Prof. Nathaniel Chinedum Nwezeaku
Prof. Nathaniel Chinedum Nwezeaku

Professor Nathaniel C. Nwezeaku was employed as Lecturer 1 at the Federal University of Technology Owerri in 1996. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in October 2000, Associate Professor in 2007 and in 2010 he was promoted to the rank of Professor. He was Associate Dean and Coordinator Postgraduate Programmes (2002-2004), Head of Department Financial Management Technology (2005-2010), Director Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (2011 – 2015), HOD FMT (2015 – 2016). Coordinator Postgraduate Programmes School of Management Technology (SMAT) FUTO 2017-2019.
Academic Qualifications
- PhD Finance FUTO
- MBA. Finance FUTO
- B.Sc. Bus. Admin. Benin
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Fellow, Chartered Institute Taxation of Nigeria (FCTI)
- Fellow, International Academy of Business and Behavioural Sciences (FIABBS) USA (2007 to Date)
- Fellow, International Academy of Business and Behavioural Sciences (Research) (2009 to date)
- Member, American Finance Association (AFA) (2005 to date)
Courses Assigned to Teach
- Basic Accounting (MGT 204)
- Taxation (MGT 312),
- Money & Banking (MGT 307),
- Marketing Management (MGT 304),
- Financial Management 1 (MGT 303),
- Cost and Management Accounting (FMT 314)
- Money and Banking (FMT 706),
- Financial Systems (FMT 803),
- Financial Markets (FMT 821),
- Public Finance (FMT 961),
- Workshop in Computer-based Banking & Finance (MGT 982).
- Financial Statements Analysis and Interpretations (FMT 983),
- Workshop in Computer-Based Finance ( FMT 987)
- Seminar in Application of Finance (FMT 985)
Work Experience
- HOD, Financial Management Technology (2005-2010)
- Member. World Bank Bank of Industry GEL Entrepreneurship/SGB Committee
- Director, Center for Entrepreneurial Studies FUTO (2011-2015)
- Member University Committee on Resuscitation of FUTO Community Bank.
- Coordinator. Postgraduate Programmes (SMAT) FUTO
- Member, School of Management Technology (SMAT) Board of Studies (1996 to Date)
- Member, Postgraduate School (PGS) Board (2002 to Date)
- Member University Examinations Committee (2007)
- Chairman, Financial Management Technology (FMT) Board of Studies (2005 to 2010)
- Research Associate, Centre for Research and International Development (CRID) FUTO. (2013 to Date)
- Member/Chairman N UC Accreditation Panel. (2010 to date)
- Chairman, Investigation Panel on Staff misconduct.
- Member NUC Committee on Curriculum Development for Accounting &Finance 2015
- Member Senate/Council Committee on Professorial Promotions
Research Interest
Accounting, Finance and Entrepreneurship
- Nwezeaku N.C.& Akujobi A.B.C.(2015) Public Expenditure and Economic Development of Nigeria: A Cointegration and Causality Approach. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research. October 2015
- Nwezeaku N.C.& Akujobi A.B.C.(2015) Globalization and Capital Market Development in Emerging Economies (Evidence from Nigeria): a Cointegration and Causality Approach.International Proceedings on Economic Development and Research. Vol. 82
- Nwezeaku N.C. & Akujobi A.B.C.(2015) Bank Lending Activities and Economic Development in Nigeria; An EmpiricalInvestigation International: Proceedings on Economic Development and Research. VOL. 82
- Nwezeaku N.C. & Amu C (2015) E-Banking and Commercial Bank Performance in Nigeria: A cointegration And Causality Approach: International Proceedings on Economic Development and Research. Vol. 82
- Amu C, Nwezeaku N.C. &Akujobi A.B.C (2015) Impact of capital market Growth on Economic Growth and Development in Nigeria. American Journal of Marketing Research Vol.1. Issue 3.
- Nwezeaku N.C. and Okpara G.C (2014) Financial Development and Economic Growth of Emerging Economies: (Evidence from Nigeria) A Toda Yamamoto Causality Approach Journal of the IEDRC.Vol. 2, Dec.
- Nwezeaku N.C.& Akujobi A.B.C.(2013) Financial Development and the Economies of Sub-Sahara Africa: a Cointegration and Causality Approach World Applied Sciences Journal issue 28.
