Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology
Dr. Toochukwu E. Ogbulie

Dr. Toochukwu Ekwutosi Ogbulie
Associate Professor
Deputy Director, Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (CES), FUTO
Environmental/Social Safeguard Officer ( ACE-FUELS) The World Bank [www.https//]
BSc., MSc., PhD
Dr. Toochukwu Ekwutosi Ogbulie is an Associate Professor of Biotechnology and Deputy Director of Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies (CES) at the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO). She holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Biotechnology, M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Microbiology. She is a registered Environmental Specialist (RES, A306) with a specialization in Bioenergy and Environment under the National Registry of Environmental Professionals, NREP USA. She has a profound interest and experience in Environmental Biotechnology/ Renewable Energy; Food Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. She has carried out several empirical and operational research in Biotechnology using a strong quantitative and analytical skills which she obtained from varied international merit-based certificate courses that she has attended including summer certificate Course in Molecular Biology Techniques for DNA Technology; Practical course in Bioinformatics” Computer Methods in Molecular Biology at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB-CEI), Trieste Italy; Course in Environmental Management as Registered Environmental Specialist by NREP , USA; Chineese Academy of Science CAS-TWAS Food Biotechnology Training, Beijing, China; Wellcome Trust Advance Course on Next Generation Sequencing in Sanger S e q u e n c i n g I n s t i t u t e Hinxton Cambridge UK; Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Overseas Course on Human and Vertebrate Genomics in Durban , South Africa; ProBIOGAS International Biogas plant engineering and operating training in Steinbeis Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) Filderhauptstraße by Internationales Biogas und Bioenergie Kompetenzzentrum [IBBK], Stuttgart Germany, Course on Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low Carbon Future, MOOC INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE (IFP) Rueil- Malmaison, Paris, France, Course on Bacterial Genomes: From DNA to Protein Function Using Bioinformatics Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Courses, Sanger Sequencing Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge, United Kingdom, etc.
Interestingly, Dr Ogbulie and her Bioremediation research team have been in search of possible environmentally friendly strategies for cleanup operations in crude oil polluted agricultural soil. Currently, the team has confirmed the possible identities of bacterial isolates with an identical sequence of genes of negligible differences coding for biosurfactant production and hydrocarbon-degrading genes required for degradation of crude oil using standard molecular biology/ OMICS- driven Techniques which paved way for the meritorious NRF-TETFund grant to her team. The team is on the verge of developing a construct to create a novel organism with composite degradative genes to be employed in monoculture and multi-culture operational systems during bioremediation.
Dr Ogbulie is the Deputy Director, Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies (CES) and former Deputy Dean of Postgraduate School, FUTO, a member of the University Senate; member of Management Team of African Centre of Excellence – Future Energies and Electrochemical Systems (ACE-FUELS) FUTO, Co-Chairman of Committee for the establishment of Centre for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (CBMB) which attracted TETFund /NUC approval and has served as the Head of Department of Biotechnology (2016 – 2019) in the University. She has ultimately contributed to research and development in the University especially in the field of Biotechnology and the Environment and has supervised many post-graduate students. She is a member of some national and international organizations as the Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM), Biotechnological Society of Nigeria (BSN), Nigeria Environmental Society (NES), Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSDW/ TWOWS), Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM) UK, American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Federation of European Microbiologist (FEMS); Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) USA which she is currently the Vice president of the international chapter. Dr Ogbulie has attended and made presentations in several scientific national and international conferences and has to her credit, authored and co-authored eighty-four (84) scientific publications/ works made up of articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. She is married with five (5) lovely children.
- Qualifications
- Honours/Awards
- Affiliations
- Courses Assigned to Teach
- Experience
- Research Interest
- Publications
- Conference
List of Academic & Professional Qualifications with dates
Ph.D.- Biotechnology
MSc. – Microbiology
BSc. – Microbiology
Professional Qualifications
- Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence (ACE) World Bank Project 6th ACE Impact Regional Workshop organized by Association of African Universities and “The World Bank Group” 8th – 11th November 2021.
- Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence (ACE) World Bank Project 5th ACE Impact Regional Workshop organized by Association of African Universities and “The World Bank Group” 24th – 28th May, 2021.
- Elsevier workshop on “Writing without Plagiarism and Proper Citation using Mendeley, Organized by Unversity of Lagos (UNILAG), July 28th, 2020.
