Dr Samuel Chidi Iwuji

Dr Samuel Chidi Iwuji
Associate Dean, School of Health Technology
FCBN, M.Sc. B.Sc., Human Physiology,
M.Sc., Pharmacology; HND, D.PH. E.H.O.
E-mail: iwujisc@yahoo.com, samueliwuji@futo.edu.ng
Phone: +234806 015 1949
Dr S.C. Iwuji was the pioneer Acting Head, Department of Human and Applied Physiology in School of Basic Medical Science (SBMS) and before heading the Department of Biomedical Technology.
He studied basic medical sciences at the University of Port Harcourt and the University of Lagos, Nigeria, where he obtained B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD degrees in Physiology and Pharmacology. He had some relevant professional training in Public Health, Science Lab. Tech., Environmental Health, Biomedical Engineering. He is a Fellow of the College of Biomedical Engineering and Technology of Nigeria (FCBN) and the National Secretary of Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists of Nigeria. He is an affiliate Member International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering; African Union for Biomedical Engineering and Science and The Physiological Society.
He played pioneering roles in the development of School of Health Technology and School of Basic Medical Science as a Head of Department, a Coordinator and as a Member of most Committees in the Schools. He presented the 11th SOHT FUTO Lecture Series and later chaired the Lecture Series Committee till 2016/2017.
He has over 33 relevant publications. He a community leader and holds positions in many organizations.
Academic and Professional Qualification
- PhD (Human Physiology), University of Port Harcourt, 2014
- M.Sc (Pharmacology) University of Lagos, June 2003
- M.Sc (Human Physiology), University of Port Harcourt, July 2010
- B.Sc (Physiology), University of Port Harcourt, February 2001
- Fellow College of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (FCBET) 2013, Nigeria Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (affiliated to International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE).
- Eminent African Scientist of the year 2009 by an African Biographical Centre, Nigeria.
- Award of Excellence by Nigerian Institute for Biomedical Engineering (NIBE) Students, FUTO, on November 18, 2009.
Professional Membership
- National Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists
- Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine of Nigeria (STERMN)
- Nigeria Institute for Biomedical Engineering (NIBE)
- National Association of Environmental Health Officers of Nigeria (NAEHON)
- Nigerian Environmental Society (NES)
- Physiological Society (of Nigeria, PSN) Int’l N0. 127115
- Nigerian Institute for Science Technology (NIST)
Membership of professional bodies
Teaching Areas
- General Human Physiology
- Introduction to Pharmacology
- Central Neurophysiology
- Human Biomechanics
- Kinesiology
- Environmental and Laboratory Safety
- Biopharmaceutical Technology
- Sports Medical Technology
- Seminar and Industrial Visit
Working Experience
- Lecturer I, Department of Biomedical Technology Federal University of Technology Owerri, 2012 to present
- Lecturer II, Department of Biomedical Technology Federal University of Technology Owerri, 2009 to 2012
- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Technology Federal University of Technology Owerri, 2005 to 2008
- Consulting Lecturer, Centre for Continuing Education Programmes in Public Health; Biomedical Technology; Environmental Health, 2005 to 2008.
- Basic Course Coordinator, National Post Graduate College of Biomedical Engineering of Nigeria 2008.
- Guest Lecturer, School of Nursing, Mbano Joint Hospital, Isiala Mbano, Imo State 2004
- Resource Lecturer (PT), Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON) 2011
- Lecturer (PT), Imo State College of Health Sciences and Technology, Amaigbo 2004
Linked Laboratory:
- Biomedical Technology Laboratory, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.
