Mr Charles Odinakachi Njoku
Mr Charles Odinakachi Njoku

Njoku, Charles Odinakachi hails from Amuzi Ahiara in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA, Imo State. He is married with four children. He is currently a lecturer in the Department of Financial Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Owerri.
Academic Qualification
- M.Sc in Financial Management Technology (FUTO)
- B.Sc in Business Administration (NAU, Awka)
Courses Assigned to Teach
- Capital Market and Portfolio Theory ( FMT 510)
- International Finance (FMT 507)
- Corporate Finance (FMT 405)
- Financial Management II (FMT 409)
- Monetary Theories & Policies ( FMT307)
- Advanced Mathematics of Finance (FMT 309)
- Financial Management (MGT 303)
- Business Law (FMT 301)
Work Experience
- Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State
- Graduate Assistant: April 2009 – February 2012
- Assistant Lecturer: February 2012 – September 2015
- Lecturer II: October 2015 – September 2018.
- Lecturer I: October 2018— Date
Research Interest
Economics & Financial Management.
Njoku, C.O., Chris-Ejiogu U. G., Ozurumba B. A. &Akujuobi L.E. (2020) Fiscal Policy and Unemployment Reduction in Sub Saharan Africa; Emphasis on Nigeria and Ghana. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), Volume 11, Issue 1 Ser. V (Jan – Feb 2020), PP 08-18 e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925 (Published)
Njoku C. O., Chris-Ejiogu, U. G& Awa S. K., (2020)Analysis of Bank Sectoral Lending and Its Influence on Economic Growth in Nigeria. Account and Financial Management Journal, Everant Journals AFMJ, Volume 5 Issue 01 January- 2020, e-ISSN: 2456-3374
php/afmjh (Published) Awa S. K., Chris-Ejiogu, U. G &Njoku C. O. (2020) Central Bank of Nigeria Monetary Policies and Economic Growth in Nigeria (1980-2018).Account and Financial Management Journal, Everant Journals AFMJ, Volume 5 Issue 01 January- 2020, e-ISSN: 2456-3374
php/afmjh (Published) Njoku C. O., Ozurumba B. A., Chris-Ejiogu U. G. &Chigbu, E. E., (2020) Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Sub Saharan Africa; Emphasis on Poverty in Ghana and Nigeria. The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, Volume 4 Issue 1 January–February 2020 ISSN: 2581-3889 (Published)
Chris-Ejiogu, U. G., Njoku, C. O.& Awa, S. K. (2019) The Effect of External Debt on The Economic Growth of Nigeria 2000-2018 EPH-International Journal of Business & Management Science Volume-5 | Issue-11 | ISSN: 2208-2190 November 2019 (Published)
Chris-Ejiogu, U. G., Njoku, C. O. &Awa, S. K. (2019) Econometric Analysis of Fiscal And Monetary Policy Instruments on Economic Growth of Nigeria from 1985-2016 EPH-International Journal of Business & Management Science Volume-5 | Issue-11 | ISSN: 2208-2190 November 2019 (Published)
Njoku, C.O., Nwaimo, C.E. (2019) The Impact of Exchange Rates on Inflation in Nigeria (1981-2015)Journal of Management Studies and Economic Systems, Arabian Group of Journals, Zainab Arabian Research Society For Multidisciplinary Issues (ZARSMI) UAE. UAE, , 4 (3), 171-195, Summer 2019, PRINT ISSN: 2408-9583 ONLINE ISSN: 2313-5166, (Published)
Njoku, C. O., Nwaimo, C.E., &Onyechere, P (2017) Petroleum Profit Tax and Economic Growth in Nigeria (An Empirical Analysis), The Nigerian Journal of Energy & Environmental Economics, association for Energy & Environmental Economics of Nigeria. Volume 9. No. 1, December 2017. (Published)
Njoku, C. O., Dike Susan (2016) Monetary Policy and Economic Stability in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis, International Journal of Research in Management, Science and Technology, PrannathParnami Institute of Management & Technology, Hisar India. Vol. 4 No 1. April 2016, E-ISSN: 2321-3264 (Published)
Nwaimo, C. E. &Njoku, C. O. (2015), Impact of Monetary Policy Dynamics on Equity prices in Nigeria, Journal of Economic Studies, Department of Economics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Volume 12 Number 1 March 2015 ISSN 1119-2259 (Published).
Chigbu, E. E, &Njoku, C. O.(2015), Taxation And The Nigerian Economy (1994-2012) Journal of Management Studies and Economic Systems, Arabian Group of Journals, Zainab Arabian Research Society For Multidisciplinary Issues (ZARSMI) UAE. UAE, Vol.2 No. 2 Autumn 2015 PRINT ISSN: 2408-9583 ONLINE ISSN: 2313-5166, (Published)
Njoku, C.O., Chigbu, E. E. &Akujuobi, A.B.C (2015): Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria ( A Granger Causality Approach) 1983-2012, Journal of Management Studies and Economic Systems, Arabian Group of Journals, Zainab Arabian Research Society For Multidisciplinary Issues (ZARSMI) UAE. UAE, Vol.1 No. 3 Winter 2015 PRINT ISSN: 2408-9583 ONLINE ISSN: 2313-5166, (Published)
Okoli, M. N., Njoku, C.O & Kaka, G. N (2014): Taxation and Economic Growth in Nigeria; A Granger Causality Approach. International Journal of Research in Management, Science and Technology, PrannathParnami Institute of Management & Technology, Hisar India. Vol. 2 No 3. December 2014, E-ISSN: 2321-3264 (Published)
Ugwu, K. E. &Njoku, C. O. (2014): Imperatives of Globalization on Economic Growth of Emerging Economies: Evidence from Nigeria 1980-2013, The Research Journal of Social Science and Management, The International Journal Research Publications Pte. Ltd Singapore, www.theinternationaljournal.
org RJSSM: ISSN: 2251-1571 Volume: 03, Number: 12, April 2014. (Published) Njoku, C. O., Ugwu K. E &Chigbu, E. E (2014): Government Public Expenditures: Effect on Economic Growth (A case of Nigeria 1961-2013) International Journal of Research in Management, Science and Technology, PrannathParnami Institute of Management & Technology, Hisar India. Vol. 2 No 1. April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-3264 (Published)