Prof. Oforegbunam T. EBIRINGA

Prof. Oforegbunam Thaddeus EBIRINGA
Prof. Oforegbunam Thaddeus EBIRINGA
B.Tech., MSc., PhD
Dean, School of Management Technology (SMAT)
Email: oforegbunam.
Ebiringa, Oforegbunam Thaddeus (PhD), is a Professor of Technology Management at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. He holds academic degrees in Project Management Technology, Banking & Finance and Financial Management; with a research focus on Technology Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Development strategies. He is a member of Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered), Amsterdam Society of Innovators and Social Entrepreneurs, International Society for Development and Sustainability, Japan and a fellow of Chartered Institute of Finance and Control of Nigeria. He has been actively involved a number of professional consultancies in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and Informal sector ecosystem development strategy design for Imo and Abia States of Nigeria under the sponsorship of World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).
He has far-reaching administrative experience having held management responsibilities as departmental Co-ordinator of Postgraduate programmes; Deputy Director, Centre for Continuing Education, Head, Department of Project Management Technology, Research Associate, Centre for Research and International Development (CRID) FUTO and currently the Associate Dean, School of Management Technology, FUTO. He has over 45 top rank publications in internationally reference journals and over 12 commissioned technical reports.
He has meritoriously applied his expertise and experience in the co-ordination of industry partnerships agreements with a number of national and international organisations. In this regard for over ten years he has been the resident Faculty Adviser for Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) now enactus, Unilever Nigeria and Business day Brand Ambassadors’ programme at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. His impactful efforts at co-ordination of industry partnerships for students’ employability and enterprise development has been recognized by a number of national and international organisations and bodies such as Governing Council, Federal University of Technology, Owerri; Federal government of Nigeria, through the Federal Ministry of Finance under the YouWin programme, Coca-cola Africa Foundation, Zain-Africa (now Airtel), KPMG, UBA Foundation, FBN Plc, Interswitch Nigeria, First Hydrocarbon Nigeria, Teach-man-to-Fish, London and Unilever Nigeria.
Prof. Ebiringa was honoured as the most outstanding Academic Staff at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri in 2015 by the University Management.
He is a Christian, married with children.
- Honours/Awards
- Qualifications
- Affiliations
- Courses Assigned to Tech
- Experience
- Research Interest
- Publications
- School of Management Technology (SMAT) Academic Board’s commendation in recognition of going beyond the call of duty as Associate Dean during the 2017 National Universities Commission (NUC) accreditation visit, which led to the full accreditation of all Department visited by NUC.
- Department of Information Management Technology (IMT) AcademicBoard’scommendation in recognition of technical support provided to the department as Associate Dean, SMAT during the 2017 National Universities Commission (NUC) accreditation and Computer Professional of Nigeria Council visits, which enabled the department to earn full accreditation status from the two regulatory bodies.
- Department of Maritime Management Technology (MMT) Academic Board’scommendation in recognition of technical advisory support provided to the department as Associate Dean, SMAT during the 2017 National Universities Commission (NUC) accreditation visit, which ensured that the programmes of the department earned full accreditation status.
- Most Outstanding Academic Staff Award, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, (2015).
- Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for attracting Unilever Plc to the Federal University of Technology, Owerri to deploy her Global graduate employability skills development programme (2014).
- Enactus Nigeria/First Hydrocarbon Environmental Sustainability Award: A
N250,000.00 cash to finance the scalability of green energy Project by Enactus-FUTO team (2013). - Vice Chancellor’s Commendation In recognition of hard work, scholarship, commitment and industry that has bought honour to the university (2013).
- Country Outstanding Achievement award winner for Entrepreneurship in Education by United Kingdom-based Teach-a-man-to-Fish (2013).
- Governing Council’s Commendation In recognition of sustained laudable achievement in bringing honour to the Federal University of Technology, Owerri through mentoring of students’ entrepreneurial development activities (2013).
- Governing Council Commendation In recognition of honour brought to the Federal University of Technology, Owerri through mentorship of students’ entrepreneurs (2010).
- SIFE Nigeria’s Faculty Advisor of the Year Award In recognition of outstanding dedication to a more sustainable world through the positive power of business (2010).
- Zain Africa Award In recognition of Outstanding Performance at ZainAfrica Nigeria National Qualifying Tournament (2010).
- Coca-Cola Africa Foundation Award In recognition of role in helping create economic opportunity for others through the Coca-Cola Africa Foundation Entrepreneurship Project (2008).
- SIFE International Award In recognition of contributions made towards the development of new generation of leaders (2008).
- Chief Emmanuel Adiele’s Prize for the best graduating student in Project Management, Federal University of Technology, Owerri; 1994.
