Mrs Bridget O. Ubechu

Mrs Bridget Odochi Ubechu
Mrs Bridget Odochi Ubechu
Lecturer I
B.Tech. (Geology), M.Sc. (Hydrogeology)
Tel.: +2348039453416
Ubechu, Bridget Odochi is a Lecturer I in the Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. She had a Second Class Upper division Geology options from the same University and equally holds a Masters (M.Sc.) degree in Hydrogeology. She is a friendly person. She is interested in Environmental Geochemistry and Modelling as a tool for solving groundwater pollution. She has research publications in international refereed journals. She is Member of Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (NAH). She is married with children.
Academic Qualifications
- B.Tech. (Geology), December 2000
- M.Sc. (Hydrogeology), October 2011
- Geostatistics for Environmental Analysis, 2018
- Certificate on the use of 3D Mining and Geological Software for Geological Modeling, Resource Estimation, Mine Design, Mine Scheduling and Mine System, August 2018.
Membership of Professional bodies
- Member, Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS).
- Member, Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (NAH).
Course Code and Courses assigned to teach
- Gly 201: Introductory Geology 1
- GLY 427: Geo-Environmental hazard s
- GLY 535: Element of Climate Change
- GLY 202: Introductory Geology 2
- GLY 212: Geologic Concepts and Principles
- GLY 314: Photogeology and Remote Sensing
Work Experience
- March 2005 – Date: Teaching and Research, Geology Department, FUTO
Research Interests
- Hydrogeology
- Environmental Geochemistry
- Engineering Geology
- Okeke, O. C., Ezeoke, E.I., Onuoha, B.O. (2011). Geotechnical Evaluation of some Lateritic Soil Deposits in Parts of Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria for Road Construction. International Journal of Environmental Science. Vol. 7, No 2
- Okereke, C.N., Onu, N.N., Akaolisa, C.Z.M., Ikoro, D.O., Ibeneme, S.J., Ubechu, B.O., Chinemelu, E.S., Amadikwa, L.O. (2012). Mapping of Gully Erosion Using Remote Sensing Technique: A Case Study of Okigwe area, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering, Research and Applications.Vol. 2, issue 3.pp 1955 – 1967.
- Ibe, K.K., Ibeneme, S.I., Selemo, A.O., Nwagbara J.O., Ikoro, D.O., Obioha, Y.E., Ubechu, B.O., Chinemelu, E.S., Onwuka, C.O. (2013). Geological and Geoelectrical Characterization of the Ukomi Diorite Deposit Lokpaukwu, Umuchieze Area, Southeastern Nigeria: Implications for Establishing a Quarry Site. Scientific Research Journal(SCIRJ). Vol. 1, Issue IV, pp 1 – 11.
- K.K. Ibe, S.I. Ibeneme, Y.E. Obioha, I.O. Eze, I.I. Ibeneme, H.O. Israel, B.O. Ubechu, C.O. Nlemedim. (2013). Foundation Studies in a Rapidly Urbanizing Area: Case Study of Naze, Owerri, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research (IJAST).Vol. 6 Issue 3
- Ibeneme, S.I., Ukiwe, I.N., Selemo, A.O., Okereke, C.N., Nwagbara, J.O., Obioha, Y.E., Essien, A.G., Ubechu, B.O., Chinemelu, E.S., Ewelike, E.A., Okechi, R.N.(2013). Hydrogeochemical Study of Surface Water Resources of Orlu, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Vol. 5(12), pp 670 -675.
- Ibeneme, S.I., Ibe, K.K., Selemo, A.O., Nwagbara, J.O., Obioha, Y.E., Echendu, K.O., Ubechu, B.O., (2013). Geoelectric Investigation of a Proposed Damsite in a Sedimentary Terrain: Case Study of Aba River at Amapu – Ideobia, AkanuNgwa, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Geosciences. Vol. 4, pp 1376 – 1381.
- Ibeneme, S.I., Ibe, K.K., Selemo, A.O., Nwagbara, J.O., Eze, I.O., Ubechu, B.O., Ibeneme, I.I., Nwankwo, E.J., Oparaocha, J.O. (2013). Geoelectrical and Geotechnical Data as Veritable tools for Feasibility Study of the Proposed Imo River Dam Site at Owerrinta, Southeastern Nigeria. Asian Journal of Science and Technology (AJST). Vol. 4, Issue 12, pp 037 – 0445.
- Ibeneme, S.I., Ibe, K.K., Selemo, A.O., Udensi, S.C., Nwagbara, J.O., Eze, I.O., Ubechu, B.O., Onwuka, C.O. (2013). Geoelectrical Assessment of a proposed Damsite around Ehuhe area of Oji River, Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Natural Sciences Research(JNSR). Vol. 3, No 13.
- Ikoro, D.O., Amajor, I.C., Iwuagwu, C.J., Ubechu, B.O., Israel, H.O., Onyekuru, S.O., Ekeocha, N.O. (2014). Pepple Morphometric analysis as an aid to Environmental Determination, A case study of Ajali Sandstone in Nkpologu Southeastern Nigeria.International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development. Issue 4, Vol.3. pp 812 – 828.
- Inyang, G.E., Opara, A.I., Ubechu, B.O., Nwachukwu, H.G., Eluwa, N., Amadi, C.C., Emberga, T.T., and Eke, D.R. (2017). Geophysical Appraisal of the Aquifer Geomaterials of Ugep and Environs, Southeastern Nigeria Using Resistivity Data. Journal of Geography Environment and Earth Science International. 9(2) pp 1-24.
- Ubechu, B.O., Okeke, O.C. Landslide: Causes, Effects and Control. (2017). International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies. Vol 3 Issue 3, pp 647-663.