Dr Sabinus I. Ibeneme

Dr Sabinus Ikechukwu Ibeneme
Dr Sabinus Ikechukwu Ibeneme
Senior Lecturer
Deputy Director, Information & Communications Technology Center
B.Tech.(Geophysics), M.Sc. (Geophysics), PhD (Applied Geophysics)
Email address: sabinusibeneme@futo.edu.ng
Dr Ibeneme, Sabinus Ikechukwu is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. A first-class graduate of Geophysics from the same University and equally holds a Masters (M.Sc.) degree in Geophysics and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Applied Geophysics from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He has a ULSETP certificate from Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble France. He has a calm and friendly disposition and enjoys fieldwork. He is keenly interested in the application of geology and geophysics to environmental problems, and exploration for mineral deposits, water, fossil fuels, geotechnical Information through foundation studies and scene/hazard monitoring using Remote Sensing Technique. His research focuses on Petroleum Geophysics, Environmental Geophysics, Engineering Geophysics and Forensic Geophysics. He has published over forty-five (45) research works in international referred journals. He is a member of Society of Exploration Geophysicist (SEG), Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE), Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (NAH), International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Nigerian Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (NAEGE), International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), Council of Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG). He is currently the Welfare Officer of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) – FUTO Chapter. He is also the current Deputy Director, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Centre, FUTO. He is married with children.
- Qualifications
- Honours/Awards
- Affiliations
- Courses Assigned to Teach
- Experience
- Research Interest
- Publications
Academic Qualifications
- B.Tech. (Geophysics), November 2002
- M.Sc (Geophysics), October 2008
- PhD (Applied Geophysics), August 2016
- Certificate on Advanced Seismic Interpretation Using OpendTect Software and plugins, July 2019.
- Certificate on the use of 3D Mining and Geological Software for Geological Modeling, Resource Estimation, Mine Design, Mine Scheduling and Mine-System, August 2018.
- ULSETP Certificate, December 2014.
- Certificate on Basic Geoscience Seismic Data Interpretation Using GEO-FRAME Software, January 2010.
- Certificate on Statistical Data Analysis for Researchers Using ANALYSE-IT Software, December 2010.
- Certificate on Foundation Postgraduate Studies in Astronomy and Astrophysics, March 2007.
- Eastern Nigeria Merit Award of Academic Excellence-2015
- Award of Honour by Council of OLGASA, FUTO Chapter-2015
- Professional Service Award by Rotaract Club IMOPOLY-2009
- Best undergraduate Student Awards, FUTO-1998 to 2001
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Member, Society of Exploration Geophysicist (SEG).
- Member, Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE).
- Member, Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS).
- Member, Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (NAH).
- Member, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH).
- Member, Nigerian Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (NAEGE).
- Member, International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG).
- Member, Council of Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG)
Course Code and Courses assigned to teach
- Undergraduate Courses
- GPH 202: Introductory Geophysics (2 Units)
- GPH 301: Physics of the Solid Earth (3 Units)
- GLY 310: Geologic Instrumentation (1 Unit)
- GPH 304: Gravity and Magnetic Methods (2 Units)
- GLY 425: Applied Geophysics (3 Units)
- GPH 401: Remote Sensing (2 Units)
- GPH 403: Exploration Methods II (2 Units)
- GPH 407: Geophysical Field Techniques (2 Units)
- GPH 507: Well Log Analysis (3 Units)
- GPH 572: General Meteorology (2 Units)
- Postgraduate Courses
- MSc Courses
- GPH 801: Physics of the Solid Earth (3 Units)
- GPH 805: Theoretical Seismology (2 Units)
- GPH 811: Instrumentation (2 Units)
- GPH 806: Well Logging and Radiometric (2 Units)
- GPH 808: Remote Sensing (3 Units)
- GLY 823: Subsurface Geological Methods (3 Units)
- GLY 828: Geophysical Exploration Methods (3 Units)
- PhD Courses
- GPH 901: Advanced Physics of the Solid Earth (3 Units)
- GPH 902: Advanced Exploration Geophysics (3 Units)
- MSc Courses
Work Experience
- March 2005 – Date: Teaching and Research, Geology Department, FUTO.