Academic Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Financial Management Technology (Entrepreneurship),
- Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Banking & Finance.
- Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Project Management Technology.
Membership fo Professional Bodies
- Member, International Society for Development & Sustainability, Japan. – 2014
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Finance and Control of Nigeria – 2013.
- Associate Member, Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered) – 2006.
Courses Assigned to Teach
- Marketing mgt (MGT 304)
- Research Methodology (MGT 447)
- Computer Application in Finance (FMT 506)
- Project Finance & Financial Engineering (FMT 533)
- Survey of Computers and Applications (MGT 811)
- Marketing mgt (MGT 812)
- Management Information System (MGT 818)
- Risk Managemen (FMT 822)
- Research Methodology (MGT 810)
- Advance Research Methodology (MGT 904)
Teaching and Research:
- Professor, October 1st, 2014- Date.
- Reader, October 1st, 2011- September 30, 2014;
- Senior Lecturer, October 1st, 2008- September 30, 2011;
- Lecturer 1, October 1st, 2005- September 30, 2008;
- Lecturer 11, October 1st, 2001- September 30, 2005;
- Assistant Lecturer 11, 1998- September 30, 2001;
- Research Assistant, July 9th, 1997 –1998.
Administrative Experience:
- Dean, School of Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. (July 1, 2019-Date).
- Associate Dean, School of Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. (July 1, 2015- June 30, 2019).
- Ag. Head, Department of Project Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Owerri. (January 2011- June 2012).
- Deputy Director, Centre for Continuing Education, Federal University of Technology Owerri. (January 2010-December, 2010).
Current Administrative Responsibilities and Duties:
Duties include:
- Member, University Senate
- Member, University Research Committee;
- Member, University Curriculum Committee;
- Member, Joint Senate/Council Committee on Staff Promotions
- Chairman, School Academic Board;
- Chairman, SchoolStrategic Planning Committee;
- Chairman, SchoolPostgraduate Studies Committee;
- Chairman, SchoolLecture Series Committee;
- School Chief Examiner;
- Chairman, School Curriculum Planning and Development Committee
- Chairman, School Researches, Conferences and Workshop Committee
- Chairman, School Budgeting and Budget Control and Monitoring Committee
- Member, University Staff Disciplinary Committee.
Other relevant experiences within the University system
- Member, School of Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. Strategic Planning Committee (2014- Date);
- External Examiner, Department of Project Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna (July 19th, 2016 to Date).
- Chairman, Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) FUTO Finance and Investment Committee (2017-Date);
- Member, Strategic Committee on Boasting Federal University of Technology Internally generated Revenue (2017-Date);
- Member, Examinations Committee, School of Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. (March 2012 – June 2015).
- Member, Curriculum Committee, School of Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. (Feb 2013 – July 2015).
- Member, Research, Seminar, Conferences, Workshop & Committee, School of Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. (July 2010- June 2015).
- Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) FUTORepresentative in Federal University of Technology, Owerri Budget and Project Monitoring and Supervision Committee, (2015-2016);
- Member, Senate of the Federal University of Technology, (Dec 2010- June 2012 & Oct. 2013-Date).
- Co-ordinatorEnactus-Federal University of Technology, Owerri, formally Students-In-Free-Enterprise (2008-Date).
- Faculty Advisor, Unilever Future Leaders Development Programme, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (2011-Date).
- Chairman FUTO Community Multipurpose Co-operative Society Ltd, Housing Estate Project Financing Committee (2012-2014);
- President/CEO, FUTO Community Multipurpose Co-operative Society Ltd, (2006- 2012).
- Co-ordinator Postgraduate Programmes Department of Project Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Owerri. (2006-2009).
- Research Associate, Centre for Research & International Development, Federal University of Technology Owerri. (2013-Date).
- Member, School of Management Technology Academic Board of Studies, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. (July 2000- Date).
Other relevant Professional experiences/consultancies outside the University system
In a team:
- Consultancy for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Informal/SMEsSectors Development (2007-2010). The following strategic technical documents were produced:
- Baseline Study of SME Clusters in Imo State. (2006). Prepared for Imo State Government with funding from United Nations Development Programme.
- Nworuh, G. E, Asiegbu, B. C., Ebiringa, O. T. &Ibe, C. C.
- Baseline Study of SME Clusters in Abia State. (2006). Prepared for Abia State Government, with funding from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Team: Asiegbu, B. C., Nworuh, G. E, Ebiringa, O. T. & Ibe, C. C.
- Strategic Plan for Harnessing the Full Potential of Nigeria’s Informal Economy: A Case Study of Imo State. (2006). Produced for Imo State Government with funding from United Nations Development Programme. (UNDP).