- Clarivate WEB of Science workship on “ Research Evaluations using Web of Science” organized by Association of African Universities, September 4th, 2020.
- Clarivate WEB of Science workship on “Research Evaluations using InCites program” organized by Association of African Universities, September 11th, 2020.
- Clarivate WEB of Science workship on “Building Profile for Authors and Research Organizations” organized by Association of African Universities, September 4th, 2020.
- Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence (ACE) World Bank Project 4th ACE Impact Regional Workshop organized by Association of African Universities and “The World Bank Group” 19th – 30th October, 2020.
- Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence (ACE) World Bank Project – 12th ACE I and 3rd ACE Impact Steering Committee Meetings and 12th ACE 1 and 3rd ACE Impact Workshop at NUC Secretariat and Sheraton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria February 24 – 28, 2020.
- Course on Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low Carbon Future, MOOC INSTITUT FRANçAIS DU PéTROLE (IFP) Rueil- Malmaison, Paris, France 24th March – 6th of May 2019.
- Training Workshop on ” Teaching Skills and Talent Hunt in Entrepreneurship” Organized by Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies (CES) FUTO, 14TH May 2019.
- Course on Bacterial Genomes: From DNA to Protein Function Using Bioinformatics Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences, implemented by Sanger Sequencing Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge, United Kingdom 11th -26th June 2018.
- ProBIOGAS International Biogas plant engineering and operating training in Steinbeis Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) Filderhauptstraße 142, 70599 organized by Internationales Biogas und Bioenergie Kompetenzzentrum [IBBK], 19 – 27 September, 2017 Stuttgart, Germany.
- Workshop On Biogas Technology And Development For Sustainable Energy, Organic Agriculture, and Environmental Protection organized by The National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) Abuja, Nigeria 23rd – 25th August 2017.
- Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Overseas Course on Human and Vertebrate Genomics implemented by Sanger Sequencing Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge, United Kingdom. August 10th – 12th, 2017, Durban, South Africa.
- Leadership training on the Fundamentals of Office Administration, Leadership Skills and Effective communication; Processes and Practices, implemented by Center For Human Resource Development, Federal University of Technology Owerri. Nigeria February 14th – 15th, 2017.
- Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Course on Next Generation Sequencing implemented by Sanger Sequencing Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge, United Kingdom. March 11th – 18th, 2016.
- OMICS MOUAU Preconference cum Hands-on Training on Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology at Centre for Molecular Bioscience and Biotechnology (CMBB), Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State. Nigeria February, 22nd – 27th, 2016.
- TWAS-ROESEAP International Workshop on Food Biotechnology “Synthetic Biology for New/Improved Food Products: A solution to for Food Security” at Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok Thailand. Dec 19-24th, 2016.
- Food Biotechnology Training Course for Developing Countries implemented by CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology (CAS-TWAS CoEBio), Beijing, China, Nov 24th – 30th 2015.
- Short course on Environmental Management covering modules as Health Safety and Environment management systems, Environmental Pollution issues in oil and gas Industry, Environmental Impact Assessment methodologies and auditing and Health Impact assessment.-current trends. Implemented by National Registry of Environmental Professionals, Lagos State, May 2013.
- Hands-on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Training on Basic Molecular Biology Techniques and Bioinformatics at Nigerian Institute of Medical Research Yaba, Lagos State, 3rd – 8th August 2009 and 2nd-7th August 2010.
- National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP), USA. Course on Environmental Management as Registered Environmental Professionals/Specialists, May 2008. Certificate obtained: Registered Environmental Specialist (RES).
- International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, (ICGEB), and Central European Initiative (CEI), (ICGEB/CEI) Trieste, Italy. Practical Course on Bioinformatics: Computer Methods in Molecular Biology, June 2008. Certificate obtained: Certificate on Bioinformatics/Computer Methods in Molecular Biology.
- Biotechnology Center, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State (UNAAB). October, 2006 Summer Certificate Course on Basic Molecular Biology Techniques for DNA Technology.
List of Honours/Merit Awards received
- The TETFUND 2020 NRF Research Grant Award of N21, 000,000.00 (Twenty-one million naira) for the project titled “Bioremediation of Crude oil-polluted soil sites using genetically engineered superbugs for enhanced faster clean up operations in Nigeria”
- TETFund Institutional Based Research grant of N1, 470,000.00 (One Million, Four Hundred and Seventy Thousand naira) for research titled “Molecular typing, Purification and Metabolic Engineering of Yeasts and Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in palm wine for application in food Industry”
- The World Bank Group 2018 Award of African Center of Excellence in Future Energy and Energy and Electrochemical Systems (ACE-FUELS) Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.
