Precious U. Agigor-Mike

Precious Ugowanyi Agigor-Mike
Precious Ugowanyi Agigor-Mike
Assistant Lecturer
B.Tech. (Mathematics and Computer Science); M.Sc. (Pure Mathematics)
Mrs Precious U. Agigor-Mike is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics. She holds a Masters degree in Pure Mathematics as well as a first-class Bachelor of Technology degree in Mathematics and Computer Science.
Academic Qualification
- First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) – 1999
- Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) – 2004
- Diploma in Computer Operations – 2005
- B.Tech. (Mathematics and Computer Science) – 2012
- M.Sc. (Pure Mathematics) – 2018
- Oracle Certified Associate – 2010
- Member, The Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS)
- Member, Nigerian Women in Mathematics (NWM)
Course Code:
- MTH 101: Elementary Mathematics I
- MTH 201: Mathematical Methods I
- MTH 403: Topology
- MTH 423: Introduction Partial Differential Equations
- Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria
- Assistant Lecturer, February 2018 till date.
- Perform independent research under the supervision of Senior Colleague.
- Assist faculty members with research projects, as well as engage in literature searches.
- Teach as part of a team of eight (8) lecturers teaching first and second-year University general mathematics courses.
- Preparation of personal teaching materials, methods and approaches of taught courses which improved the performance of students by 50%.
- Supervision of undergraduate student works, provision of advice on study skills and helping students personally with their learning problems; which lead to the improved performance of about ten(10) students
- Setting and grading of student assignments, tests and examinations.
- Invigilate examinations; prepare and post student’s grades.
- Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria
- Graduate Assistant, April 2013 till February 2018
- Perform independent research under the supervision of Senior Colleagues.
- Assist a faculty member with a research project as well as engage in literature searches.
- Assist the instructor in preparation of course materials as well as the grading of student assignments, tests and examinations.
- Invigilate examinations and assistance in the preparation and uploading of students’ results to the University’s online results portal.
- Lecture in class in the absence of the course lecturer.
- Perform a variety of administrative tasks including preparation of PowerPoint presentations, data entry and analysis, collating materials and presentations.
- Provide assistance with event planning including supervision of undergraduate students’ project.
- Supervise a computer laboratory, troubleshoot computer systems and printer problems, assist faculty and students with their desktop issues and perform miscellaneous duties as requested by the system administrators including software installation.
Research Interest
- Algebra –Group theory
- Representation theory
- Functional Analysis
- Martins C. Obi, Precious U. Agigor-Mike, Ibb C. Chukwukere, James O. Anyanwu (2019). Some Deductions from the Factorization of Finite Simple Groups. IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM). e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. 15(6) PP 24-28. DOI: 10.9790/5728-1506042428.