Prof. Patrick Ugochukwu Agbasi

Prof. Patrick Ugochukwu Agbasi
Dean, School of Health Technology
AIMLT, PGD, M.Sc., Doctoral degree in pharmacology and toxicology, FCBET
Academic Qualifications
- Fellow College of Biomedical Engineering and Technology of Nigeria ( FCBET 2013)
- Abia State University Uturu Nigeria, PhD Pharmacology and Toxicology (2007)
- Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Nigeria, M.Sc. Pharmacology and Therapeutics (1999)
- Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Nigeria, PGD Pharmacology and Therapeutics (1998)
- School of Medical Laboratory Sciences, University Of Nigeria (Teaching Hospital), Associate Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology of Nigeria(AIMLT). (1988)
- Member Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists of Nigeria
- Member West African Society for Pharmacologists
- Member West African Society of Toxicologists
- Member Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria
- Member American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
- Member Society of Biology London
Pharmacology to students of all Departments in the School of Health Technology.
In advance classes, students are taught bone toxicity and other toxicants. Also, autonomic pharmacology courses are taught in which signalling mechanisms and control of muscles and drug effects on bone and muscles are emphasized.
Rehabilitation Engineering courses are also taught.
Working Experience
- Pioneer head of Department of Pharmacology, Imo State University Owerri Nigeria (2003-2005).
- The current head of the department of Prosthesis and Orthopaedic Technology Federal University of Technology Owerri (2011)
Pioneer Head of Department of Pharmacology, Imo State University Owerri Nigeria (2003-2005).
Head of Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Federal University of Technology Owerri (2011 – June 2017)
- Organ Toxicology
- Orthopaedic Toxicology
- Rehabilitation Engineering
- Agbasi P.U., Abanobi O.C., Nweke I.N., Unekwe P.C., Okechi O.O., Amazu L.U., Nseabasi P.L., Ekezie J. (2010). Effect Of Selective Cyclooxygenase -2 Inhibitors On Blood Sugar And Haematological Indices Of Albino Rats: Focus On Nimesulide. J of Health Sciences and Tech. vol. 1. 31-40. (Nigeria)
- Oze G., Nwosu D., Igiri O., Agbasi P U., Okorie K., Nseabasi P.L., Eke U. (2010). Oxidative Reducing Potency of Commercial Morinda Citrifolia Juice (Noni) Assayed with rats. J of Health Sciences and Tech. vol. 1. 41-46 (Nigeria)
- Okechi O.O., Okoli, T.I., Nwanjo, H.U., Agbasi P.U., Nweke, I.N., Sahabi, S.M.(2010). Histopathological and Biochemical Effects of Dihydroartemisinin and Piperaquine Antimalaria Combination Therapy on the Liver of Adult Wister Rats. J of Medical Research and Tech. 7 (1). 23- 32. (Nigeria)
- Agbasi P.U., Unekwe P.C., Nweke I.N., Okechi O.O., Onyiaora I.V., Emerole CO. .(2010). Toxicity Effect of Nimesulide on Kidneys of Young Albino Rats. Research J of Health Sc.1 (1): 17-29 (Nigeria)
- Agbasi P.U., Nseabasi P.L., Okechi O.O., Chukwu L.C. (2009). Comparative efficacy of Amodiaquine, Chloroquine, Artemisinin and Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine in South Eastern Nigerian Pregnant women. J of Medical Research and Tech. 6 (2): 18-21. (Nigeria)
- Agbasi P.U., Unekwe P.C., Nweke I.N., Okechi O.O, Onyiaora I.V., Amazu L.U. (2008). Toxicity effects of nimesulide on albino rats heart and liver. J of Medical Research and Technology. 5 (1): 16-25 (Nigeria)
- Ilo C.E., Ezejiofor N.A., Agbakoba N., Brown S.A., Agbasi U.P., Orisakwe O.E.(2008) Effect of chloroquine on urinary excretion of ciprofloxacin. American J Therapeutics. 15(5): 19-22 (USA)
- E.Obi, P.U Agbasi, N.A.Ezejiofor, C.Maduagwuna, O.E Orisakwe. (2006). Safety warning and first aid instructions on Nigerian herbal remedies: Are they adequate? World J of Med. Sciences. 1 (2) :108-111. (PAKISTAN)
- C.E Ilo, N.A Ilondu, N. Okwoli, S.A brown, J.C Elo-Ilo, Agbasi P.U., O.E Orisakwe. (2005). Effect of Chloroquine on the bioavailability of ciprofloxacin in humans.American J of Therapeutics. 12 (5) :1-5. (USA)
- Orisakwe O.E., Agbasi P.U., Afone O.J., Orish C.N. Ilondu N.A., Obi E., (2004) Urinary excretion of rifampicin in the presence of ciprofloxacin American.J of Therapeutics. 11 (3)171-174. (USA)
- Orisakwe O.E, Agbasi P.U., Ofoefule S.I, Ilondu N.A, Afonne O.J, Anusiem C.A, Ilo E., Maduka S.O (2004).Effect of Pefloxacin on the Urinary excretion of rifampicin. American J of Therapeutics. 11 (1) :13 -16(USA)
- Orisakwe O. E., Dora N. Akunyili. Agbasi P.U., Ndidi A. Ezejiofor (2004). Some plasma and saliva pharmacokinetic parameters of rifampicin in the presence of pefloxacin American J. of Therapeutics. II (4); 283-287(USA)
- Orisakwe O.E., Afone O.J., Ilondu N.A., Obi E., UFearo C.S., Agbasi P.U., Maduka S.O, Orish C.N.(2003) Influence of the pharmacological modification of gastric emptying on the gastrointestinal transit and residence time of activated charcoal. J of the Pakistan Med. Associa. 52 (8 ) : 354 -356 (PAKISTAN)
- Ofoefule S.I, Obodo C.E, Orisakwe O.E, Ilondu N.A, Afonne O.J, Agbasi P U. (2002). Salivary and Urinary excretion and plasma – saliva concentration ratio of isoniazid (INH) In the presence of co-administered ciprofloxacin(CP). American J of Therapeutics. 9 (1): 19-18. (USA)
- Dioka C.E., Orisakwe O. E., Afonne O.J., Agbasi P.U., Akumka D. D. (2002). The investigation into the hematologic and hepatic effects of Rimbacin in rats J. of Health Science Japan. 48 (5): 393 – 398. (JAPAN)
- Orisakwe O.E., Afone O.J., Dioka C.E., Agbasi P.U., Obi E.,(2002). Testicular toxicity of Rimbacin in rats. Biol. Pharmacological Bulletin Japan. 25 (2): 206-208. (JAPAN).
