Senior Lecturer, Microbiology Department
Dr Mrs Ngozi U. Nwogwugwu

Dr Ngozi Nwogwugwu( Nee Egbuhuzor) is the first child of a family of six, born to Mr & Mrs Patrick Egbuhuzor of Umuofor Amuzi Ahiara in Ahiazu Mbaise L.G.A., Imo State. She is happily married to Mr Stanley Nwogwugwu of Umuobo Umuawada in Ezinihitte Mbaise L.G.A, Imo State. The marriage is blessed with three lovely children: two boys and a girl.
Dr Ngozi had her education at s follows Central School, Amuzi; Community Secondary School Amuzi; Madonna Senior Secondary School for Science, Etiti; Imo State University, Owerri; Federal University of Technology, Owerri and the University of Port Harcourt. She had her FSLC, JSLC, SSC, B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD respectively from these institutions.
She is a devout catholic; a charismatic, and Christian mother.
She has more than ten years’ experience in her chosen career, with scholarly publications in local and international journals. She has research interest in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. Her PhD thesis was on the “Production of Bioethanol from Non- cellulosic agro wastes using Saccharomyces cerevisiae andCronobacter malonaticus” with response Surface model.
Dr Nwogwugwu has taught and supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate courses and theses.
She is emotionally stable with a good interpersonal relationship with colleagues.
- Qualifications
- Honours/Awards
- Affiliations
- Courses Assigned to Teach
- Experience
- Research Interest
- Publications
Academic Qualification
- PhD Industrial Microbiology (2017) UniPort
- M.Sc. Industrial Microbiology (2006) FUTO
- B.Sc. Microbiology (1998) IMSU
- Best Graduating Student Award, Department of Microbiology, IMSU( 1997/98) Graduating Class.
- Best Graduating Student Award, School of Biological Sciences, IMSU ( 1997/98) Graduating Class.
Membership of Professional Bodies:
- Nigerian Society for Microbiology
- Science Association of Nigeria
- American Society for Microbiology
- Organisation of Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSDW)
- Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria
- West African Society for Toxicology
Course Code and Courses Assigned to Teach:
- MCB 305,
- MCB 306,
- MCB 407,
- MCB 501,
- MCB 502,
- MCB 704,
- MCB 705,
- MCB 818,
- MCB 822 and
- MCB 909
- 2009-DATE, Federal University Of Technology, Owerri, Senior Lecturer, Microbiology Department.
- 2004-2009, UAC Nig. Plc. Restaurant Manager, UAC Restaurants, Enugu.
Research Interest
Applied Microbiology/ Microbial Biotechnology
- Nwogwugwu, N.U., Ogbulie, J. N., Chinakwe, E. C., Nwachukwu, I. N. and Onyemekara, N. N. The Microbiology and Proximate Assay of a Novel Weaning Food-‘Dupap’ Journal of Microbiology And Biotechnology Research Jmbr 2012,2(2):298-304
- Chinakwe, E.C.1, Nwogwugwu N.U1, Nwachukwu I.N1, Okorondu S.I1, Onyemekara N.N1, Ndubuisi-Nnaji, U.U2 Microbial Quality and Public Health Implications of Hand- Wash Water Sample of Public Adults In Owerri, South-East Nigeria. International Research Journal of Microbiology(Irjm).2012,3(4):
144-146 - Nwogwugwu NU, Ogbulie JN, Chinakwe EC, Onyemekara NN, Microbial And Organoleptic Changes Associated With ‘Okpa’ Stored at Ambient Temperature Abanno NU. Journal of Research In Microbes. (Jrm), 2012,1(2):071-076
- Abanno, NU, Egbuhuzor, NU, Ogbulie, JN Microbiological, Biochemical And Sensory Properties of ‘Pabruit’ (Weaning Food: Fermented Maize Meal Fortified With Processed Breadfruit) Journal Of Research in microbes.2012,1: 051-056.
- Nwogwugwu, N.U., Dozie, I.N.S., Chinakwe, E.C., Nwachukwu, I.N., and Onyemekara, N.N. The Bacteriology of Discharging Ear (Otitis Media)Amongst Children in Owerri, Imo State, South-East Nigeria. British Microbiology Research Journal.2014,4(7): 813-820.
- Nwogwugwu, N.U., Dozie, INS, Chinakwe, EC. The incidence of Asymptomatic urinary tract infections amongst female university students in Owerri- South-East Nigeria. Annals of Biological Research, 2015,6 (10):20-25.