Areas of Research Interest/Specialization
- Petroleum Geophysics
- Environmental Geophysics
- Engineering Geophysics
- Forensic Geophysics
List of Peer-reviewed Publications
- A.Onunkwo, S. I. Ibeneme, S. O. Onyekuru and A. P. Uzoije 2011. Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in Composite Land Capability Index Mapping of a Developing Country (A Case Study of Enugu Area, South-Eastern, Nigeria). Global Jour. of Engg. & Tech. Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 483-492.
- Okereke C.N., Onu N.N., Akaolisa C.Z. Ikoro D.O. Ibeneme S.I., Ubechu B., Chinemelu E.S. & Amadikwa L.O. 2012. Mapping Gully Erosion Using Remote Sensing Technique: A Case Study of Okigwe Area, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA). Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp.1955-1967.
- Okereke C.N., Onu N.N., Ibe K.K., Selemo A.O.I., Opara A.I. Ikoro D.O. Ibeneme S.I. & Oha I.A. 2012. Analysis of Landsat and Aeromagnetic Data for Mapping of Linear Structures: A Case Study of Yola Area, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA). Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp.1968-1977.
- Ibeneme, S.I., Ukiwe, L.N., Essien, A. G., Nwagbara, J.O., Nwaeze, C. A., Chinemelu, E.S. and Ivonye, C. A. 2013. Assessment of the Chemical characteristics of a Spring Water Source at Ife-Owutu, Ezinihite-Mbaise, Southeastern Nigeria. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER). Vol.2, Issue-10, pp. 282-290.
- Ibeneme S. l., Ibe K., Selemo A.O. Udensi S.C. Nwagbara J.O., Eze I. O., Ubechu B.O. Onwuka C.O. 2013. Geoelectrical Assessment of a Proposed Dam Site around Ehuhe Area of Oji River, Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Natural Sciences Research Vol. 3 No 13, pp. 163-170.
- Nwagbara J.O., Ibeneme S.I, Dim E.E., Iroegbu U.K., Selemo A.O. Ejiogu B.C, and Onyekuru S. O. 2013. Hydrogeochemical Analysis of Water Sample From Nworie river, Owerri Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) Vol. 2 Issue 9. pp. 58- 67.
- N. Ukiwe, Allinor J.I., Ejele A.E., Anyadiegwu C.I.C., Ibeneme S.I. 2013. Chemical and Biological Leaching Methods to Remove Heavy Metals from Sewage Sludge: A Review. Journal of Advances in Chemistry Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 509-517.
- Ibeneme S.I., Madubuike, N. C., Okereke, C.N., Nwagbara O., Onunkwo, A.A, Obioha, Y.E, and Oha, I.A. 2013. Structural And Land Cover Mapping of Ohafia Area, Southeastern Nigeria, Using Remote Sensing Technique. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Issue 3, Vol.6 pp 1-8.
- Ibeneme S. I., Okereke C. N., Selemo A. O., Onu N. N., Onyekuru S. O., Nwagbara J. O., Ikoro D. O., and Enwerem C. I. 2013. Structural Styles Interpreted From Aeromagnetic And Land sat Data Of Bel and Adjoining Areas, Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Geoscience vol. 2, Issue 6 pp 50-55.
- Ibe Kalu K., Ibeneme Sabinus I., Selemo Alex O., Nwagbara Johnbosco O., Ikoro Diugo O., Obioha Young E., Ubechu Bridget O., Chinemelu Ekeoma S. and Onwuka Chibuike O. 2013. Geological And Geoelectrical Characterization Of the Ukomi Diorite Deposit Lokpaukwu, Umuchieze Area, South Eastern Nigeria: Implications for Establishing a Quarry Site. Scientific Research Journal, Volume I, Issue IV, pp 1-11.
- K. Ibe, S.I. Ibeneme, I.O. Eze, I. L. Ibeneme, H.O. Israel, B.O. Ubechu, C.O. Nlemadim 2013. Foundation Studies in a Rapidly Urbanising Area: Case Study of Naze, Owerri Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 3 Volume 6, pp 124-140.
