Duru E. Ejike

Duru E. Ejike
Duru E. Ejike
Lecturer II
M.Sc. in Economics, B.Sc. in Economics (IMSU)
E-mail: erasmusduru.sp3700@futo.edu.ng
Duru Erasmus E. hails from Orogwe in Owerri-West LGA, Imo State. He is married to Dr, Chimezuru Ogechi. Duru is currently a lecturer in the Department of Financial Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Owerri.
Academic Qualification
- M.Sc in Economics
- B.Sc in Economics ( IMSU)
Courses Assigned to Teach
- Project Finance and Financial Engineering (FMT 533)
Econometrics (FMT 501)
- Computer Applications in Finance (FMT 506)
- Project Finance and Financial Engineering ( FMT 533)
- Econometrics (FMT 501)
- Computer Applications in Finance ( FMT 506)
- Forecast techniques (FMT 407)
- Operations Research (MGT 403)
- Monetary Theories & Policies ( FMT 307)
- Macro- Economics (ECN 204)
- Quantitative techniques for managerial decision (FMT 211)
- Forecast techniques (FMT 407)
- Operations Research (MGT 403)
- Monetary Theories & Policies (FMT 307)
- Macro-Economics (ECN 204)
- Quantitative techniques for managerial decision (FMT 211)
Work Experience
- Goodness Computers No. 9 Mbonu Ojike Street Ikenegbu, Layout, Owerri – 2005-2010 – Manager
- NYSC: Golden Kingdom Academy Secondary School – 2004 to 2005 – Teaching
Research Interest
- Economics,
- Finance and
- Econometrics
- Chukwuemeka Nnamdi D Duru, Erasmus, Iweka Andrew N Combating Fraud in the Banking sector in Nigeria, Journal of Management and Enterprise and Development, Vol 10 number 1,2013. Copyright @2013 Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria, ISSN 1117-1677, International Research and Development Institute, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
- Okechukwu Ejikeme PhD & Duru Erasmus (2013), Civil unrest, Civil interest and Good Governance in Nigeria, Humanities and Good Governance. September 2012. ISSN 978-978-51619-4-6, A publication of Faculty of Arts, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Anambra State, Nigeria.
- Duru Erasmus E and Nnadozie C.A (2014) Transforming the Nigerian Economy Through Foreign Direct Investment Flows (1986-2012)”, Journal of Economic growth and transformation Vol 2 No1 April 2014, ISSN 2250-9283, A publication of the Institute of Economists of Nigeria. (INEN), Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria.
- Uzoh Ben A. & Duru Erasmus E. (2012), Power Sector Reform in Nigeria, Industrial Transformation and vision 20:2020. An Econometric Investigation, Journal of Research in National Development. Vol12 No1, June 2014, ISSN 1596-8308, Transcampus interdisciplinary Research and study group.Department of Martine ManagementTechnology, Federal University, Federal University of University, Owerri, Nigeria, www.transcampus.org/journal, www.ajol.info/journals/jorind, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria.
- Egbulonu K.G., Duru, Erasmus E, & Echeta Desmond (2014) Agriculture and Food Security in Nigeria: the natural resource-curse nexus. Journal of Institute of African Studies, Vol10, Nos1, March 2014, ISSN 0046-859-2, A publication of the Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, University of Nigeria Nsukka Nigeria.
Duru Erasmus E. and Egbulonu K.G. (2014)”
Transforming the Nigerian Manufacturing industry through Monetary and Fiscal policy measures(An Empirical Analysis 1982-2012.)”, In Journal of Economic growth and transformation Vol 2 No2 Sept. 2014, A publication of Institute of economists of Nigeria. (INEN), ISSN 2250-9283, A publication of Institute of economists of Nigeria. (INEN), Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria. - Anochie Uzoma C. & Duru Erasmus E and (2015), Stabilization Measures and Management of the Economy: the case of Nigeria, International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability vol.3, No.3, pp1-12, August 2015. ISSN 2053-2199(print),2053-2202 (Online), the European Centre for Research Training and Development UK(www.eajournals.org), United Kingdom.
- Okoli M.N., Duru Erasmus E and Agogbua S.N (2015) Chinese Globalisation Strategy, Her Recent Global Business Dominance: A Lesson for Nigeria, European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org Vol.7, No.26, 2015, 2222-1905 (Paper) 2222-2839 (Online), European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.org, Europe.
- Duru Erasmus E, Nnadozie A.C and Nwadike E.C (2015) An Analysis of the Role Interest Rate and Credit Facilities in Women Entrepreneurial Development in Nigeria, International Journal of Gender and Development Issues.VOL.1 No 5 Nov.2015, ISSN 2360-8528, Institute of women, Gender and Development Studies CWGDS) Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, Owerri Imo state Nigeria.
- Duru Erasmus E, Onyia Ifeanyichukwu and Anochia Uzoma PhD (2015), Journal of Research in Management and Social Science (JOMASS) Vol.1, No 1, Oct.2015, College of Management Science, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria, Abia State, Nigeria.
- Ugwu Kelechi & Duru Erasmus E ( 2015) ’Political behaviour and Employee perceived performance in the private sector; a comparative study of zenith bank and first bank PLC South-East Nigeria, SONA Global Management Review vol.9 issue 4 August 2015, I, ISSN 0973-9947, Sona School of management Salem-636005, Salem-636005, Tamilnadu India, Tamilnadu India, SONA Global Management Review.
- Duru Erasmus E, Fundamental Principle of Economics, Text Book on Principle of Economics (2011), ISSN 978-978-49822-2-4, Peace Publisher ltd, 12 Ubochi, Street, Owerri, Owerri, Imo State.
- Duru Erasmus E, Nnadozie A.C and Ukaegbu Jude (2018 ), Non-oil export and non-tradable; a tool for rural empowerment, poverty reduction and sustainable in Nigeria, International Journal of Innovative finance and Economic Research 6(1); 12-22 Jan- March 2018, ISSN 2360-896X, SEAPHI Publication 2018, www.seahipaj.org, Delta.