Emmanuel A. Osuji
Emmanuel A. Osuji

Emmanuel A. Osuji
Emmanuel A. Osuji
Lecturer II
Lecturer II
M.Sc in Financial Economics, B.Sc in Financial Mgt Technology
E-mail: Emmanuel.osuji@futo.edu.ng
A Brief Biography
A Brief Biography
Mr Osuji holds a Masters Degree in Financial Economics (with distinction) and a Bachelors Degree (First Class Honours) in Financial Management Technology from FUTO. He is a recipient of several scholarships and academic awards such as the Dean’s Award for the best graduating student in SMAT 2008/2009 session, FUTO Study Fellowship, Turkish Government Scholarship and TetFUND to mention a few.
Academic Qualification
- M.Sc in Financial Economics
- B.Sc in Financial Mgt Technology
Courses Assigned to Teach
- International Economics & Finance ( FMT 311)
- Forecasting Techniques (FMT 407)
- Advanced Financial Management (FMT 504)
- International Finance ( FMT 507)
- Industrial & Financial Management (FMT 310)
He is a recipient of several scholarships and academic awards such as the Dean’s Award for the best graduating student in SMAT 2008/2009 session.
Work Experience
- Entry-level Trainee at Summit Finance Ltd (A member of the Nigerian Stock Exchange) 2010-2011.
- Graduate Assistant FMT Dept. FUTO 2011 -2015,
- Assistant Lecturer FMT Dept. FUTO 2015-2018, Lecturer II FMT Dept. FUTO 2018-Date.
Research Interest
- Investments & Portfolio Management,
- Applied Macroeconomics,
- Corporate Finance,
- Development Finance
- Financial Management.
- International Oil Prices and Exchange Rates in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation
- Foreign Direct Investment & Economic Growth in Nigeria. Evidence from ARDL