- Ibeneme, L. N. Ukiwe, A. O. Selemo C. N. Okereke, J. O. Nwagbara, Y. E. Obioha, A. G. Essien, B. O. Ubechu, E. S. Chinemelu, E.A Ewelike and R. N. Okechi. 2013. Hydrogeochemical Study of Surface Water Resources of Orlu, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Vol. 5 pp 670-675.
- Ibeneme S.I., Ibe K.K., Selemo A.O., Nwagbara J.O., Eze I.O., Ubechu B.O., Ibeneme I.L., Nwankwo E.J., Oparaoha J.O. 2013. Geoelectrical and Geotechnical Data as Veritable tools for the Feasibility Study of the Proposed Imo River Dam site at Owerrinta, Southeastern Nigeria. Asian Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 4 Issue 12, pp.037-044.
- Ibeneme S.I., Ibe K.K., Selemo A.O., Nwagbara J.O., Obioha Y.E., Echendu K.O., Ubechu B.O. 2013. Geoelectrical Investigation of a proposed Dam Site in a sedimentary terrain: Case Study of Aba River at Amapu-Ideobia, Akanu Ngwa, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Geosciences, 4(10), 1376-1381.
- Ibeneme Sabinus I., Nwosu Chinedu O., Ibe Kalu K. 2013. Aspects of Geology of Ganawuri Area of North Central Nigeria: Evidence from Field, Petrographic and Geotechnical Studies. International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology 2(12), pp 3568-3577.
- I. Ibeneme, A.B.Ofulume, R.N.Okechi, I.V.Haruna, L.N.Ukiwe, J.U.Udensi, J.C.Nwachukwu and H.U. Adorah 2014. Assessment of the Quality of Water Resources of Ahaba and Ovim Areas, Isuikwuato, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Volume 3, No.1 pp. 181-193.
- Nnokwe N.N., Ibe K.K., Ibeneme S.I., Selemo A.O., Nwagbara J.O. 2014. Geoelectrical Characterization of Rock Formations Underlying Idonyi River Amaeke-Abam, Southeastern Nigeria. American Journal of Physics and Applications Vol. 2 No 1, pp. 35-45.
- Ibeneme S. I., Idiong I. A., Nwagbara J.O., Selemo A. O., Israel H. O. 2014. Assessment of the Engineering Significance of Geomaterials derived from a borrow pit at Ugwu Orlu Southeastern Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining 4, No.1 pp 1-8.
- Ibeneme S.I. and Selemo A.O. 2014. Hydrogeophysical Approach in Aquifer-Trend Determination around the Western Part of the Lower Imo River Basin Southeastern Nigeria. Elixir Geoscience 67, pp. 21148-21153.
- I. Ibeneme, C.O. Nwosu, A.O.I Selemo and K.K. Ibe. 2014. Application of Geoelectrical Technique in Delineating Geological Structures around Ganawuri Dam Area, North Central Nigeria. International Research Journal of Natural Sciences Vol.2, No.1, pp. 18-26.
- N.Nnokwe, K.K. Ibe, F.I. Chinyem, D.O. Ikoro, S.I. Ibeneme. 2014. Geological and Soil Bearing Capacity Study of the Proposed Idonyi River Dam Site Amaeke-Abam, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science &Technology. Vol.3, No. 1, pp 71-84 February 2014.
- Ibeneme S.I., Okereke C.N., Iroegbu C., Etiefe E.O. 2014. Vertical Electrical Sounding for Aquifer Characterization around the Lower Orashi River Sub-Basin Southeastern Nigeria. Communications in Applied Sciences Volume 2 Number 1, pp 36-51.
- Uzoije A.P, Onunkwo – A, A, Ibeneme, S.I. and Obioha, E.Y. 2014. Hydrogeology of Nsukka Southeast, – A Preliminary Approach to Water Resources Development. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), vol.3, Issue-01, pp. 150-162.
- Kelechi Denis Opara, Young E. Obioha, Samuel Okechukwu Onyekuru, Chikwendu Okereke, Sabinus Ikechukwu Ibeneme. Petrology and Geochemistry of Basement Complex Rocks in Okom-Ita Area, Oban Massif, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Geosciences. Vol. 5, pp. 394-407.