Research Interest
- Human Physiology and Pharmacology
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Physio-Pharmacology
- Microbiology and Virology
Research Description:
Sub-Saharan Africa is currently bedevilled with health problems associated with poverty, environmental and lifestyle changes. Prominent among these problems are malaria and diabetes. My researches are aimed at proffering indigenous, cost-effective, multi-dimensioned interventions to these devastating diseases. My published works on these are referable. In line with the requirements of W.H.O, medicinal plants with prophylactic or therapeutic uses need to be scientifically authenticated and their mechanisms of actions well understood. This demand is underscored by the increasing demerits of pharmaceuticals and the increasing use of relatively cheaper and safer botanical extracts all over the world. Currently, I have used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in University of Cape Town, South Africa, to identify minor phytochemical compounds responsible for the investigated antidiabetic and biochemical activities of a locally misused plant in the Niger Delta known as ‘ogwu obara’or ‘hospital is too far’ (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius). I have also extrapolated its phytochemicals mechanisms of actions in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Further sponsored research work is urgently desired to isolate and physio-pharmacologically investigate these minor phytochemicals for the effective and efficient intervention of diabetes and its complications.
Area of Specialization
He teaches/coordinates physiological and pharmacological courses since 2004. He has supervised more than thirty students’ projects; including M.Sc. works. He has been very active in academic curricula development of programmes in SOHT and SBMS.
- Iwuji, S.C. (2008). Elements of Human Physiology. In: Nigerian Institute for Biomedical Engineering Professional Course Book. ABC Publications Inc., Aba, Nigeria.
- Iwuji, S.C. (2010). Basics and Applications of General Pharmacology. Milestone Publishers Ltd. Owerri, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-49004-3-1.
- Iwuji, S.C. (2011). Essential Drug Profiles with Nursing & Safety Considerations. ABC Publications Inc., an imprint of Directories of African Biography Ltd, Aba, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-50518-8-9.
- Iwuji, S.C. (2013). Environmental Toxicology. National Open University of Nigeria Course material. (in press)
Papers in Journals:
- Ofuya, Z.M. and Iwuji, S.C. (2002). The Growth Pattern of Infants (0-12 Months) In a Rural area of River State, J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Mgt. 6 (1) 87-90.
- Iwuji, S.C, Nkuma-Udah, K.I., Adeoye, G.O., Iwuji, N.G., Iwueke, G.C. and Siminialayi, I.M. (2010). Insecticidal Efficacy of Lambdacyhalothrin, Cyfluthrin, Citrus Sp. Peel oil And Platostoma Sp. Leaf Extract on Anopheles Mosquitoes. Intl. J. Nat. & Appl. Sc.6 (3): 317-320.
- Iwuji, S.C., Ekeh, N.G., Agbaje, E.O. and Siminialayi, I. M. (2009). Hepatic Safety of Enantia chlorantha used as Antimalarial: An Animal Study. Afr. J. Med. Phy. Biomed. Engr. & Sc. 1, 71 – 74.
- Iwuji, S. C., Nwafor, A., Adienbo, O. M., Egwurugwu, J., Iwuji, N.G. and Oodo, O.M. (2010). Hypoglycaemic Potential of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Vernonia amygdalina: An animal study. Afr. J. Med. Phy., Biomed. Eng. & Sc. 2: 9 – 13.
- Iwuji, S. C., Nkuma-Udah, K.I., Onwuchekwa, A. I., Onuoha, C. K., Osuji, H.A. and Okoye, G. C. (2010). Design of a Digital Cardiotachometer. Afr. J. Med. Phy. Biomed. Engr. & Sc.2: 134-137.
- Adienbo, O.M, Nwafor, A. and Iwuji, S. (2011). Effects Of Aqueous Fruit Extract Of Xylopia Aethiopica On Reproductive Hormones In Male Guinea Pigs. Global J. Pure & Appl. Sc. 17. (2): 137-139.
- Egwurugwu, J.N., Obaji, N.N., Ufearo, C.S., Olorunfemi, O.J., Adienbo, O.M., Uchefuna, R.C., Iwuji, S.C., Chinko, B. And Akpan, E. (2009). The Effects Of Crude Extracts Of Pterocarpus Soyauxii On The Hematology Of Albino Wistar Rats. Intl J. Nat. & Appl. Sc. 5 (4): 361-364.
- Iwuji, S.C., Ekeh, N.G and Agbaje, E.O. (2007). Haematological Effects of Antimalarial Enantia chlorantha Using Animal Model. Med. Res. Tech. 4. (2).