- UK Bursary Fellowship award to attend Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Course on Human and Vertebrate genomics implemented by Sanger Sequencing Institute, Hinxton Cambridge, United Kingdom in Snell Parade Durban 4001, South Africa August 2017.
- TWAS-ROESEAP 2016 fellowship Award for International Workshop on Food Biotechnology “Synthetic Biology for New/Improved Food Products: A solution for Food Security” at Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok Thailand. Dec, 2016.
- UK Bursary Fellowship award to attend Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Course on Next Generation Sequencing implemented by Sanger Sequencing Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge, United Kingdom. March 2016.
- Fellowship Award by the Chinese Academy of Science and The World Academy of Science for the Developing World (TWAS) in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology China (CoEBio). Fellowship grant for a course on Food Biotechnology Training for Developing Countries, Beijing China, Nov – Dec 2015.
- Best Poster Presenter Award by OMICS International conferences at the 4th International Conference on Biodiversity, June 15-17, 2015 Las Vegas, Nevada USA.
- Fellowship Award by International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in collaboration with the Centre for European Initiatives (CEI). Fellowship grant for course on Bioinformatics: Computer Methods in Molecular Biology at the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, (ICGEB) Trieste, Italy. June 2008.
Membership of Professional Bodies
Member, Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM)
Member, Biotechnological Society of Nigeria (BSN)
Member, Nigeria Environmental Society (NES)
Member, National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)
Member, Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSDW/ TWOWS) Trieste Italy 2006 – Date USA. 2008 – Date
Member, Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM) UK 2013 – Date
Member, American Society for Microbiology (ASM) 2008- Date
Member, Graduate Women in Science (GWIS/ Iota Nu) USA 2013-Date
Member, Asian Council of Science Editors UAE 2017-Date
Member, American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT)
Vice President, International Women in Science, GWIS, USA 2016- Date
Vice President, Organization for Women in Science for Developing World
Member, International Research and Development Institute, Research and Development Network (IRDI) FUTO chapter 2018-Date
1st Chairperson, Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, South East Zone. 2018 – Date
Member, Federation of European Microbiologist (FEMS) – 2018 – Date
Member, European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) 2020- Date
New York Academy of Science (NYAS) – 2020 – Date
Course Code and Courses assigned to teach
BTC 201 Introductory Biotechnology I
BTC 202 Methods in Recombinant DNA technology I
BTC 306 Methods in Recombinant DNA technology II
BTC 409 Environmental Biotechnology
BTC 415 Analytical Methods and Quality control in Biotechnology
BTC 503 Industrial Biotechnology
BTC 509 Biotechnology Robotics and Analytical Methods.
BTC 504 Genetic Engineering
BTC 506 Nucleotide Sequence Analysis
BTC 515 Forensic Biotechnology
BTC 518 Food Biotechnology
BTC 804 Bioethics
BTC 805 Advanced Molecular Biology
BTC 807 Fermentation Technology
BTC 808 Bioinformatics
BTC 809 Advanced Genetic Engineering
BTC 810 Research Techniques in Biotechnology
BIO 818/906 Technical Writing and Presentation
BTC 902 Bioremediation
BTC 909 Environmental Impact Assessment
Work Experience
Teaching and Professional Experience
- Research Fellow – 2001 – 2002
- Pollution control Department Imo State Environmental Protection Agency (ISEPA), Owerri, Imo State. (NYSC).
- Facilitator and Research Fellow 1999– 2010
- Anthonio Van Leuwenhoek Center for the Advancement of Microbiology in Nigeria. Owerri, Imo State
- Assistant Lecturer – 2005 -2008
- Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.
- Lecturer II – 2008- 2011
- Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.
