he is (i) Member, Catholic Men Organization (CMO) St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Chaplaincy, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (ii) Member, Board of Lectors St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Chaplaincy, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (iii) Member, Red Cross Society of Nigeria (iv) Member, Duruehihie Development Union (DDU), Mbieri, Mbaitoli LGA, Imo State.
- Qualifications
- Honours/Awards
- Affiliations
- Courses Assigned to Teach
- Experience
- Research Interest
- Publications
Academic Qualifications
- M.Sc., Physics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007.
- Diploma, Desktop Publishing, Willy Tech Institute, 1, Orlu Road, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, 2003.
- B.Sc., Physics, 2¹, University of Uyo, Nigeria, 2003.
- Senior School Certificate, St. Peter Claver Seminary, Okpala, Nigeria, 1993.
- Best Performing Staff Adviser by Association of Physical Sciences Students (APSS), FUTO Chapter, 2019.
- Merit Award by Students’ Union Government, FUTO, 2018.
- Award of Excellence by Association of Physical Sciences Students (APSS), FUTO Chapter, 2018.
- Best Personal Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor by Students’ Union Government, FUTO, 2018.
- Most Active Personal Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor South-South South-East by National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), Zone B, 2018.
- The Epitome of Transparency by Independent Student Electoral Commission (ISEC), FUTO, 2017.
- Icon of Team Work and Accountability by Association of Physical Sciences Students (APSS), FUTO Chapter, 2016.
- Patron, Man O’ War Nigeria FUTO Command, 2016.
- Selfless and Dedicated Staff Adviser by National Association of Physics Students (NAPS), FUTO Chapter, 2015.
- Most Charismatic Staff Adviser by the National Association of Physics Students (NAPS), FUTO Chapter, 2012.
- Best Three Graduating Students, Department of Physics, University of Uyo, Nigeria, 2003.
- Member, Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP), (Affiliated to the Institute of Physics, UK), 2011-Date.
- Member, Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria (RAESON), 2010-Date.
- Member, Physics Writers Series Creation (PWSC), 2010-Date.
- PHY 101: General Physics I
- PHY 102: General Physics II
- PHY 201: Applied Electricity I
- PHY 204: Modern Physics I
- PHY 207: Experimental Physics I
- PHY 208: Experimental Physics II
- PHY 301: Analytical Mechanics I
- PHY 311: Thermal Physics
- PHY 306: Modern Physics II
- PHY 591: Project I
- PHY 592: Project II
- Lecturer I, Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B.1526, Owerri, Nigeria, 2015-Date.
- Lecturer II, Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B.1526, Owerri, Nigeria, 2012-2015.
- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B.1526, Owerri, Nigeria, 2009-2012.
- Physics Teacher, Emilio Piazza Memorial College, Rumuigbo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, 2008-2009.
- Tutorial Teacher, (General Physics I & II Courses), University of Ibadan, Nigeria,
- -2006.
- Youth Corp Member, Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, 2003-2004.
- Finance Officer, (Lay Readers’ Association), St. Peter’s Parish, University of Uyo, Nigeria, 2001-2002.
- Undergraduate Trainee, Maryland Medical Centre, (Maintenance Department), Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria, 2001.
- Finance Officer, (Election Committee), Mbaitoli Students’ Association, University of Uyo, Nigeria, 1999-2000.
- Sales Representative, International Trade Corporation, (ITC), Maryland Shopping Complex, Lagos State, Nigeria, 1996-1997.
- Office Assistant, St. Peter Claver Seminary, Okpala, Nigeria, 1989-1993.
- Pioneer Staff Adviser, Association of Physical Sciences Students (APSS), FUTO Chapter, 2015-2019.
- Member Expanded Executive, Academic Staff Union of Universities, FUTO Chapter, 2012-2016.
- Secretary, Committee on the Review of the Curriculum of Physics Department, FUTO, Nigeria, 2012.
- Sales Representative, Physics Writers Series Creation (PWSC), FUTO Chapter, 2012-2014.
- SIWES Coordinator (II), Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), Nigeria, 2011-2014.
- Staff Adviser, National Association of Physics Students (NAPS), FUTO Chapter, 2011-2015.
- Member, Publications and Technical Sub-Committee, 2010 National Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria (SESN), at Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, 2010.
- Member, Exhibition Sub-Committee, Second International Conference of the Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria (RAESON), at Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, 2010.
- Secretary, Committee on the Articulation of Physical Needs in Physics Department, FUTO, Nigeria, 2010.