- Nworuh, G. E, Ebiringa, O. T. Asiegbu, B. C &Ibe, C. C.
- Assessment of the Capacity of the State Statistical Agency (SSA) and Planning, Research and Statistics Departments (PRSDS) for Poverty Reporting in Imo State, (2005). Prepared for Imo State Planning Commission, under United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsorship.
- Nworuh, G. E, Ebiringa, O. T. Asiegbu, B. C &Ibe, C. C.
- Tracking and Monitoring of Abia State Economic Empowerment & Development Strategy (2007).Prepared for Abia State Planning Commission under United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) funding.
- Nworuh, G. E, Ebiringa, O. T. Asiegbu, B.C &Ibe, C. C.
- Needs Assessment & Development of Strategic Plan for Productivity Enhancement in Twelve (12) Priority Sectors in Imo State (2007). Prepared for Imo State Planning Commission, under United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsorship
- Nworuh, G. E, Ebiringa, O. T. Asiegbu, B. C &Ibe, C. C.
- Standardization & Productivity Enhancement for Private Water Producers and Marketers in Abia State, (2007) Prepared for Abia State Planning Commission, under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsorship.
- Nworuh, G. E, Ebiringa, O. T. Asiegbu, B. C, Ahiarakwe, C. A. &Ibe, C. C.
- Human Capacity Building for Employment Generation in Abia State (2007) Prepared for Abia State Planning Commission, under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsorship.
- . Asiegbu, B. C, Alilonu, C. &Obilor, C. U.
- Consultancy Services to the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Abuja.
- The following strategic technical documents were produced:
- Strategic Model for Domestic Gas Aggregation and Distribution in Nigeria. (2009). Prepared for Federal Government of Nigeria under Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources and FUTO Consult Ltd supervision, with funding from Department for Petroleum Resources, Abuja.
- Obah, B. O., O. T. Ebiringa, I. M. Onyejekwe, U. J. Obibuike, E. O. Okafor, I. B. Chude, R. O. Ezewu and C. Okeke’
- Strategic Options for Gas Flare down Management in Nigeria (2009). Commission by Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Abuja and Federal Ministry of Energy Abuja under Department for Petroleum Resources (DPR) Supervision.
- Obah, B. O., O.T.Ebiringa, I. M. Onyejekwe, U. J. Obibuike, E. O. Okafor, I. B. Chude, R. O. Ezewu and C. Okeke.
- Development of a Strategic Model for Domestic Gas Aggregation and Distribution in Nigeria (2009). Prepared for Federal Government of Nigeria under the supervision of Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources and FUTO Consult Ltd, with funding from Department for Petroleum Resources, Abuja.
- Obah, B. O., O.T. Ebiringa, I. M. Onyejekwe, U. J. Obibuike, E. O. Okafor, I. B. Chude, R. O. Ezewu and C. Okeke.
Consultancy Services to Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) Abuja.
The following strategic technical document was produced:
- Guidelines for Periodic Technical Inspection of Vehicles in Nigeria (2012). Prepared for Federal Government of Nigeria, under the Supervision and funding of Federal Road Safety Corps.
- Ibe, C. C; P. C. Ugboaja, I. A. Nwokoro, D. Dike, O. T. Ebiringa, C. C. Ikeogu and E. A. Ejem.
Consultancy Services to the Federal University of Technology Owerri.
The following strategic technical document was produced:
- Feasibility Report on the proposed Housing Scheme for Staff and Students of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. (2001). Sponsored by Governing Council, Federal University of Technology, Owerri.
Team: Nwezeaku, N. C., Nzotta, S. M., Ibe, C. C. and Ebiringa, O. T.
As an individual
- Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Certified Microfinance Trainer (2009-Date).
- World Bank Assisted Programme& Projects, Impact Assessor for FADAMA 11 in Imo State (2006);
- Federal Ministry of Finance Nigeria, Certified Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Specialist for Youth Enterprise with Innovation (YouWin) programme (2011- 2015).
- Chairman Curriculum Technical Sub Committee, Chartered Institute of Finance & Control of Nigeria (2015-Date).
- Research Fellow, Fisher Foundation for Sustainable Development in Africa (2013-Date).
- New Partnership for African Development Imo State Office, Youths Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Skills development Mentor and Facilitator (2018).
Research Interest
Innovation and Systems Improvement, Risk Management and Entrepreneurship.
- Nzotta S. M. & O. T. Ebiringa (2001). Mergers and Acquisitions as Survival Strategy. Journal of Professional Administration, 2(3): 5-11. Chartered Institute of Administration, Lagos.
