Emmanuel C. Dioha

Dioha Emmanuel studied for an undergraduate degree in Geology at the Anambra State University (2008), after which he served the nation (NYSC) between 2009/10 at the Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Abuja. He then moved to Germany for an MSc in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience at the Georg-August-University Goettingen which he completed in (2013). He then joined the service of the Federal University of Technology Owerri as an Assistant Lecturer in the Geology Department (2014).
Dioha has to his credit ten publications and has attended several national and international conferences and workshops. He is very proficient in the use of ArcGIS 10.0 and Visual Modflow packages for groundwater modelling.
Research Interests
Dioha’s primary research interests include; Aquifer characterization, vulnerability assessment of aquifers and implications to national and international security and renewable energy (small hydropower plants). He is currently working on Contaminant Hydrogeology with interest in the transport and remediation of organic and inorganic contaminants in groundwater and contaminated land systems of the Niger Delta region in Nigeria and is willing to welcome any proposal in this regards.
International Journal
- Ofulume, A. B., Ibe K. K., Ibeneme, S. I., Dioha, E. C., Chinemelu, E. S., Eluwa, J. C. and Onyeise, U. O. (2018): “ The Petrography, Geochemistry and Potential Applications of Ndi-UdumaUkwu/Ohafia-Ifigh Limestone, Ohafia, S.E. Nigeria.” Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, Vol. 6, No. 1, Pp. 21-26.
- E.C. Dioha, O.C. Okeke, C.C. Z. Akaolisa, A.I. Opara, M.S. Shiru and O.C. Eigbike (2017): “Correlation of 1-D Geoelectric Data to Delineate Groundwater Potential of Uli and Environment, Southeastern Nigeria.” International Journal of Advanced Academic Research, Vol. 3, Issue 3. ISSN: 2488-9849.
- Okeke, O. C., Dioha, E. C., Umeorizu, I. B., Mmerole, M. C., Nwakwasi, N. L. and Ekere, J. T. (2016): “Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Characteristics and Quality Assessment of Groundwater from Shallow Aquifer in Abakaliki Town, Southeastern Nigeria.” International Journal of Advanced Academic Research, Vol. 2, Issue 12. ISSN: 2488-9849, Pp. 60 – 74.
- Dioha Emmanuel, Laura Scherer and Mohammed Shiru (2012): “Geophysical Exploration of Groundwater in a Sedimentary Terrain: A Case Study from Uli over Benin Formation in Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria.” Hydrogeology of Arid Environments March (2012), Hannover Germany. Randolf Rausch et al. (eds.), Borntraeger Science Publishers, ISBN 978-3-443-01070-6, p. 207.
Conference Papers/Proceedings
- Dioha Emmanuel C. (2010): “The Effects of Environmental Degradation on Human and its Habitat: A Focus on Environmental Pollution.” Proc. Geo-Canada 2010 – Working with the Earth. Calgary Alberta, Canada. 10 – 14 May 2010.
- Ederoh Anthony O., Dioha Emmanuel C. and Eigbike Collins O. (2008): “Generating Employment Opportunity by Evaluating the Potentials of Solid Minerals. (A case study of Igarra Marble, Edo State)” Proc. 4th Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists Conference (NAPE). Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. 15 – 18 May 2008, pp. A7 – A8.