- Ekeh, N.G., Adeoye, G.O. and Iwuji, S.C. (2008). Insecticidal effectiveness of pyrethroids and orange peels for malarial vector control. Med. Res. Tech. 5 (1): 3-8.
- Egwurugwu, J.N., Nwafor,A.,Chike,C.P.R. Ufearo, C.S., Uchefuna, R.C.,Iwuji,S.C., Okwara, J.E. and Alagwu, E.A. (2011). The relationship between body mass index, semen and sex hormones in adult males. Nig. J. Physiol. Sc. 26 (1): 29-34.
- Iwuji, S.C., Adeoye, G.O., Iwuji, N.G., Lamina, S., Opara, K.N. and Iwueke, G.C. (2010). Comparison of the Knock down Effects of Citrus sp. And Platostoma sp. Extracts For Safer Malarial Vector Control. J. Health Sc. & Tech. 1: 17-22.
- Azeez, T.O., Lamina, S and Iwuji, S.C. (2010). Correlation of cardio-respiratory fitness and gait parameters of young undergraduate subjects. Health Sc. & Tech.1: 140-146.
- Nkuma-Udah, K.I., Agoha, E.E.C., Ndubuka, G.I., Osuagwu, C.G., Iwuji, S.C. and Ejeta, K. (2012). Strengthening of Developing Countries Biomedical Engineering by the Developing Countries: The Engineering World Health Experience. M. Long (Ed.). World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings pp. 1704-1707.
- Nwosu, E.C., Iwuji, S.C., Nkuma-Udah K.I., Orakwue, C., Mbagwu K. and Okoye, G.C. Design and Fabrication of a Local Colorimeter for the Developing Countries. Afr J Med Phy, Biomed Eng & Sc, 2012, 3, 58 – 62.
- Iwuji S C, Nwafor A, Egwurugwu J. Ejeta K. and Akpan U. (2013). Comparative Characterization of the Phytomedicinal Constituents of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Leaf Extracts. American J PharmTech. 3(1):779-784.
- Iwuji, S. C., Nwafor, A., Azeez, T. O., Nwosu, E. C., Nwaokoro, J. C., Egwurugwu, J., Danladi, N. B. (2013). Nutritional and Electrolyte Values of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Chaya) leaves consumed in Niger Delta, Nigeria. American J PharmTech. 3(6): 138-147.
- Egwurugwu J.N., Nwafor A., Oluronfemi O.J., Iwuji S.C. and Alagwu E.A. (2013). Impact of Prolonged Exposure to Oil and Gas Flares on Human Renal Functions. Int. Res. J. Medical Sci. Vol. 1(11), 9-16.
- Iwuji S C, Nwafor A, Chike, C P R, Iwuji N G and Nwaokoro J C. (2013). Interactive Effect of Combined Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Ocimum gratissimum and Vernonia amygdalina on Fasting Blood Glucose in Rabbits. American J PharmTech. 3 (5): 359-369.
- Azeez T. O, Onukwuli O. D., Araromi D. O., Arinkoola A. O., Salam K. K, IwujiC, Ejeta K.O., Dawodu B. F., Ayinde K.A, Nwacha R1. and Azeez F.O(2013). Optimization of Bioremediation of Cheese Whey with the Activity of Klebsiella Pneumonia Using Response Surface Methodology. Int’l J. Sc. Emerging Technologies with Latest Trends. 11(1): 10-21.
- Iwuji SC, Nwafor A, Egwurugwu J and Chikezie H (2014). Antihyperglycaemic Efficacy of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius compared with Glibenclamide in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Wistar Rats. Int. Res. J. Medical Sci (Accepted Manuscript No.: ISCA-IRJMedS-2014-03)
- Iwuji, S., Nwafor A., Azeez T. O., Nwosu, E. C., Egwurugwu, J. and Danladi, N. B. (2013c). Nutritional Evaluation of Medicinal Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Chaya) leaves Used in Nigeria. (Accepted on Sept. 06, 2013 by Afri. J. Med. Phys. Biomed. Engrg. Sc.)
