Mr Francis B. Akiang

Mr Francis Begianpuye Akiang
Mr Francis Begianpuye Akiang
Assistant Lecturer
B.Sc in Applied Geophysics and MSc in Geophysics
Francis B. Akiang holds a BSc. in Applied Geophysics from the University of Calabar, Calabar. He obtained his MSc in Geophysics from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He is currently undertaking a PhD. Programme in Applied Geophysics in the University of Port Harcourt. He has undergone a series of oil and gas training in both Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC) Port Harcourt and CGG veritas Lagos.
Academic Qualifications
- BSc from the University of Calabar in June 2008
- MSc from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka in 2017
Membership of Professional bodies
- Member of Institute of Physics (IOP) UK
- Member of Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP)
Courses assigned to teach:
Undergraduate Courses
- GPH 301: Physics of the earth
- GPH 425: Applied Geophysics
- GPH 503:Exploration method
Work Experience
- Worked in Federal Polytechnic Ekowe as a lecturer lll
- 2018 till date: Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) where he is still serving.
Research Interest
- Environmental Geophysics
- Engineering Geophysics
- Reservoir formation evaluation
- Seismicity
- Akiang F. B., Okeke O. C., Ezetoha N. O and Urom, O. O. (2020).A Review of the Mechanism, Effects and Control of Ground Vibration Associated With Rock Blasting.The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES), Vol. 9, Issue 3, PP 72-80, India.
- Akiang, F. B., George, A. M., Ibeneme, S. I. and Agoha, C. C.(2020). Application of Electrical Resistivity Method in Delineating Brine Contaminated Aquifer in Abakpa Area, Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 5, Issue 4
- S. O. Onyekuru, S. I. Ibeneme, L. O. Ohenhen and F. B. Akiang (2019). Integrating GeoelectricalAnd Hydrogeological Data in Determining Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters of Ikeduru Area, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Geology & Earth Science, Vol. 5, No.1
- Okpomu Bethel Ebikabowei, Mercy Telu and Akiang Francis Begianpuye (2016). An assessment of car owners interest and perception of the use of global positioning system in automobile vehicles. International Journal of Advanced Academic Research | Sciences, Technology & Engineering, vol. 2, issue 8