- Nwachukwu, IN, Onyeneto, TC, Nwogwugwu, N.U. Infection of yam ( Dioscorea spp) associated with cell wall degrading enzymes by Aspergillus. Researcher 2015,7(10):77-82.
- Nwogwugwu, N.U., Abu, G.O., Akaranta, O. Reducing sugars from agro-waste biomass suitable for industrial applications Archives of Applied Science Research, 2016, 8 (8):37-40.
- Chinakwe, E.C., Egbadon, E.O., Ofoh, M.C., Ojibe, O., Onyeji-Jarret, c., Emeakaroha, M.C., Nwogwugwu, N.U., Chinakwe, P.O. In vitro Evaluation of the effect of Inorganic Fertilizer on Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Populations during Early Growth of Zea mays and Phaseolus vulgaris. Biotechnology Journal International, 2017,18(1):1-9.
- Onyeneto T. C., Nwachukwu I. N. and Nwogwugwu N. U. Trace metals and contaminants in commercial fruit juices sold in southeastern states, Nigeria Annals of Biological Research, 2015, 6 (10):15-19.
- Onyeneto T. C., Nwachukwu I. N. and Nwogwugwu N. U. Physicochemical qualities of commercial samples of fruit juices sold in southeastern states of Nigeria Annals of Biological Research, 2015, 6 (10):7-14.
- Onyeneto T. C., Nwachukwu I. N. and Nwogwugwu N. U. The Effect of pH and Chemical Preservatives on the Growth of Bacterial Isolates from Commercial Samples of Fruit Juices Sold in South Eastern Nigeria International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB), 2015, 3(10):141-145.
- Nwogwugwu N. U., Abu G. O. and Akaranta O. Chemical Composition of Calabash (Crescentia cujete) and Fluted Pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis Hook. F) Pulp and Their Potential for Use in the Industry. Archives of Applied Science Research, 2016, 8 (8):24-30.
- Nwogwugwu N.U., Abu G.O., and Akaranta O. Isolation of Cellulose Degrading Microorganisms from Agro-Wastes for Industrial Utilisation. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology,2018, 5(2):13-22.
- Onyemekara N.N., Nwanebu F.C., Njoku M.N., Chinakwe E. C., Nwogwugwu N.U and Mike–Anosike, E. Microbiological and Proximate Analysis of a Local Food Beverage – Kunu Zaki, Sold in Owerri Municipal. FUTO Journal Series (FUTOJNLS),2018,4(2): 128-133.
- Chinakwe, E.C., Ibekwe, V.I., Nwogwugwu, N.U, Onyemekara, N.N., Ofoegbu, J., Mike-Anosike, E., Emeakaraoha, M., Adeleye, S., Chinakwe, P.O. Microbial Population Changes in the Rhizosphere of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum)varieties during early growth in Greenhouse. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (MJSA),2019,3(1):23-27.
- Chinakwe, E.C., Ibekwe, V.I., Nwogwugwu, N.U., Ofoegbu, J., Mike-Anosike, E., Nwachukwu, I.N., Adeleye, S., Chinakwe, P.O. Evaluation of Plant Growth Promoting Potentials Exhibited by Rhizobacteria Associated with Beans Plant. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (MJSA),2019,3(1): 20-22.
- Chinakwe, E.C., Ibekwe, V.I., Ofoh, M.C., Nwogwugwu, N.U., Adeleye, S.A. Chinakwe, P.O., Nwachukwu, I.N. and Ihejirika, C.E. Effect of Temperature Changes on the Bacterial and Fungal Succession Patterns during Composting of Some Organic Wastes in Greenhouse. Journal of Advances in Microbiology,2019,15(1):1-10.
- Chinakwe, E.C., Nwogwugwu, N.U., Ibekwe, V.I., Chinakwe, P.O., Egbadon, E.O., and Adeleye, S.A Isolation and Evaluation of Bacteria Exhibiting Multiple Plant Growth Traits in the Rhizosphere of Yellow Bell Pepper (Capsicum chinense). Journal of Advances in Microbiology,2019,14(4): 1-6.
- Nwogwugwu, N.U, Abu, G.O., Akaranta, O. and Chinakwe, E.C. Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimizing the Production of Bioethanol from Calabash (Crescentia cujete) Substrate Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Advances in Microbiology,2019,17(2):1-12.