Samuel I. Egwunatum

List of Academic & Professional Qualifications with dates
- B. Tech (Hons.), Quantity Surveying Federal University of Technology, Akure. 2001
- M. Tech. Quantity Surveying (Construction Economics option) Federal University of Technology, Akure. 2015
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Member, Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors Registration No: 03279 (2014)
- Member, American Association of Cost Engineers Registration No: 66026 (2015)
- Member, American Society of Professional Estimators Registration No: 3712714 (2015)
Research Interest
- Construction Economics and Cost Engineering
List of peer-reviewed Publications
- The Nexus of Statutory Allocation to the Public Water sector and Population Density of Nigerian States European Journal of Engineering Research and Science Belgium February 2018.
- Interpolating Construction Projects Escalation from Egwunatum’s Time-Cost Equilibrial Journal of Applied Economic Sciences Romania February 2018
- Governing the Filtration Process of Contractors to Insolvent Point in Construction Projects with Nmorcha (Threshold) Operator. Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences U.S.A February 2017
- Assessment of Energy utilization and leakages in building with BIM Elsevier Journal of Frontiers of Architecture Research U.K February 2017 5. A Review of construction Project Performance Estimators MedCrave Journal of Civil Engineering U.S.A August 2017
- Optimizing Energy Consumption in Building Designs Using Building Information Model (BIM) Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering. The Journal of Slovak University of Technology, Czehkoloviaka De Gruyter, Germany 2016
- Optimization Assessment of Building Envelope Properties using Building Information Model` Accepted for publication in American Journal of Civil Engineering U.S.A 2016
- The place of discretionary logic in construction planning and scheduling pitfalls in construction projects Scope journal of Engineering and Science. School Journal of Engineering, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro Nigeria October 2016
- Responding to building energy analysis and performance with building information model (BIM) Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
- Germany Nov. 2015
- Linearized algebraic model for unit rate pricing of concrete grade C20P in construction project Bid Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
- Germany Nov. 2015
- Unit rate cost model for pricing weld mesh reinforcement in construction projects British Journal of Environment Science Britain Nov. 2015
- The inverse reaction cross-section for unit rate cost model for pricing weld mesh reinforcement in construction projects World scientific news Poland October 2015
- An empirical model for the validation of Estimated completion time of construction projects and their value of variation International Journal of Engineering Research and Development India October 2015
- Theorizing the operations risk of concession projects on the framework of David and Moeschberger Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research U.S.A October 2015