- Lecturer I – 2011 – 2014
- Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria
- Senior Lecturer – 2014 – 2017
- Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria
- Associate Professor – 2017- Date
- Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria
- Research Affiliate – 2016 – Date
- Institute of Environmental Health and Environmental Justice, FUTO
- Ag Head of Department – 2016-2019
- Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology Owerri
- Environmental and Social Safeguards Officer – 2018- Date
- African Centre of Excellence in Future Energies and Electrochemical Systems FUTO (ACE-FUELS FUTO) The World Bank
Associate Dean – Post Graduate School, 2020- 2021
Deputy Director – Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (CES) 2021- Date
- Academic Mentor – 2020- Date
- 1000 Girls 1000 Future Programme, New York Academy of Science, USA
- Academic Mentor – 2020 – Date
- Junior Academy programme New York Academy of Science, USA
Areas of Research Interest
- *Environmental/ Food Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Area of Specialization
- * Renewable Energy and Environment/ Microbial Biotechnology/Bioremediation
List of peer-reviewed Publications
- J.N. Ogbulie ,I.O.C. Obiajuru and T.E..Ogbulie (2003). Bacteria and Helminth bioload of cultured Channa obscura Journal of Aquatic Sciences 18(2)93-99.
- J.N. Ogbulie, T.E. Ogbulie and N.P. Okpokwasili (2005). Microbial Succession and Deterioration of Treated and Untreated Rubber latex Nigeria Journal of Microbiology 19 (1-2): 605-610.
- T.E. Ogbulie and T.C. Akujiobi (2006). Bacteriological Qualities of Bottled Water sold in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Natural and Applied Science. 2(2): 122-128.
- M.I. Nwachukwu, N.C. Duru, T.E. Ogbulie, I.O.Nwachukwu and C.C. Ibe (2006) Assessment of the antimicrobial efficacy of some Nigerian Toothpaste. International Journal of Natural and Applied Science 2(3): 272-278.
- S.I. Okorondu, W. Braide, T.E. Ogbulie and C.O. Akujiobi (2006). Antimicrobial and phytochemical properties of some traditional spices. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 20 (3): 1301- 1308.
- T.E. Ogbulie and M.O.E. Iwuala (2006). Bioremediation as a Potential Key to Environmental Sanitation and Sustenance in the Tropics. A Review International Journal of Environmental Health and Human Development. 7(2): 17-33.
- T.E. Ogbulie and I.G. Kalu (2006). The essence of Personal Monitoring Approaches in the Assessment of Day-to-Day Exposure to Chemical Substances. International Journal of Environmental Health and Human Development 7(1): 29-34.
- T.E. Ogbulie; I.G. Kalu and M.O.E. Iwuala (2007). Health Implications of Urban Housing and Population Settlement Pattern in Nigeria and the Mitigating Factors. International Journal of Environmental Health and Human Development. 8(1):35-42.
- F.C. Nwanebu, T.E. Ogbulie and Akujiobi, C.A. (2007). The Bacteriology of some Food products sold in Owerri, Nigeria. International Journal of Biotechnology and Applied Sciences 2(1): 63-68.
- T.E. Ogbulie, I.G. Kalu and I.J. Ibe (2007). Effects of Traditional Plant Preservatives on the Microbial load and Shelf Life of Palm Wine. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems, 1(1): 68-75.
- T.E. Ogbulie, Akujiobi T.C. and I.G. Kalu (2007). Assessment of the Physicochemical Quality of Commercially bottled water sold in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Natural and Applied Science 3(1): 131-137.
- T.E. Ogbulie, J.N. Ogbulie, and H.O. Njoku (2007) Comparative study on the microbiology and shelf-life stability of palm wine from Elaeis guineensis and Raphia hookeri obtained from Okigwe, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(7): 914-922.
- T.E. Ogbulie, J.N. Ogbulie and I. Umezuruike (2008). Biodegradation of detergents by aquatic bacterial flora from Otammiri River, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(6): 824-830.
- T.E. Ogbulie and S.U.N. Anune (2008). Quality Evaluation of some branded and unbranded Ice cream sold in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems 2(1): 83-88.
- T.E. Ogbulie (2008). Quality assessment of some sachet water sold in Owerri Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Food Systems 2(1): 34-38.
- I.G. Kalu., T.E. Ogbulie and F.N.Opara (2008), Pattern of Multi-drug resistance Salmonella enterica sero var typhi isolates in Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(21): 3817- 3820.
- Ibe, I.J., Ogbulie, J.N. and Ogbulie, T.E. (2008), Bacteriological Quality of On- The- Shelf Paediatric Syrups and Hospital Infusions. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 22(1): 1714- 1718.
- Ogbulie, J.N., Duru, C.N., Awujo, N.C. and Ogbulie, T.E. (2009). Physicochemical Quality of Municipal Borehole Water in Imo State, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research 48(1): 1-5.
