Prof. Paschal C. Njoku

Prof. Paschal Chukwuemeka Njoku
Professor of Analytical Environmental Chemistry
Prof P.C Njoku is a well-experienced chemist with over 25 years’ research, teaching and publication excellence. He has great knowledge and apt for environmental and analytical chemistry. He has published over 52 papers in Internationally recognized peer-review journals in his area of research with over 2000 citations. He has presented and attended well over 50 conferences. He has supervised numerous undergraduate theses and has graduated 35 M. Sc students and 5 PhD students. His hard work earned him the position of External Examiner Undergraduate Imo University 2013 to 2015 and External Examiner Undergraduate Abia State University 2013 to 2015 as well as External Examiner Higher Degree Oral Examination, University of Agriculture, Makurdi 2012 to 2014.
P.C Njoku was Representative Member, Exam Malpractice committee and member committee students work aid scheme in FUTO Owerri. In 2006 He served as the Director of SIWES from 2006-2009 and progressively became the Head of Department of Chemistry from 2009 to 2011. By 2013 Prof P.C Njoku was appointed as a member FUTO Library development committee and from there he became the Director of quality assurance unit FUTO from 2012 to 2015. Chukwuemeka Pascal has served as Visitation/Accreditation member of Nigeria Board for Technical Education (NBTEC) to Polytechnic in the Federal ND/HND SLT Option in Chemistry and Biochemistry and Appraisal Assessor, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri – Imo State
- Fellow, Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria
- Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria
- Fellow, Institute of Administration of Nigeria
- Fellow, Strategic Institute of Natural Resources & Human Development
- Lecturer and Researcher undergraduate courses
- Lecturer and Research Postgraduate courses
- Lecturer and Researcher Masters students
- Lecturer and researcher PhD students
- Isolation and Characterization
- Natural products
- Pollution and pollutants
- Elemental composition
- Kinetic studies
- Environmental assessment
- Heavy metals
- P.C. Joko and M.O Egbukole, C.K. Enenebeaku (2010). “Physio-chemical Characteristics and Dietary Metal Levels of Oil from Elaesis guineensis species”. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. Vol.9 (2) 137-140
- P.C Joko and J.C Onwu (2010). “The study of the Characteristics and rancidity of three species of Elaesis in South East of Nigeria Pakistan J. of nutrition, Vol. 9(8) 759-761
- Sunday Onyekwere Eze, Joseph S. Alakali, Michael D. Ngadi, P.C Joko, K.A. Ayuk (2010). “Rheological/ properties of crude palm oil” International Review of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 2 N.5, 598-605.
- I.J Alinnor and P.C Joko (2010). “Metal levels in freshwater crab Macropipus depurator and the periwinkles Littorina littorea from Kwa Ibo River Nigeria. International J Chem India Vol. 20 No3, 181-187.
- P.C Joko, A.A. Ayuka & C.V. Okoye (2011). “Temperature Effects on Vitamin C content in citrus fruits. Pakistan J. of Nutrition Vol. 10. (12) 1168 – 1169.
- A.A. Ayuk, E.E. Oguzie, P.C Joko & C.E Duru. (2011) “Electrochemical impact of and anions on the catalytic conversion of D-Fructose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) International J. Chem India Vol. 19, No 2, 67-73.
- A.A. Ayuk, E.E. Oguzie, P.C Joko & C.E Duru. (2011) “Novel SnCl2 – H2SO4 mixed catalyst system for fructose conversion to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural. International J. of Chem India Vol. No. 1 75-81.
- Luke N. Ukiwe, Ubaezue U. Egereonu, Paul C. Joko & Christopher I.A Nwoko (2012) Nigeria International Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 4 No. 5. Luke N. Ukiwe, Ubaezue U. Egereonu, Paul C. NJoku & Christopher I.A Nwoko (2012) Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from soil Leachate by Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Nigeria International J. of Chemistry, Vol 4. No 5. 55-61.
- Luke N. Ukiwe, Ubaezue U. Egereonu, Paul C. Joko & Christopher I.A Nwoko (2013) “Combined Chemical and Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) Treatment of PAHs Contaminated Soil”. International J. of Scientific & Engineering Vol. 4 No. 3. 1- 10.
- P.C Joko, E. Nzediegwu, A.A. Ayuk, I.U Efenudu and M.A. Erhayimwen (2014) Anti-nutrient composition of pumpkin leaf (Tolfiaria occidatation) at three temperature regime. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 13 (12): 678 – 682.
- A.P. Uzojie, Joko P.C, Okolie, Justus .I, Enwereuzo, Uzo (2015) “Adsorption of Copper (II) ion on the heterogeneous surface of selected low-cost precursors; an application of isotherm, thermodynamic and kinetic models. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) Vol.2 Issue 1, January – 2015.
- P.C Joko, A.A Ayuk, P.U Atulegwu and J.I Okolie. Equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies on adsorption of zinc (II) from solutions using different low-cost adsorbents (2015). American Journal of Chemistry and applications.
- Opara Alex Iheanyichukwu, Ibe Francis Chizoruo, Joko Pascal Chukwuemeka, Alinnor Jude Ikechukwu and Enenebeaku Conrad Kenechukwu (2015) “Geospatial and Geostatistical analyses of particulate matter (PM10) Concentration in Imo State, Nigeria. International letters of Natural Science. Switzerland. Vol.57, PP 89 – 107.
- Joko Pascal, Ibe Francis Chizoruo, Alinnor Jude and Alex (2016) “Seasonal variability of carbon monoxide (co) in the ancient environment of Imo State Nigeria. International Letters of Natural Sciences. Switzerland. Vol53, pp 40 – 52.
- Ibe, F.C, Joko P.C, Alinnor Jude I. and Opara A.I 2016. Evaluation of Ambient air quality in parts of Imo State, Nigeria. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol.6 (1) 4-52.