- Seminar Coordinator (II), Department of Physics, FUTO, Nigeria, 2009-2011.
- Radiation and Health Physics
- Environmental Physics
- Renewable and Alternative Energy
- B. C. Eke, I. J. Njoku and E. Onyeocha. “Bioelectricity from Microbial Fuel Cell Using Wastewater with Carbon/Copper Electrodes”. To Physics Journal, 5: 80-93, 2020.
- B. C. Eke, I. J. Njoku and E. Onyeocha. “Electricity Generation from a Microbial Fuel Cell Using Abattoir Wastewater”. To Physics Journal, 5: 41-49, 2020.
- B. C. Eke and H. U. Emelue. “Measurement of Background Ionizing Radiation in the Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria Using Calibrated Digital Geiger Counter”. International Journal of Physics Research and Applications, 3: 070-074, 2020.
- N. N. Jibiri and B. C. Eke. “Haematological Profile in the Oil Producing Localities of Imo State, South-East, Nigeria”. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 38(6): 1-27, 2019.
- B. C. Eke, I. R. Akomolafe and H. U. Emelue. “A Survey of X‑Ray Diagnostic Services in Imo State, Nigeria”. Radiation Protection and Environment, 42(4): 159-167, 2019.
- B. C. Eke and H. U. Emelue. “The Natural Radioactivity Measurements and Evaluation of Radiological Health Hazard Indices of Quarry Products from South Eastern Nigeria”. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 10(4): 599-619, 2019.
- C. M. Amakom, C. E. Orji, C. Iroegbu, B. C. Eke, A. U. Nkwoada, A. D. Madu, K. G. Ugochukwu, and T. J. Oforma. “Radionuclide Concentration: The Coal Ash Effect”. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 13(15): 230-234, 2018.
- C. Eke and H. U. Emelue. “Evaluation of Radiation Emission and Associated Health Hazards from Refuse Dumps in the Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria”. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 31(6): 1-9, 2018.
- C. M. Amakom, C. E. Orji, B. C. Eke, C. Iroegbu and B. A. Ojakominor. “Gross Alpha and Beta Activity Concentrations in Soil and Some Selected Nigerian Food Crops”. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 13(11): 183-186, 2018.
- C. Eke, N. N. Jibiri, E. N. Bede, B. C. Anusionwu, C. E. Orji and C. S. Alisi. “Effect of Ingestion of Microwaved Foods on Serum Anti-Oxidant Enzymes and Vitamins of Albino Rats”. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 10: 148-151, 2017.
- M. Amakom, C. E. Orji, B. C. Eke, U. A. Okoli and C. S. Ndudi. “The Influence of Selected Soil Physicochemical Properties on Radionuclide Transfer in Cassava Crops”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 14(1): 1-7, 2017.
- C. E. Orji, B. C. Eke, M. C. Amakom, O. E. Nwoko and C. C. Okafor. “Evaluation of Background Ionizing Radiation Levels in Some X-ray Centres in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria”. International Journal of Current Research, 8(3): 28527-28529, 2016.
- B. C. Eke, N. N. Jibiri, B. C. Anusionwu, C. E. Orji and H. U. Emelue. “Baseline Measurements of Natural Radioactivity in Soil Samples from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, South-East, Nigeria”. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 5(2):142-149, 2015.
- B. C. Eke, N. N. Jibiri, B. C. Anusionwu, C. E. Orji and E. C. Mbamala. “Effects of the Ingestion of Microwaved Food Items on Some Haematological Parameters in Albino Wistar Rats”. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 5(1):99-103, 2015.
- H. U. Emelue, N. N. Jibiri and B. C. Eke. “Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk due to Gamma Radioactivity in and around Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company in Niger Delta, Nigeria”. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 4(13):2590-2598, 2014.
- U. Emelue, B. C. Eke, P. Oghome and B. C. Ejiogu. “Evaluation of Radiation Emission from Refuse Dump Sites in Owerri, Nigeria”. International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR)-Journal of Applied Physics, 4(6): 01-05, 2013.
- B. C. Eke, C. E. Orji and R. I. Obed. “Entrance Skin Dose (ESD) on Patients Undergoing Some X-Ray Examinations in Yaba, Lagos State, Nigeria”. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 7(3): 275-280, 2011.
- C. E. Orji, C. J. Odii, B. C. Eke and U. S. Mbamara. “Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Ripening Time of Papayas (Carica Papaya) Fruit”. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 7(1): 29-31, 2011.