- Asiegbu, B. C. & O. T. Ebiringa (2003). Discriminant Analysis of Factors of Balance of Trade Adjustment in Nigeria. The JIBER, 7(1):151-164. Department of Economic, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2004). “Fiscal Deficit and Implications for Macroeconomic Stability in Africa: An Empirical Analysis of Selected Economies. The JIBER, 8 (2):129-144. Department of Economic, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.
- Ebiringa, O. T.& B. C. Asiegbu (2006). Multi-Sectorial Analysis of Factors of Export Capacity Building in Nigeria. Journal of Economic and Financial Research,1(1): 98-105. Department of Economic, Abia State University Uturu.
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2006). Impact of Monetary Policy on Financial Asset Returns: An Analysis of Selected Stocks from the Nigerian Capital Market. Journal of Research in National Development, 4 (1): 83-91:
- Ebiringa, O. T. & E. O. Okorafor (2007). Equity Preference in the Nigerian Stock Market: The Risk-Return Strategy. Journal of Economic and Financial Research, 1(2): 1-16. Department of Economic, Abia State University Uturu.
- Asiegbu, B. C. &O. T. Ebiringa (2007). Impact of Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund on the Performance of Agricultural Industry in Nigeria. International Journal of Development & Management Review, 1 (1): 107-114:
- Ebiringa, O. T.& B. C. Asiegbu (2007). Information Communication Technology and Bank Performance: Analysis of Selected Cases in the Nigerian Banking Industry. Journal of Economic and Financial Research, 1(3): 157-168. Department of Economic, Abia State University Uturu.
- Ebiringa, O. T.& G. F. Okorafor (2010). A Multifactor Decision Cluster Model for Performance Appraisal in the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry.Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 1(9): 232-246, Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research, Canterbury, Kent, United
- Okorafor, G. F. and O. T. Ebiringa(2010). Human Resources Management Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Nigeria’s National Development. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 1(10): 23-34, Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom.
- Ebiringa, O. T.& G. F. Okorafor (2010). Effects of Human Capital Development on the Performance of Small & Medium Scaled Enterprises in the South-Eastern Region of Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa; 12(8): 49-58. Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania.
- Ebiringa, O. T.& E. O. Okorafor (2010). Financial Literacy and Financial Decision Making Capacity: The Gender Balance Issue. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12(7): 222-232. Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania.
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2010). Automated Teller Machine and Electronic Payment System in Nigeria: A Synthesis of the Critical Success Factors. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 12(1):222-232, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania.www.jsd-africa.
com - Ezirim, A. C; C. T. Okeke&O. T. Ebiringa (2010). Achieving Vision 2020 in Nigeria: A Review of the Economic and Market-Oriented Business Reforms. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 12(4): 58-71; Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion,Pennsylvania.www.jsd-a - Ebiringa, O. T. (2011). Synthesis of Literature on Small & Medium Enterprises Start-up Financing. International Journal of Economic Research; 2(1): 85-95. University of Piraeus, Greece,
- Ebiringa, O. T. and O. C. Ibekwe. (2011). Effect of Information and Communication Technology Adoption and Usage on Commercial Bank Performance: an exploratory study.International Finance & Business Journal, 1(1): 17-27.
ifbj/ - Ebiringa, O. T. (2011). Optimal Business Decision System for Multinationals: A Multifactor Analysis of Selected Manufacturing Firms. Serbian Journal of Management, 6 (1): 221-230. The University of Belgrade, Bor Serbia,
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2011). Benchmarking Incidence of Distress in the Nigerian Banking Industry on Altman Scale. Serbian Journal of Management, 6(2): 17-26. The University of Belgrade, Bor Serbia,
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2011). Entrepreneurship Venturing and Nigeria’s Economic Development: The Manufacturing Sector in Focus. International Journal of Business Management & Economic Research; 2(6): 376-381. India,
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2011). Business Development Skills: A Critical Requirement for Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Journal of Sustainable Business and Finance; 1(2): 85-93.
- Appah, E. &O.T.Ebiringa(2012). Petroleum Profit Tax and Economic Growth in Nigeria. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 1(9): 12-22. QS Publications, Manchester.
