Dr. Chikwendu N. Okereke

Dr Chikwendu Njoku Okereke is a Geophysicist, author and co-author of a geoscience text and several journal publications in geophysics.
He was educated at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. He began his research career at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri before he became a Reader. He teaches several courses in Geophysics, Remote Sensing, Data Processing and Geophysical Instrumentation. He was appointed the Acting Head of Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics in the School of Environmental Sciences on July 1, 2015. He was appointed the acting Head of Department of Science Laboratory Technology in the School of Physical Sciences on July 1, 2018.
Chikwendu has been a member of the Boards of the School of Physical Sciences and School of Environmental Sciences, Departmental Board (Geology) and Departmental Board(Surveying and Geoinformatics). He is also a member of the following professional bodies, namely, Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (NAH) and Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP).
Academic Qualifications
- PhD Geophysics 2012
- M.Sc. Geophysics 1996
- B.Sc. Tech. Industrial Physics 1987
Research Interests
Geomagnetic, Tectonism and Remote Sensing.
- Okereke, C. N., Ikoro, D. O., Israel, H. O., & Onwuegbulam, C. O. (2017). Structural Analysis of Geological Features Using Landsat Data: A Case Study of Afikpo and its environs, Southeastern Nigeria. Elixir International Journal (107) 2017
- Opara, A. I., C. C. Agoha & C. N. Okereke. Low-Velocity Layer Characterization in the Niger Delta: Implications for Seismic Reflection Data Quality. (2017).. Journal of the Geological Society of India. 90(2): 129-258. August 2017
- Osaki Lawson Jack, Opara Alexander Iheanyichukwu, Okereke Chikwendu Njoku, Adiela Uche Petters, Njoku Ikechukwu Onyema, Emberga Theophilus Terhemba and Eluwa Ndidiamaka (2016). 3-D Seismic Interpretation and Volumetric Estimation of “Osaja Field” Niger Delta, Nigeria. International Letters of Natural Sciences, Vol. 59, pp 14-28
- Selemo, A. O. I., Atunima, E. J., Akaolisa, C. Z., Onyekuru, S. O., Okereke, C. N., Ibeneme, S. I., Ezekiel, J.C. and Njoku, I. O. (2016). Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Trends of the Clastic Deposits in Parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 6, June-2016
- Chikwendu Njoku Okereke, Diugo Okereke Ikoro, Ideozu Richmond, Uwem Bassey Abia (2016). Remote Sensing Technique as Exploration Tool for Groundwater in parts of the Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria. The International Journal of Engineering and Science, Vol. 5, Issue 5, 53-58.
- Onwuegbuchulam, C. O., Ikoro, D. O., Nwugha, V. N. Okereke, C. N. (2016) Application of Very Low-Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) Method to Map Fractures/Conductive Zones in Auchi South-Western Nigeria. The International Journal of Engineering and Science, Vol. 5, Issue 5, 07-13.
- Agoha, C. C., Opara, A. I., Okereke, C. N., Onwubuariri, C. N., Emberga, T. T., Inyang, G. E., Ugwuegbu, I. E., Chilaka, J. C. (2015) Weathered Layer Determination and its effects on Engineering Structures: A case study of parts of the Niger Delta. World Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 40-51.
- Okereke, C. N., Ikoro, D.O., Amadi, Chinyere, Okorafor, O.O. (2015) Groundwater Accessibility Using Remote Sensing Technique: A Case Study of Orlu and Adjoining Areas, Southeastern Nigeria. Scientific Research Journal, Vol.III, Issue VIII, 12-20.
- Okengwo, O. N., O. C. Okeke, C. N. Okereke and A. C. Paschals (2015) Geological and Geotechnical Studies of Gully Erosion at Ekwulobia, Oko and Nanka Towns, Southeastern Nigeria. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 20.20.1, 113-122.
- Ibeneme, O.N., Okereke, C. N., Iroegbu, C., and Etiefe, O.N. (2014) Vertical Electrical Sounding for Aquifer Characterization around the Lower Orashi River Sub-Basin, Southeastern Nigeria. Communications in Applied Sciences, Volume 2, Number 1, 36-51.
- Onyekuru, S. O., Okereke, C.N., Ibeneme, S.I., Nnaji, A.O., Akaolisa, C.Z., Ahiarakwem, C.A., Ibecheozo, M.O., and Ukiwe, L.N. (2014) An Evaluation of the spatial distributions of the Physico-chemical and Microbial contents of Nworie River in Owerri, Southeastern Nigeria. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology 4(25): 3887-3700.
- Ikoro D.O., Amajor L.C., Inyang D.O. , Okereke C.N., Ekeocha N.O., Ibeneme S.O., Israel H.O., Nwagbara J.O. and Essien A.G.(2014). Facies Model Determination Using Markov Chain Analysis: A Case Study of Ajali Sandstone in Ohafia-Igbere, Southeastern Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining, Vol. 4(7): 188-198.
- Opara, K.D., Obioha, Y.E., Onyekuru, S.O., Okereke, Chikwendu Njoku, Ibeneme, S. I., (2014) Petrology and Geochemistry of Basement Complex Rocks in Okom-Ita in Okom-Ita Area, Oban Massif, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Geosciences, 5,394-407.