- Agbasi P.U., Orisakwe O.E, Obi E, Ofoefule S.I., Ilondu N.A., Afonne O.J., (2001). Effect of sulphate cathartics on adsorption of rifampicin to activated charcoal. Indian J of Pharmaceutical Science. (July-August): 328-330. (INDIA)
- Obi E., Emeh J.K, Orisakwe O.E., Afonne O.J., Ilondu N.A., Agbasi P.U. (2001). Investigation of biochemical evidence for the antiulcerogenic activity of Synclisia Scabrida. Indian J. of Pharmacology 32: 381-383. (INDIA)
- Orisakwe O.E., Ilondu N.D.A., Afonne O.J., Ofoefule S.I. Orish C.N., Agbasi P.U. (2001). Effect of activated charcoal on Diethylcarbamazine absorption in man. American J. of Therapeutics. 8 (1): 7-9. (USA)
- Orisakwe O.E., Agbasi P.U., Ilondu N.D.A., Afonne O.J., Ofoefule S.I., Obi E., Orish C.N. (2001). Rifampicin pharmacokinetics with and without ciprofloxacin. American J. of Therapeutics. 8 (3):151-153. (USA)
- Ofoefule S. I, Obodo C. I., Orisakwe O. E., Ilondu N. A., Afonne O. J., Maduka S. I, Anusien C.A., Agbasi P.U. (2001). Some plasma pharmacokinetic parameters of isonized (INH) in the presence of a fluoroquinolone antibacterials agent. American J. of Therapeutics 8 (4): 234 – 246. (USA)
- Orisakwe O.E., Oluboye A., Ofoefule S.I., Obi E., Ilondu N.A., Agbasi P.U., Chiroma D.H. (2001). Adsorption studies of artesunate poisoning. J of Health Science Japan. 47 (5): 1- 4. (JAPAN)
- Orisakwe O.E., Agbasi P.U., Afone O.J., Ilondu N.A., Ofoefule S.I.,Obi E., (2001). Adsorptive capacity of activated charcoal for rifampicin with and without sodium chloride and sodium citrate. Biological Pharmaceutical. Bulleting Japan. 24(6): 724- 726. (JAPAN)
- Akah P.A., Oze. G, Agbasi P.U, Ezike A., and Jibrum B. (2005) Experimental pharmacology (with practical workbook).Uchon associate publishers limited Owerri Nigeria.
- Agbasi P.U. Orish O.E., Abanobi O.C., Okechi O.O., Reproductive Implication of Chronic Administration of Nimesulide on Growing Male Albino Rats. J of Basic Clin. Physiology and Pharmacology. (USA)
- Assessment of Possible Toxicological Effect of Chronic Administration of Nimesulide on Fasting Blood Glucose of Albino Rtas. Agbasi P.U and Okechi O.O.(2010). 3rd International Neuroscience Congress of The Institute of Neuroscience and Biomedical Research (INBR) 24th-30th July, Abuja Nigeria
- Nephrotoxicity effects of Nimesulide on rat Testis. Agbasi P.U., Unekwe PC, Nweke IN., Okechi OO (2009) Africa Education initiative international scientific conference 22th-25th June 2009 National Veterinary Institute Vom Plateau State Nigeria
- The toxicological implication of Nimesulide and Rifampicin coadministration on Rat Kidney. Unekwe PC, Nweke IN., Agbasi P.U., Okechi OO (2007). Africa Education initiative international scientific conference 11th-14th June 2007 Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Nigeria.
- The heavy metal content of some Nigeria Herbal supplements and Testicular Toxicity in Abino rats Obi E, Afonne OJ., Ekpo BO., Okechi OO., Agbasi P.U., Orisakwe OE. (2006)African toxicological science conference 2006 ‘Risk Assessment and Quality Assurance Training workshop’. Limbe Cameroon.
- The implication of chloroquine co-administration on plasma pharmacokinetic parameters of ciprofloxacin. Agbasi P.U., Ilo CE., Okechi OO. (2004). Anatomical Society of eastern Nigeria, Owerri Nigeria.
- Histological pathology of rinbbacin on rat liver. Afonne OJ., Agbasi P.U., Obi E, Orisakwe OE. 24th Annual scientific conference and general meeting of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria. Abuja (2002).
- Reviewer: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences