Prof. Godwin I. Nwankwor

Prof. G. I. Nwankwor holds a B.Sc. in Geology (Second Class Honours Upper Division) from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). He obtained his M.Sc. and PhD in Earth Science from the University of Waterloo in 1982 and 1985 respectively. Prof. G. I. Nwankwor started his lecturing career in the Federal University of Technology, Owerri in 1985. He has held several administrative positions in the University and served as the Dean School of Science, from 2006-2008 and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration from 2009 -2011. He has vast professional experience, some of which include; teaching Assistant – Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada (1980-1984), Research Assistant – Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada (1983 – 1984), Texaco Oil Company Lagos (Summer Vacation, Offshore Rig, July- September 1973) etc. Prof. G. I. Nwankwor is a member of Council of Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG), Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologist (NAH), National Association of Water Scientist and Engineers (NAWSE), International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH).
Natural resources, climate change and Environment
He has published several papers including the following:
- Nwankwor, G. I., Udoka, U. P., Egboka, B. C., &Opara, A. I. 2015. The Mechanics of Civil –Works Induced Gully Erosion: Applications to Development of Preventive Measures in Southern Eastern Nigeria. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 60-65.
- Nwankwor, G. I., Cherry, J. A., and Gillham, R. W. 1984, A Comprehensive Study of Specific Yield Determination for Shallow Sand Aquifer. Ground Water Vol. 22 (6) Pp. 764 – 772.
- Nwankwor, G. I., Egboka B. C. E. and Orajaka, I. P. 1988. Groundwater occurrence and flow pattern in the Enugu coal-mine area, Anambra State Nigeria, Hydrol. Sc. Jour. Vol. 33 (5), PP 465 – 482.
- Nwankwor, G.I. and B.C. Eche, 1990. Hydrogeological Evaluation of the greater Onitsha Water Scheme. Journal of Mining and Geology. Vol. 28 (2), PP 261 – 267.
- Egboka, B. C. E., Nwankwor, G. I., and Orajaka, I.P. 1990. Implications of Paleo and Neo-tectonics in Gully Erosion-Prone Areas of South-Eastern Nigeria.Natural Hazards. Vol. 3 PP. 219 – 231
- Orajaka, I. P. Onwuemesi, G., Egboka, B. C. E., and Nwankwor, G. I. 1990. Nigerian Coal Mining Magazine.Pp 446 – 451.
- Nwankwor, G. I. and Egboka B. C. E., 1990. Controlling Factors and Management Alternatives for Nigeria Waterlogged (Wetland) Wealth Resources. Water Resources Vol. 1 (1), Pp 125 – 131
- Nwachukwu B.A., Nwankwor G.I. and C.I. Ijioma, 1990. Studies for the reclamation of selected eroded sites in Akwa Thorn State, Nigeria. Wageningen Press, Netherland, Pp. 121 – 130.
- Nwankwor, G. I. 1991. Hydrodynamic Aspects of Oil-Gas Entrapment: A Potential Tool for Petroleum Exploration. Jour. Min and Geol. 27 (2)pp 199-204
- Nwankwor, G. I., Gillham, R.W., Vander-kamp, G. and Akindunni, F. F. 1992 Unsaturated and saturated Flow in response to Pumping of an Unconfined Aquifer: Field Evidence of Delayed Drainage. Ground Water, Vol. 30 (6), pp 690 – 700.
- Nwankwor, G. I., and Egboka, B. C. E. 1993. Leakage properties of the multi-aquifer system underlying and greater Onitsha water scheme borehole field, Anambra State, Nigeria. Hydrol. Sc. Jour. Vol37 (6),pp 557 – 556