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2012) Gender, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development of Nigeria Journal of CWGS Vol. 2 2012
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2012) Ethical Issues in Finance and Financial Management for Finance and Accounting Profession. Institute of finance and Control vol. 2 2012
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2010). The Impact of Public Sector Financial Management on the economies of Sub-Saharan Africa. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (EuroJournals). issue 40.
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2010). The Effects of Financial Deepening on Stock Market Returns and Volatility: Evidence from Nigeria. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (EuroJournals). issue 40.
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2010) A Discriminant Analysis of public sector Financial Management Performance of the Economies of Sub Saharan Africa (A study of Nigeria and Ghana ). International Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences Research. Fall. 2009
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2010) An Empirical Assessment of the predictive Powers of Liquid and Non-Liquid Financial Measures. (AN EXTENSION STUDY Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business Vol.1 No.11, March.
- Nwezeaku N.C. &Akujobi A. (2010) Monetary Policy and Bank Performance The Nigerian Experience. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business Vol.1, No. 12, April.
- Nwezeaku N.C. &Akujobi (2010) Impact of Sectoral Credits on The Performance of Banks in Nigeria. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business Vol.1, No. 12, April.
- N.C. Nwezeaku,& Okpara, G (2010) Stock Market Volatility and Information Asymmetry: Lessons from Nigeria. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business Vol.2, No.1 May
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2010) A Discriminant Analysis of public sector Financial Management Performance of the Economies of Sub Saharan Africa (A study of Nigeria and Ghana ). AN EXTENSION STUDY International Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences Research. Fall. 2009
- Okpara, G. & N.C. Nwezeaku (2009). Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-section of Expected Stock Returns (Evidence from Nigeria) European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative studies (Eurojournal) issue 17.
- Nwezeaku N.C. (2009) An Empirical Assessment of the predictive Powers of Liquid and Non-Liquid Financial Measures.International Journal of Accounting, finance & economics Perspectives VOL.1 No1. Fall 2009 CT.
- Nwezeaku, N.C.(2007) Impact of Globalization on the Industrial Growth of Developing Economies: Evidence from Nigeria: International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 9(1):100-107.
- Nwezeaku, N.C.(2007 ) The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Nigeria’s Industrial Growth: Nigerian Journal of Economic and Financial Research Vol. 1 No. 2:85-99
- Akujuobi, A.B.C.; and N.C. Nwezeaku,(2007) Predicting the Influence of the Preferred Sectors on the Nigerian Capital Market: International Journal of Development Studies and Management Review Vol. No.1. 127-140
- Nwezeaku, N.C. (2006) Impact of Asset Structure on Bank performance: (A Study of Selected Commercial Banks in Nigeria): Inter-World Journal of Management and Development Studies Vol.2, No.1. 88-102
- Nwezeaku, N.C.(2005) Failure Prediction Models in The Nigerian Banking Industry: Journal of Industrial Business and Economic Research (JIBER) Vol.8, No.2.166-213
- Nwezeaku, N.C.(2005) An Empirical Investigation into the Cost of Business Financing in The Nigerian Financial System: Nigerian Journal of Economic and Financial Research. .VOL.1 NO 3
- Nwezeaku, N.C.(2004) Profile Analysis as an Indicator of Distress in the Nigerian Banking Industry: Journal of Industrial Business and Economic Research (JIBER) Vol.1, No.1.96-116.
- Asiegbu, B.C.; N.C. Nwezeaku and K.E. UMUNNAKWE (2000) Market Share Analysis and Sustenance for product Development in A Competitive Environment: Quarterly Journal of Inter-University friendship Association. Vol.2, No.1. 105-115.
- Nwezeaku, N.C.(2000) Setting Corporate objective in a Dynamic Business Environment: Quarterly Journal of Inter-University Friendship Association Vol.2, No.1. 89-96.
- Nwezeaku, N.C. (1999) Mutual Funds and Its Contribution to Project Financing: Journal of Project Management Technology Vol.3 No.1-9.
- Nwezeaku, N.C.; B.C. Asiegbu and G.F. Okorafor (1998) Determination of Share Prices in the Nigerian Capital Market and Theoretical Business Valuations: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences Vol.1, No.1. 42-64.
- Okorafor, G.F. and N.C. Nwezeaku (1998) An overview of International Trade and Balance of Payment Accounts: The Nigerian Experience Journal of Arts and Social Sciences vol.1,