- Ibeneme, S. I., Ukiwe, L. N., Selemo, A. O., Okereke, C. N., Nwagbara, J. O., Obioha, Y. E., Essien, A. G., Ubechu, B. O., Chinemelu, E. S., Ewelike, E. A. & Okechi, R. N. (2013). Hydrogeochemical Study of Surface Water Resources of Orlu, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering.Vol.5(12), Dec.2013.
- Ibeneme, S. I., Okereke, C. N., Selemo, A. O., Onu, N. N., Onyekuru, S. O., Nwagbara, J. O., Ikoro, D. O. & Enwerem, C. I. (2013). Structural Styles Interpreted from Aeromagnetic and Landsat Data of Bel and Adjoining Areas, Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Geoscience. Vol. 2, Issue 6, Nov 2013.
- Ibeneme, S. I., Madubuike, N. C., Okereke, C. N., Nwagbara, J.O., Onunkwo, A. A., Obioha, Y. E. & Oha, I. A. (2013). Structural and Land Cover Mapping of Ohafia Area, Southeastern Nigeria, Using Remote Sensing Technique. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development.Issue 3, Vol.6, Nov 2013.
- Onunkwo, A.A., Nwankwo, G.I., Uzoije, A.P. & Okereke, C.N., (2012). Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in Accuracy Assessment of Existing Land Use Map: A Case Study of Enugu Area, South-Eastern Nigeria. American Journal of Environmental Engineering 2012, 2(4): 69-79.
- Nwagbara, J. O., Nwugha, V.N., Okorie, J.O., Okereke, C.N., & Chinemelu, E.S.(2012). Geophysical Estimate of the depth of some anomalous geologic features in part of Lower Benue Trough. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development.Issue 2, Vol.4, May 2012.
- Okereke,C.N.,Nwagbara,J.,Onyekuru,S.,Okoro,R. & Chinemelu,E.S.(2012). Interpretation of Structural Features based on Nigeria Sat-1 Imagery of Benin City and its environs. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development.Issue 2, Vol.4, May 2012.
- Opara, A.I., Ekwe, A.C., Okereke, C.N., Oha, I.A. & Nosiri, O.P. (2012). Integrating Airborne Magnetic and Landsat Data for Geologic Interpretation over part of the Benin Basin, Nigeria. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1. May 2012 (Spring), pp. 556-571.
- Okereke, C.N., Onu, N.N., Akaolisa, C.Z., Ikoro, D.O., Ibeneme, S.I., Ubechu, B., Chinemelu, E.S. & Amadikwa, L.O. (2012). Mapping of Gully Erosion Using Remote Sensing Technique: A Case Study of Okigwe Area, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Research And Applications. Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-June 2012.pp 1955-1967.
- Okereke, C.N., Onu, N.N., Opara, A.I., Selemo, A.O.I., Ibe, K.K., Ikoro, D.O. & Oha, I.A. (2012). Analysis of Landsat and Aeromagnetic Data for Mapping Linear Structures: A Case Study of Yola Area, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Research And Applications. Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-June 2012.pp 1955-1967.
- Ikoro, D. O., Okereke, C. N., Agumanu, A.E., Israel, H.O. & Ekeocha, N.E. (2012). Geochemistry of the Calc-Silicate Rocks of Igarra, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development.Issue 2, Vol.2.
- Ikoro, D.O., Agumanu, A.E. & Okereke, C. N. (2012). Tectonic and Paleoenvironmental Significance of Clay Mineral Suites in the Southern Benue Trough. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development.Issue 2, Vol.2.
- Okereke, C.N. (2012). Lineament Mapping of Part of the Upper Benue Trough Using Remote Sensing Data. International Journal of Advancement in Environmental Science, Vol. 8, No.2, pp 61-67.
- Okereke, C.N., Ezeji, E, Onunkwo, A.A. & Israel, H. (2012). Analysis of the Aeromagnetic Data of Lower Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development. Issue 2, Vol.2.
- Okereke, C.N. and Ikoro, D.O. (2011). Structural Analysis of the aeromagnetic data of part of the Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria. Natural & Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1.
- Selemo, A. O. I., Okereke, C. N., Nwagbara, J. O. & Onyekuru, S. O. (2011). Mapping of Major Geologic Ring Structures Using Nigeria sat-1 Imagery in Jos Area and Environs, North Central, Nigeria. International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol.4, No 4.
- Okereke, C.N. and Ananaba, S.E. (2006).Deep Crustal Megalineaments Inferred from the Aeromagnetic Anomalies Over the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Mining and Geology, Vol. 42(2), 2006, pp.127-131.
- C.J. Iwuagwu, C.A. Ahiarakwem, C.N. Okereke & S.O. Onyekuru. (2006). An Introduction to Geology (Part One) Cape Publishers Int’l Ltd, Abuja. 109p.
- Okereke, C.N. (2004). Using Aeromagnetic Map to Estimate Depth to Some Anomalous Geologic Features in the Western Niger Delta, Nigeria. Advances In Geosciences, Vol. 2, Geology Dept., FUTO. pp. 65-72.