- Ukiwe L.N., Ibeneme S.I., Duru C.E., Okolue B.N., Onyedika G.O., Nweze C.A. 2014. Chemical and Electro-coagulation Techniques in Coagulation-Flocculation in Water and Wastewater Treatment- A Review. Journal of Advances in Chemistry. Vol. 9, No. 3.
- Ikoro D.O, Amajor L.C, Inyang D.O, Okereke C.N, Ekeocha N.O, Ibeneme S.I, Israel H.O, Nwagbara J.O and Essien, A.G. 2014. Facies Model Determination Using Markov Chain Analysis: A Case Study of Ajali Sandstone in Ohafia-Igbere, Southeastern Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining (IRJGM) (2276-6618) Vol. 4(7) pp. 188-198.
- Sabinus I. Ibeneme, Kalu K. Ibe and Nwankwo I. Stephen. 2014. Geoelectrical and Geotechnical Evaluation of Foundation Beds at Naze, Owerri Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 77-94.
- Chinyem F.I., Aweto, K.E., Ohwoghere-Asuma O., Ibeneme S.I. Integrated Very Low-Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) Profiling and Electrical Resistivity sounding for Groundwater Investigation: A Case Study of Igbonla and Environs, Central Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment, Vol.13 No.1 pp. 94-107.
- O. Onyekuru, C. N. Okereke, S. I. Ibeneme, A. O. Nnaji, C. Z. Akaolisa, C. A. Ahiarakwem, M. O. Ibecheozo and L. N. Ukiwe 2014. An Evaluation of the Spatial Distributions of the Physico-Chemical and Microbial Contents of Nworie River in Owerri, Southeastern Nigeria. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology. Vol.4 No. 25, pp. 3687-3700.
- Onunkwo, A. A, Ibeneme S.I, Obioha Y.E 2014. Present (2014) geochemical and microbial trends of underground water affected by 2012 flooding in Nigeria- a case study of Oguta area –Niger delta basin of southern Nigeria. The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) Volume 3 Issue 8, pp. 60-64.
- Ukiwe L. N., Ibeneme S. I., Alisa C. O., Chijioke-Okere M. 2016. Evaluation of Inorganic Coagulants in the removal of Turbidity, Electrical Conductivity and Chemical Oxygen Demand in Waste Water. American Journal of Science and Technology Vol.3, No.1 pp 12-16.
- Young Ezenwa Obioha, Akuunne A Onunkwo, Chikwendu N Okereke, Sabinus I Ibeneme, Sam Onyekuru, Hope Isreal, Bridget Ubechu 2016. Geotectonothermal Evolution of Granitoids of Northwest Obudu Plateau, Bamenda Massif, Southeastern Nigeria: Geochemistry Evidence. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 3(3), pp. 429-438
- Selemo, A. O. I., Atunima, E. J., Akaolisa, C. Z., Onyekuru, S.O., Okereke, C. N., Ibeneme, S. I., Ezekiel, J.C. and Njoku, I. O. 2016. Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Trends of the Clastic Deposits in Parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 6.
- Ibeneme Sabinus Ikechukwu, Ibe Kalu Kalu, Eluwa Ndidiamaka Nchedo, Chinyem Felix Iwebunor, Nwankwo Stephen, Bulus Joseph Azi, Echendu Obi Kingsley 2017. Electrical Resistivity and River Flow Velocity Studies of Ebonyi River Bridge Sites at Onicha-Oshiri and Idembia Areas, Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 59-65.
- Anuba Basil Ofulume, Sabinus Ikechukwu Ibeneme, Donatus Maduka Orazulike, Ibrahim Vela Haruna, Sani Aishatu, Diugo Okechukwu Ikoro, Stephen Ikpendu Nwankwo, Nnaemeka Oluchukwu Ezetoha, Joseph Azi Bulus 2017. The Gboko Limestone, Yandev, Benue State, Nigeria: Geology, Geochemistry and Industrial Potentials. Geomaterials, Vol. 7, pp. 51-63
- Ofulume A. B., Ibe K. K., Ibeneme S. I., Dioha E. C., Chinemelu E. S., Eluwa J. C., Onyeise U. O. 2018. The Petrography, Geochemistry and Potential Applications of Ndi-Uduma Ukwu/Ohafia-Ifigh Limestone, Ohafia, S.E. Nigeria. Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 21-26.
- Ibeneme Sabinus I., Oha Ifeanyi A., Abdulsalam Nasir N and Onuoha Mosto K. 2018. Improved Mapping of the Structural Disposition of some Younger Granite Ring Complexes of Nigeria using High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data. Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 1-13
- Onunkwo A. A., Ibeneme S. I. and Dioha E. C. 2018. Characterization of the Chemical Facies and Assessment of the Pollution Status of the Groundwater Resources of Mgbee Area, Southeastern Nigeria. FUTO Journal series, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp235-249.
- O. Onyekuru, S. I. Ibeneme, L. O. Ohenhen and F. B. Akiang 2019. Integrating Geoelectrical and Hydrogeological Data in Determining Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters of Ikeduru Area, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Geology and Earth Sciences. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 56-72.
- Samuel Okechukwu Onyekuru, Ikechukwu Onyema Njoku, Ukamaka Nwachiani Nwigbo, Diugo Ikoro Okereke, Sabinus Ibeneme Ikechukwu Quantitative Fault-Seal Prediction in ‘Ikeuka’ field, Onshore Niger Delta Nigeria. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, Issue 7, pp 72-79.
- Victor Inumidun Fagorite, Cosmas Ahamefuna Ahiarakwem, Sabinus Ikechukwu Ibeneme, Ekeoma Sandra Chinemelu, Judith Ifeanyi Ukwajiunor, Chidimma Maria Abiahu, John Olalekan Poopola 2019. Microbial Assay of Otamiri River and its Sediments in Parts of Owerri. Journal of Geoscience and Environmental Protection, Vol. 7 pp 155-166.
- Mbagwu E. C., Ibeneme S. I., Okereke C. N. and Ezebunanwa A. C. 2019. Hydrogeophysical Evaluation of Aquifer Units around the Lower Orashi River Area, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Academic Research, Vol. 5, Issue 8 pp.1-29.
- Ibeneme Sabinus I., Okoro Chiedozie, Ezetoha Nnaemeka O., Ahiarakwem Cosmas A., Nwankwor Godwin I. 2019. Integrating Field and Landsat data in Structural Mapping of Gully Erosion Sites within Orlu-Okigwe Axis Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies, Vol. 4, Issue 5 pp. 696-707.
- Okorie Obinna Jamin, Ibeneme Sabinus Ikechukwu, Ibe Kalu Kalu and Nwokeabia Charity Nkiru 2019. Integrated Geoscientific Investigation around the Proposed Nnfuru Dam Site in Nunya Area Isuikwuato Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Academic Research, Vol. 5, Issue 8 pp. 30-36.
- Kevin C. Igwilo, Emmanuel E. Okoro, Okorie Agwu, Christopher Onedibe, Sabinus I. Ibeneme and Nnanna O. Okoli 2019. Experimental Analysis of Persea Americana as Filtration Loss Control Additive for Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, Vol. 44, pp. 8-21.
- Obua Uchenna H., Okeke Osita C., Onyekuru Samuel O., Ibeneme Sabinus I., Obua Pamela C. 2019. GeoEnvironmental Implications of Heavy Metals Distribution in Parts of Lagos Lagoon, Southern Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics, Volume 7, Issue 5, Ser. 1, pp. 26-34.
- Omoko Ejiro Newton, Ahiarakwem Cosmas Ahamefula, Ibeneme Sabinus Ikechukwu, Onyekuru Samuel Okechukwu, Nwankwor Godwin Ifedilichukwu 2019. Assessing the Effects of Heavy Metal Concentration in Sediments within Onne and Environs Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 36-41.
- Kadiri A. Tijani, Akaolisa Casmir C.Z., Ibeneme Sabinus I., Opara Alexander I., Selemo Alexander O.I. 2020. Structural Interpretation and Reservoir Characterization of Ohaji Field, Niger Delta using 3D Seismic and Well Log Data. British Journal of Earth Sciences Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-16.