Our History

A Brief Citation
- PhD Banking & Finance FUTO
- M.Sc. (Hons), University of Benin, Benin
- B.Sc (Hons), Finance (Second Class Upper) University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
- Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) DAKAR
- SENEGAL. RESEARCH GRANT for PhD Programme, 1994/1995
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Fellow, Nigeria Institute of Management (FNIM)
- Chartered Institute of Bankers (ACIB 1) (Part Qualification)
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) (Part Qualification)
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Administration (FCIA), Lagos
- Fellow. International Academy of Business and Behavioural Sciences (FABBS) Connecticut, USA
- Fellow, Public Administration and Management Development Institute (FPAMDI)
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Institute of Certified Public Accountants, of Nigeria ICPAN
Courses Assigned to Teach
- FMT 712 Principles of Investment
- FMT 962 Investment Management II
- MGT 802 Financial Management
- FMT 840 Corporate Finance & Technical Analysis
- FMT 508 Human Resource Management
- FMT 504 Advanced Financial Management
- FMT 513 Bank Management
- FMT 502 Business Ethics
- FMT 405 Corporate Finance
- FMT 307 Money & Banking
Work Experience
Relevant Professional Experience in Industry
- Senior Assistant Manager, Afribank Nigeria Pic, Agenebode/Uyo (1982-1992)
- Principal Consultant, Essence Consultants Nigeria, Lagos (Management Consultants) (1993-1995)
- Executive Director, Essence Finance Co. Ltd. Lagos 1993-1995 Director, Amaojl Community Bank, Amaoji Isiala Ngwa 1995-1996
- Consultant National Association of Small Scale Industrialists, Abia State Chapter (Youth Empowerment and Business Development Schemes) 1993-1994.
- Resource Person/Consultant, Niger Delta Development Commission, Development of the NDDC Master Plan Project on Agriculture, Aquaculture and Agri. Business for the Niger Delta States, 2002/2003.
- Resource Person, Technology Business Incubator Project, Aba, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Industrial Development, Youth. Empowerment & Job Creation 1999-2003.
- Managing Consultant, Essence Consultants, Lagos, Implementation of Training Programmes on Youth Empowerment, Job Creation and Conflict Resolution, Owerri 1993-1994.
- Managing Consultant, FUTO Consult Ltd, Owerri. Implementation of FADAMA 11 Project Economic Studies and Community Development Programs for Imo FADAMA Project, 2003-2004
- Resource Person, Workshop on Revenue Mobilization in the Local Government Areas, Owerri, Revenue Mobilization and Fiscal Commission, Abuja, 2003, 2004.
- Resource Person, Workshop on Revenue Mobilization in the Local Governments, Imo State-Sponsored Workshop Owerri, 2004,
- Managing Consultant, Workshop on Internal Auditing in the Local Governments, Organized, by the FUTO Consult Ltd. Owerri in Association with the Dept of Intergovernmental Affairs, the Presidency, Abuja.
- Lead Consultant/Resource Person, Central Bank of Nigeria/FUTO Consult, Microfinance Bank Accreditation Programme, 2012 – Date.
- Director, FUTO Microfinance Bank Ltd., Owerri 201.3-Date.
- Lecturer 1, Dept of Project Management Technology
- FUTO, Owerri – 1995-1999
- Senior Lecturer, FUTO, Owerri. – 1999-2003
- Reader (Associate Professor) FUTO, Owerri – 2003-2009
- Professor of Banking arid Finance, Financial Management Technology, FUTO – 2009-Date.
- Visiting Scholar, Dept of Banking and Finance, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt (Sabbatical) – 2006-2007
- Visiting Scholar, Dept of Banking and Finance, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Igbariam Anambra State 2006-2018
- Visiting Scholar Abia State University Department of Banking & Finance, Uturu (Sabbatical)
– 2017-2018 - Visiting Scholar, Imo State University Owerri – 2016-2019
- Nzotta, S.M, Anuolam, M. and Asiegbu, M.C (1999) Security Selection in the Nigerian Capital Market using Reward to Volatility Criterion Project Management Journal, 2.(1)
- Nzotta, S.M. and Okorafor G-F (1999) Bank Credit Administration” Journal of Arts and Social Science 1, 88-108
- Nzotta, S.M. and Ebiringa, T, (2001) Mergers and Acquisitions as Survival Strategy Journal of Professional Administration 2. (2) 5-11
- Nzotta, S.M. (2002) The Nigeria Capital Market Challenges and Opportunities Journal of Professional Administration 3,(1).
- Nzotta, S.M. (2002) Process Design in Small Scale Industries Inter Word Journal of Management and Development Studies, 11, 1, 99-108
- Nzotta, S.M. (2002) The Role of proper information Management Systems in Local Government Administration Journal of Liberal Studies 9. (1)
- Nzotta, S.M, (2003) Globalization and the Nigerian Banking System: A Conceptual Framework International Journal of Economic Indicators S, 3 & 4.
- Nzotta, S.M (2003) Micro Credits and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria: A Conceptual Framework International Journal of Economic Indicators, 9. (2)
- Nzotta, S.M. and Okereke E.J (2004) Exchange Rate Policies and Economic Growth: An Investigation of tho Nigerian Experience (1979-2001) Journal of Economic Research^ 11. (3) July-Sept.