- Ebiringa, O. T. &E. E. Chigbu, (2012). Analysis of Effect of Financing Leverage on Bank Performance: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of Public Administration and Governance. 2(4), Microthink Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Ebiringa, O. T. &N. B.Charles-Anyaogu(2012). Impact of Government Sectorial Expenditure on the Economic Growth of Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Research, 3(6): 82–92.University of Piraeus, Greece,
- Osuji C. C. &O. T.Ebiringa, (2012). Analysis of Effect of External Reserves Management on Macroeconomic Stability of Nigeria. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Social Science, 1(2): 49-58. Centre for Promoting Idea,
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2012). Total Quality Management for Service Delivery by Commercial Banks: Analysis of Critical Success Factors. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 1(3): 01-21. QS Publications, Manchester.http://www.ijmsbr.
com/volume-1-issue-3/ - Ebiringa, O. T. (2012). Interest Rate Transmission Effect on Money Supply: The Nigerian Experience. Journal of Public Administration and Governance. 2(1), Microthink Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Ebiringa, O. T.&Y.Emeh, (2012). Analysis of Tax Formation and Impact on Economic Growth in Nigeria.International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 2(2):367-385. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Onuorah A. C.& O. T. Ebiringa, (2012). Impact of Monetary Factors on Nigeria’s Economic Growth. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 1(10): 85-100, QS Publications, Manchester.
- Ebiringa, O. T; Y. Eme, E. E. Chigbu, and J. O. Obi (2013). Effect of Firm Size and Profitability on Corporate Social Disclosures: The Nigerian Oil and Gas sector in Focus.British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade; 3(4): 563-574.ScienceDomain International,London.www. - Ebiringa, O. T and Y. Eme, (2013). Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow: A Focus on Nigeria, European Journal of Business and Management; 3(24): 41-52. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education,
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2013). Entrepreneurship Development for Sustainable Economic Transformation: A Study of YouWin Programme in the Eastern States of Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa;15(5):49-59. Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania,
- Ebiringa, O. T; A. C. Onuorah& H. K. Obi (2014). Behavioural Pattern of Monetary Policy Variables and Effects on Economic Growth: An Econometric Investigation of Nigeria.Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 5(1):11-20. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education,
- Ebiringa, O. T.& K. Lasis (2014). Offshoring for Sustainable Value Management. Serbian Journal of Management, 9 (1): 105-119. The University of Belgrade, Bor Serbia,
- Ebiringa, O. T. &N. B.Charles-Anyaogu(2014). Exchange Rate, Inflation and Interest Rates Relationships: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Analysis. Journal of Economics and Development Studies. 2(2): 263-279. American Research Institute for Policy Development, New York.
- Ebiringa, O. T; C. Okoroegbe& H. K. Obi (2014). The relevance of Dividend to Profitability of Nigerian Firms. SOVREMENNAÂ ÈKONOMIKA: PROBLEMY, TENDENCII, PERSPEKTIVY, 11(2): 39-49. Murom Institute of Vladimir State University, Russia.
- Ebiringa, O. T.&S. C. Duruibe, (2015).Financial System Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria. American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, 1(5): 329-335.
journal/ajefm. - Ebiringa, O. T,K.C.Ekwenwa& I. E. Ebiringa, (2015). Student Engagement & Partnering for Employability Skills Development. Serbian Journal of Management,10 (2):University of Belgrade, Bor Serbia,
- Osuji, C. C; Nzotta, S. M; Ebiringa, O. T; Chigbu, E. E. (2015). Money Control Indicators & Investment in Nigeria, International Journal of Innovation & Economic Development, 1(2):14-23.
- Izunobi, A. O; Nzotta, S. M; Ebiringa, O. T.Akujuobi, A. B. C &Chigbu, E. E.(2017). Macroeconomic Variables Volatility in the Nigerian Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, 5(6):1-13
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2012). Entrepreneurship Development & Growth of Enterprises in Nigeria.Entrepreneurial Practice Review, 2(2): 31-35, Entrepreneurship Research Institute, Ryerson University Toronto, Canada.
- Ezirim, A. C., Briggs, B. R., Ebiringa O. T., &Maclayton, D. W. (2004). Research Methodology for Management and Social Sciences, MC Computer Press, Nnewi.
- Ebiringa, O. T; K. C. Ekwenwa and I. C. Udeogu (2014). Business Plan Development: A Practical Approach to Entrepreneurship. Fishers Foundation for Sustainable Development in Africa, Owerri.
- Ebiringa, O.T and Emejulu, O. A. (2009). Literacy as a Strategic Tool for Sustaining Economic Liberation in Nigeria. Andema, S. and Adoo-Adeku, K. (ed.)Literacy for Development in African, Some Issues and Concerns. Pp217-226, Institute of Continuing and Distance Education, University of Ghana, Lagon.
- Ebiringa, O. T. (2013). Finance, Control and International Best Practices: Imperatives and Benefits of Ethics and Values. Finance & Control Compendium, Vol. IV: 226-245; Chartered Institute of Finance & Control of Nigeria, Lagos.