Dr Christopher I. A. Nwoko

Dr Christopher Ikpe Amadi Nwoko
Senior Lecturer
B.Sc. (Nig), M.Sc. (FUTO), PhD (FUTO)
Email: Christopher.nwoko@futo.edu.ng
Dr Christopher Nwoko is well experienced and learned Industrial Chemist. He is well-published with several publications in peer-reviewed journals and citations. He lectures across different chemistry curricula such as Chemical thermodynamics to quantum chemistry and Industrial Chemistry. He has attended several conferences and workshops and presented research papers. He serves as a consultant to several companies and laboratories. Dr Christopher Nwoko is currently working on the development of semiconductors from natural biomass resources. He also serves as an editorial member in some peer-reviewed journals.
Dr Nwoko Christopher Ikpe Amadi is a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. He had a National Diploma (NIST) in 1986 as a foundation for his career in science and technology. He obtained his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc., Hons) in the area of Industrial Chemistry from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) in 1990. He went further to study and obtained M.Sc. Degree in Mineral Processing Chemistry, at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) in 1996. He also continued his academic exploration until he bagged a PhD (Physical Chemistry) in 2008 at Federal University of Technology, Owerri. He had sound and solid training in Science Laboratory Management, product development and quality control from various renowned establishments.
- Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN),
- Solar Energy of Nigeria Corrosion Association (NICA)
- Lecturer and Researcher undergraduate courses
- Lecturer and Research Postgraduate courses
- Lecturer and Researcher Masters students
- Lecturer and researcher PhD students
- Waste Management
- Pollution Control
- Raw Material Processing
- Industrial Products development
- Process control
- Engineering Chemistry
- Heavy Metals
- Biomass resources
- Renewable and non-renewable resources
- Sorption Kinetic
- C.I.A. Nwoko, L.N. Ukiwe, U.U. Egereonu, and S.N. Ukachukwu (2014): Seasonal Variation of Heavy Metals Concentrations in Fish in Oguta Lake, Nigeria. Journal of Advances in Chemistry. ISSN 2321-807X. (Vol. 10, No. 7).
- C.I.A. Nwoko, L.N. Ukiwe, U.U. Egereonu, and S.N. Ukachukwu (2015): Assessment of Seasonal Physico-Chemical Parameters of Oguta Lake, Nigeria. Journal of Advances in Chemistry. ISSN 2321-807X. Vol. II, No. 7. Pp. 3759 -3764.
- C.I.A Nwoko and L.N Ukiwe (2016): Physicochemical Characteristics of Soils Treated with Palm Oil Mill Effluent in Three Localities in Imo State, Nigeria. Journal of Pure and Applied Chemical Sciences. Vol. 4, 1,1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/pacs.2016.5127.
- Christopher Ikpe Amadi Nwoko, Nnaemeka Nkemd iOfoego and Atu Ausaji Ayuk (2016): Kinetic Studies of the Desulphurization of a Nigerian Coal Sample Using Sulphuric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. Vol. 5 Issue 4. Pp. 318-327. ISSN: 2278-01211.
- Nwoko Christopher Ikpe Amadi, Okoji Josephine Nkechi and Atu Ausaji Ayuk (2016): Adsorption Properties of Dextrin onto Modified Coal Surface. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. Vol. 4 Issue 5. ISSN: 2321-8169.
- Christopher I.A Nwoko, Eze C. Akanazu and Cynthia E. Ogukwe (2016): Investigation of Distribution Pattern and Variation of Heavy Metals in Roadside along Okigwe Metropolis. American Journal of Chemistry and Applications. Vol. 3 (1):1-7. ISSN: 2381-4527. (Print) ISSN: 2381-4535 (Online).
- Nwoko Christopher Ikpe Amadi, Mbonu Petrolina Ihuoma and Okoji Josephine Nkechi (2016): A Comparative Study of Adsorption of Cyanide onto Dried Peels of Plantain and Banana. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. Vol. 4 Issue 7. Pp. 190-196. ISSN: 2321-8169.
- Nwoko Christopher IkpeAmadi and Okoji Josephine Nkechi (2016): Kinetics and Thermodynamic studies of Dextrin Adsorption on Modified Coal Surface. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. Volume: 4 Issue: 10 PP 34-41, ISSN: 2321-8169.
- Christopher I Nwoko, Onyekwe C. Enyinnaya, Justus I. Okolie and Nkwoada A. (2016): The Proximate Analysis and Biochemical Composition of The Waste Peels of Three Cassava Cultivars. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS). Vol: 2 Issue: 11, pp 64-70, ISSN 2395-3470.
- Nwoko C.I.A, Onyedika G.O, Nkwoada A.U., and Anyanwu G.C (2016). Mineralogical and Physicochemical Assessment of Ihioma Coal in the Imo State of Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC). e-ISSN: 2278-5736. Volume 9, Issue 12 Ver. I. PP. 42-46.
- Nwoko Christoper Ikeamadi, Nkwoada Amarachi Udoka and Onu Uche Lynda (2017). Physiochemical Analysis and Mineralogical Composition of Enugu Coal in Nigeria for Potential Utilization. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. Vol.6. Issue 01. ISSN 2277-8616
- Nwoko C.I.A, Nkwoada A.U, Ubeh E.O and Njoku A. (2017): Characterization of Selected Honey in Southeast Nigeria. Theoretical Translation. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB).http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab/2.2.16; ISSN: 2456-1878
- Nwoko Christopher Ikpe Amadi, Nkwoada, Amarachi Udoka and Ihuoma Peterclever Chidi (2017): Novel Linearized Kinetic Modeling of Starch Hydrolysis. Chemical Science International Journal. 19(3):1-7. Article no. CSIJ.34116. ISSN: 2456-706X. DOI: 10.9734/CSIJ/2017/34116.
- Christopher I. Ekeocha, Christopher I. Nwoko and Lynda O. Onyeke (2017). Impact of Automobile Repair Activities on Physicochemical and Microbial Properties of Soils in Selected Automobile Repair Sites in Abuja, Central Nigeria. Chemical Science International Journal. 20(2): 1-15. Article no. CSIJ. 36065. ISSN: 2456-706X. DOI: 10.9734/CSJI/2017/36065.
- C.I.A Nwoko, A.U. Nkwoada, P.C. Njoku and A. Obichini (2017): Novel Non-Parametric Assessment of Heavy Metals in Coated Card Wastes. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International. 15(1):1-10. Article-No. JALSI.37258. ISSN: 2394-1103. DOI: 10.9734/ JALS/2017/37258