- Nzotta, S.M. and Onwusonye S. IJ (2004) Project Finance: A Panacea for Efficient Procurement and Delivery of Turnkey Projects, Journal of Institute of Quantity Surveyors, 11, (3) July-Sept.
- (2005) Bank Consolidation and Economic Development of Nigeria International Journal of Economic Indicators; 10. (3) July-Sept. www, nesgroup.org.
- Nzotta, S.M. (2005) An Overview of Capital Projects Financing in the Local Governments of Nigeria, The Journal of Institute of Quantity Surveyors. 53. (4) Oct. Dec.
- Nzotta, S.M. (2006) Financial Accounting Information and Stakeholders Expectations within in the Global Economy Journal of professional Administration. 7. (1)
- (2006) The Challenges of Post Consolidation Banking in Nigeria, Journal of Economic Indicatorsh12. (2) www.nesgrouporg.
- (2007) Word Development Report 2007, Development and the Next Generation, Economic Indicators; 13. (4) www.nesgrouphorg.
- Nzotta, S.M. and Osuka, B. 0 (2003) Effects of Agricultural Finance on the Economic Development of Nigeria International Journal of Agricultural and Rural Development 11 (2) www.ajol.jQurnals/ijard,
- Nzotta, S. M, (2003) Corporate Governance in Post Consolidation Insurance in Nigeria Journal of Banking and Financial Studies
- Nzotta, S. M,(2007) Tax Evasion Problems in Nigeria: A Critique. The Nigerian Accountant. Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, 40. (2)
- Okereke, E. J. and Nzotta, S, M. (2009) Financial Deepening and Economic Development of Nigeria African Journal of Accounting Economics, Finance and Banking Research, 5.(5) wwwjjeb.comi
- Okereke E. J. and Nzotta, S. M. and Awujo, A. C (2009) An Evaluation of the Implementation of Nigeria Public Projects Based on Basic Success Factors International Journal of Finance and Policy Analyst 2.1.12-30,
- Okereke, E. J. and Nzotta, S. M., Anyanwu, G, I. (2009) Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Government Influence on the Economy: A Causality Survey (1970-2006), Journal of Finance, Banking and Investment,
- Nwachukwu C. C. and Nzotta, S. M. (2010) Quality Factor Indexes: A Measure of Project Success Constraints In a Developing Country. IJCRB Journal, 2. (2).
- Ajelekwu, B. U., Nzottar S. M., Ezeabasili, V. N. (2013) Trade Openness, Stock Market Development and Economic Growth of Nigeria: Empirical Evidence, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 4, (3).
- Alejekwu, U. B., Nzotta, S. M. and Udoka, B. (2012) International Trade Flows and Economic Growth: Experience from Nigeria, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4.(4)
- Nzotta, S.M. and Nzotta, Amaka Ujunwa (2014) Public Administration and Efficient Public Service Delivery in a Globalized Economy: The Nigerian Experience Management in Nigeria. 24.
- Ugboaja, P, C, Nzotta, S, M. and Ogbo, S. I. (2013). Role of Trade Associations: How Does it Affect Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions in Nigeria’s Transport Industry? Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development 4. (5)
- Osuji Casmir C., Nzotta S.M., O.T, and Chigbu. E.E. (2015) Money Control Indicators and Investment in Nigeria, International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 1. (2) 14-23,
- Onwusonye, SIJ & Nzotta, S.M (2016) An Investigation of the Determinants of Cost of Capital for Public Turnkey Building Projects in Nigeria, International Journal of Management and Sustainability. http/www.pakinsight.com/
journals/ijms.htm. - Onuorah, C.C, Nzotta, S.M., Ozurumba, B.A. and Chigbu, E.E. (2015) Impact of Selected Economic Indicators on Foreign Investment Inflows in Nigeria and South Africa: Optimal Indicators, International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Administration 1. (7) June 3-13.
- Qbialor, M.C, Nzotta, S.M, and Obialor, C, B (2006) Effect of Government Agriculture Investment on Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara Africa: Evidence from Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, www.ijtsrd.com 1,5.
- Izunobi, A.C, Nzotta, S. M., & Ebirringa, O.T (2017) Macroeconomic Variables ad Stock Market Returns Volatility, European Journal of Business and Management, New Jersey.
- Osakwe, A.C, Ibenta, S.N.O & Nzotta, S.M (2019) Monetary Policy and the Performance of the Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Sector in Nigeria. 1986-2017, Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Science, 8, 11.
- Okoro, C.O., Nzotta, S.M & Alajekwu, U.B (2019) Effect of International Capital Flows on Economic Growth of Nigeria, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMA), 2,1 www.ijsmsjouranl.org
- Nzotta, 5. M. (2014) Money, Banking and Finance: Theory and Practice, Owerri, Osprey Publishers.
- (2001) Financial Accounting: Theory and Practice, Owerri, divert Industrial Publishers.
- (2004) Corporate Financial Decisions)_l & 11, Owerri, Olivert Industrial Publishers.
- (2010) Human Resource Management. Owerri, Olivert Industrial Publishers.
- (2018) Dynamics of Bank Leading and Credit Management, Owerri Treasure Books, Skill Mark Media