- J C Nwaokoro, E A Okorie, O Emerole Chima, NO Ibe Sally, AN Amadi, INS Dozie, SC Iwuji and AA Nwaokoro (2014). Study on the effect of smoking on Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Federal Medical Center Owerri, Southeastern Nigeria. Asian J. Med. Sc. 5 (3): 63-71.
Some Published Abstracts/ Short Notes
- Iwuji, S.C. (2009). Book Review. Afr J Biomed Eng & Sc. 1, 51 – 51.
- Iwuji, S. C., Nwafor, A., Adienbo, O. M., Egwurugwu, J., Iwuji, N.G. and Oodo, O.M. (2010). Antidiabetic Potential of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Vernonia amygdalina: An Animal Model. An Abstract for 2010 National Conference Book of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria.
- Iwuji, S. C., Nwafor, A., Chike, CPR, Adienbo, O. M. Egwurugwu, J., and Iwuji, N.G. (2010). Hypoglycaemic Efficacy of Combined Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Ocimum gratissimum and Vernonia amygdalina: An Animal Study. Abstract published in Physiological Society of Nigeria 30th Scientific Conference Book. p. 50.
- Iwuji, S.C., G.O. Adeoye, N.G. Iwuji, S. Lamina, K.N. Opara and G. C. Iwueke (2011). Comparison of the Knock down Effects of Citrus sp. And Platostoma sp. Extracts For Safer Malarial Vector Control. An Abstract for 2011 National Conference Book of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria.
- Nwosu, E.C., Iwuji, S.C., Orakwue, C., Mbagwu K. and Okoye, G.C. (2011). Design and Fabrication of a Colorimeter. An Abstract for 2011 NIBE conference book.
- Iwuji, S.C., Siminialayi, I.M., Olopade I. O. and Eyaru S.G. (2011). Effect of Aloe Vera Gel Extract on Blood Glucose Level of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Albino Wistar Rats. An Abstract for 2011 NIBE conference book.
- C. Iwuji, K.I. Nkuma-Udah, A.I. Onwuchekwa, C.K. Onuoha, H.A. Osuji and G.C. Okoye. Design and Fabrication of a Digital Cardiotachometer. An Abstract for 2011 NIBE conference book.
- Comparative Antidiabetic Effect of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Hydromethanolic Leaf Extract and Glibenclamide in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Wistar Rats. An abstract accepted and presented at the 14th National Conference of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists held at the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria between October 16 and 19, 2013 tagged ‘Uyo 2013’.
- Iwuji S C, Nwafor A, Chike, C P R, Iwuji N G and Nwaokoro J C. Interactive Effect of Combined Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Ocimum gratissimum and Vernonia amygdalina on Fasting Blood Glucose in Rabbits. An abstract accepted and presented at the 14th National Conference of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists held at the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria between October 16 and 19, 2013 tagged ‘Uyo 2013’.
Some Published Articles/features on Environmental / Public Health:
- Iwuji, S.C. (1992). Solution for Urban Refuse Disposal problem. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspapers. October, 12. P.11
- Iwuji, S.C. (1993). To control environmental pollution. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspapers. December, 13. P.11
- Iwuji, S.C. (1994). Water pollution. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspapers. Janurary, 10 P.11
- Iwuji S.C. (1994). Let’s uphold environmental sanitation. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspapers. December, 9 .p.7
- Iwuji S.C. (1994). Man and Environment. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspapers. June, 2. P.4
- Iwuji, S.C. (1994). Food Sanitation. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspapers. April, 14. P.11
- Iwuji, S.C. (1995). Problems of Health Officers. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspaper. Janurary, 16. P.7
- Iwuji, S.C. (1995). Resource generation and management in environmental sanitation. Feature. The Nigerian Statesman Newspapers. January, 16 p.7
- Iwuji, S.C. (2002). Understanding drugs before their abuse destroy us. Article. St. Brigid’s Catholic Church Annual Harvest Magazine. P.43 & 45
- Iwuji, S.C. (2003). Abortion and Child abandonment: our roles. Article. St. Brigid’s Catholic Church Annual Youth Harvest Magazine. p. 31 & 21.