Dr Diugo O. Ikoro

Dr Diugo Okereke Ikoro
Dr Diugo Okereke Ikoro
Senior Lecturer
Tel.: +2348033245906
Email: diugo.ikoro@futo.edu.ng; ikorodiugoo@gmail.com
Dr Ikoro, Diugo O is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology Owerri. He attended his primary education at the Clifford Road Primary School Aba where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) in 1972. He obtained his West African School Certificate in 1977 from Item High school Item. He did a three-year course at Federal School of Arts and Science Aba and graduated in 1981. He later proceeded to the University of Benin, Benin City where he graduated with a B. Sc. Degree in Geology in 1984. He had his M.Sc. in Petroleum Geology in 1999 and also a PhD degree in Petroleum Geology in 2014 from Federal University of Technology, Owerri and University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt respectively. Dr D. O. Ikoro has worked at the College of advance studies (CAS) Zaria, OBM Mining Company Jos, Vimprof Water Borehole Drilling Co. Aba and currently with the Department of Geology Federal University of Technology, Owerri. He is married with four children.
Published papers in refereed journals
- Chikwendu, Njoku Okereke and DiugoOkerekeIkoro (2011).Structural Analysis of the Aeromagnetic Data of parts of the Imo River Basin Southeastern Nigeria. Natural and Applied Science Journal Vol. 12.No. 1.pp. 1- 12.
- D.O.Ikoro, A.E. Agumanu and C. N. Okereke (2012).Tectonic and Paleoenvironmental Significance of Clay mineral suites in Southern Benue Trough. International Journal of Emerging Trend in Engineering and Development, Issue 2, Vol.2 pp. 1- 16 (March 2012)
- D. O. Ikoro, C. N. Okereke, A.E. Agumanu, H. O. Israel and N.E. Ekeocha (2012).Geochemistry of the Calc-Silicates of Igarra Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Trend in Engineering Development. Issue 2, Vol. 2 pp 35 – 45(March.2012).
- Okereke, C. N., Onu, N. N., Ibe, k.k., Selemo, A. O.I., Opara, A. I., Ikoro, D. O., Ibeneme, S. I. and Oha, I. A. (2012).Analysis of Landsat and Aeromagnetic Data for Mapping of linear structures. A Case Study of Yola Area, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria.International Journal of Emerging Research and Application, Vol.2, Issue 3, May- June 2012, pp. 1968-1977.
- Okereke, C. N., Onu, N. N., Akaolisa, C. Z., Ikoro, D. O., Ibeneme, S. I., Ubechu, B., Chinemelu, E. S. and Amadikwa, L. O. (2012).Mapping Gully Erosion using Remote sensing Technique: A Case Study of Okigwe Area, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Research and Applications, Vol.2, Issue 3 (May – June) 2012, pp 1955-1967.
- Ekeocha, N. E., Ikoro, D. O. and Okoronkwo, S. E.(2012).ElectricalRestivity Investigation of Solid Waste dumpsite at Rumuekpolu in ObioAkpor L.G.A. River State Nigeria. InternationalJournal of Science and Technology, Vol.1, No 11, Nov. 2012.
- IbeKalu K., IbenemeSabinus I., Selemo Alex O., NwagbaraJohnbosco O., IkoroDiugo O., Obioha Young E., Ubechu Bridget O., ChinemeluEkeoma S. and Onwukwe (2013).Geological and Geoelectrical Characterization of the Ukomi Diorite Deposit Lokpanukwu, Umuchieze Area, Southeastern Nigeria: Implications for Establishing a Quarry Site. Scientific Research Journal, Volume 1 Issue III November 2013 pp. 1- 11.
- Ibeneme, S. I., Okereke, C. N., Selemo, A. O.., Onu, N. N., Onyekuru, S. O., Nwagbara, J. O., Ikoro, D. O. and Enwerem, C. I. (2013).Structural StylesInterpreted from the Aeromagnetic and Landsat Data of Bel and Adjoining Areas, Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Geosciences Vol.2, Issue 6, Nov. 2013.
- Lazarus Ifeanyi Okoroji, Johnbosco Okechukwu Nwagbara and Diugo OkerekeIkoro(2013).The Economic Effects of Oil Spill on Fisheries and Tourism, Open Research Journal of Economics.Vol 1 No 1. Aug.2013. pp 01-19
- N. N. Nnokwe, K. K. Ibe, F. I. Chinyem, D. O. Ikoro and S. I. Ibeneme (2014).Geological and Soil Bearing Capacity Studies of Proposed Idonyi River Dam Site, AmaekeAbam area Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science and Technology Vol.3, No.1 Feb. 2014.pp 71-84
- Ikoro, D. O., Amajor, L. C., Iwuagwu, C. J., Ubechu, B. O., Israel H. O., Onyekuru, S. O. and Ekeocha, N.E.(2014).Pebble Morphometric Analysis As Aid To Environmental Determination: A Case Study of Ajali Sandstone in Nkpologu Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Trend in Engineering and Development. Issue 4 Vol. 3 May 2014, pp 812-823
- Ikoro, D. O., Amajor, L. C., Inyang, D. O., Okereke, C. N., Ekeocha, N. O., Ibeneme, S. O., Israel, H. O., Nwagbara, J. O. and Essien, A. G. (2014).Facies Model Determination Using Markov Chain Analysis: A Case Study of Ajali Sandstone in Ohafia-Igbere Southeastern Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining Vol. 4(7) 188-198 November 2014.
- Ikoro D. O.(2014). Depositional Environment of the Exposures of TuronianEze-Aku Formation at Uwakanda 1 Southeastern Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining Vol. 4(6) pp 143 – 153, September 2014.
- Asukwo, EssienItam., David, OkonInyang., Etie, Ben Akpan andDiugoOkerekeIkoro. (2015). Pebble Morphometric Analysis of Awi Formation in Calabar Flank Nigeria.Journal of Educational Research and Technology Vol. 4, No.4 pp 93-110Spring 2015.
- Nwankwo. I. L., Ekeocha, N. E. and Ikoro, D. O. (2015).Evaluation of Deviation of Some Soil Contamination Indicators Due to Oil Spillage in Akinima, Rivers State.Scientific Research Journal. Vol. III, Issue VII, July 2015.
- F. K. Onu., D. O. Ikoro., U. C. Emeruem and D. O. Inyang (2015).Discrimination of Depositional Environment Using Statistical Parameters of Conglomeratic Outcrop Sections Obubura Southeastern Nigeria. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology 6(1): 24 – 33, 2015, Article no. BJAST.2015.064
- Chikwendu N. Okereke., Diugo O. Ikoro., AmadiChinyere and Okore O. Okoroafor (2015). Groundwater Accessibility Using Remote Sensing Technique: A Case Study of Orlu and Adjoining Area Southeastern Nigeria. Science Research Journal, Vol.III, Issue VIII, August 2015.
- Ideozu R. U. and Ikoro D.O. (2015). Sedimentology of Conglomeratic Beds within OdoroIkpe – Arochukwu Axis: Afikpo Basin Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Geology and Mining Vol.5(3) pp 31- 45, August 2015.
- D. O. Inyang, D. O. Ikoro, A. E. Itam and U.S. Umana(2016). Palynological Analysis of T-Well Located Southwestern Niger Delta: Implication in Age and Paleoenvironment. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International 8(3): 1-9, 2016; Article no JGEESI. 26211.
- ChikwenduNjokuOkereke, DiugoOkerekeIkoro, Ideozu Richmond and UwemBasseyAbia (2016). Remote Sensing Techniques as Exploration Tool for Groundwater in Parts of Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria, The International Journal of Engineering and Science. Vol 5 Issue 5 pp 53 – 58 2016
- Nnabuihe, I. K., Okeke, O. C., Israel, H. O., Obioha Y. E. and Ikoro, D. O. (2016). Groundwater Pollution and Remediation: Trend and Practices. International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 8, Issue 06.pp32801-32814, June 2016.
- Onwuegbuchulam, C. O., Ikoro, D. O., Okrereke, C. N. and Nwugha V. N.(2016).Applicational of Very Low Frequency – Electromagnetic (VLF- EM) Method to Map Fractures/Conductive Zones in Auchi Southwestern Nigeria. The International Journal Of Engineering And Sciences, Vol.5, Issue 5, pp 07 – 13, 2016.
- Onunkwo, A. A., Ikoro, D.O. and Israel, H. O. (2016). Evaluation of Water Drilling Problems in Transition Aquifer: A Case Study of Ogwashi – Asaba and Benin Formation Boundrieswithin Orlu Area, Imo Sedimentary Basin SE Nigeria. Scientific Research Journal Volume 1V, Issue X1 Nov. 2016.
- Cyril E. Ukaonu, Samuel O.Onyekuru and Diugo O. Ikoro (2017).Facies Architecture and Reservoir Properties of Companian–MaastrichtianNkporo Formation in Anambra Basin Nigeria. Scientific Research Journal, Vol. V Issue II, February 2017.
- Anuba Basil Ofulume, Sabinus Ikechukwu Ibeneme, Donatus Maduka Orazulike, Ibrahim Vela Haruna, Sani Aishatu, Diugo Okechukwu Ikoro, Stephen Ikpendu Nwankwo, Nnaemeka Oluchukwu Ezetoha, Joseph Azi Bulus. (2017).The Gboko Limestone, Yandev, Benue State, Nigeria: Geology, Geochemistry and Industrial Potentials. Scientific Research Publishing Geomaterials, 2017,7, 51- 63. April 13,
- Okereke C. N., Ikoro D. O., Israel H. O. and Onwuegbuchulam C. O.(2017). Structural Analysis of Geological Features Using Landsat Data: A Case study of Afikpo and its Environs, Southeastern Nigeria. Elixir International Journal, Geology 107(2017) 47103 – 47108
- S. O. Onyekuru, OkoroEze M., Opara K D., Agumanu A. E. and Ikoro D. O.(2017).Paleoenvironment and Provenance Studies of Ajali Sandstone in Igbere Area, Afikpo Basin Nigeria. The International Journal of Engineering And Science. Vol 6, Issue 2, pp19 -30, 2017.
- Monday UdofiaUdo, Clement Bassey Paul Udofia and IkoroDiugoOkereke. (2017). Petrographic and Provenance Study of Late Eocene – Late Oligocene Epoch Sediments of Wells X and Y Fields, Central Depobelt, Niger Delta Nigeria. International Basic and Applied Research Journal Vol. 3 No. 7 July 2017 pp 1-12.