- Ogbulie, T.E., Nwigwe, H.C., Iwuala, M.O.E. and Okpokwasili, G.C. (2010) Study on the use of Monoculture and Multispecie systems in Bioaugmentation of crude oil Contaminated Agricultural soil. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 24(1): 2160-2167.
- Ogbulie, T.E., Nwigwe, H.C., Okpokwasili, G.C. and Iwuala, M.O.E (2011) Comparative study on the effect of symbiotic interaction between plants and non-indigenous isolates on crude oil remediation. Analele Universitatii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie 18(1): 15-22.
- Ogbulie, T.E., Nwigwe, H.C and Anyadoh, S. O. (2011). Comparative Assessment of Bioload of Healthy and Diseased Oreochromis niloticus as means of Food Security. Analele Universitatii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie 18(1): 10-14.
- Ogbulie, T.E., Udensi, U.J. and Ezeji, E.U. (2011). Telfaira occidentalis aided Rhizoremediation of Agricultural soil subjected to different crude oil contamination levels. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems 5(1); 1-7.
- Ogbulie, T.E. (2011) Prospects for attaining an acceptable Housing Standard in Urban Settlements in Nigeria. An Overview. International Journal of Environmental Health and Human Development 12(2): 39-44.
- Ogbulie, T.E. and M.O.E. Iwuala (2011) Environmental Monitoring: Essence of Questionnaires and Models in Indirect Assessment of Exposure to Chemical Substances. International Journal of Environmental Health and Human Development 12(2): 45-50.
- Ogbulie, T.E. (2011). Phytoextraction of Nickel, Chromium, Lead and Copper from Crude oil-polluted Agricultural soil. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems. 5(2): 99-106.
- Ogbulie, T. E. and H. O. Njoku (2011) Effects of Different Bioremediation Processes on the degradation of n-Alkanes in crude oil contaminated Agricultural soil. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems 5(4): 240-250
- Ogbulie, T. E. and R. Nnopuechi (2012) Studies on the Phytoremediation of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil and its Effect on the Growth rate of Test Plants. International Journal of Environmental Health and Human Development 13(1): 32 – 40.
- Ogbulie, T. E. , Ogoamaka A. I. and Udensi, J U. (2013). Plasmid profiling and similarities in identities of probable microbes isolated from crude oil contaminated agricultural soil. Analele Universitatii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie 12(1): 7-11
- Ogbulie, T. E., Okereke J. N. and Chinakwe, E. C. (2013). Phytostimulation of Agricultural Soil Differentially Contaminated with Crude oil, using Vigna unguiculata International Journal of Environmental Health and Human Development 14(2): 31-41.
- I. G. Emeka-Nwabunnia, B. O. Ibeh and T. E. Ogbulie (2014) High HIV seroprevalence among students of institutions of higher education in South-Eastern Nigeria. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases. 4(2): 159-165. doi:10.1016/S2222-1808(14)60334-0
- Ogomaka, I.A.; Dike-Ndudim, J.N, Ogbulie, T.E.; Dike, D. O, Nwokeji, M.C., Egbuobi, R. C. (2014). Urinary tract infection among teenagers in Umudioka Orlu L. G. A. of Imo State, Nigeria. Scientific Research Journal 2(1):25-28.
- Ogbulie T. E, Nwanebu F. C. and Nwachukwu A. A. (2014) Assessment of the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon content of Agricultural soil polluted with different volumes of crude oil during Plant-Microbe Interaction. Annals of West University of Timisoara, ser. Biology XVII (1):13-24
- Ezeji, E. U., Ogbulie, T.E., Onwurah, I.N.E. and Ujowundu, C.O. (2014). Effects of Dichlorvos on Reduced Glutathione, Glutathione S-Transferase and Lipid Peroxidation of Egg Laying Hens. International Journal of Chemical and Biological Science 1(1): 46 – 49.
- Ogbulie, T. E., Ukoma, A. A. and Iwuala, M. O. E. (2014). Evaluation of the impact of climate change and possible mitigating factors on enhanced food security in Nigeria. International Journal for Environmental Health and Human Development 15(1): 1-19
- Nsofor, C. A., Ogbulie, T. E. and Nsofor, C. M (2014) Conjugation Efficiency of Human Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolates from different Regions of Nigeria. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Science 4(7): 638-644.
- Ogbulie, T. E., Nsofor, C. A. and Nze, F. C. (2014) Bacteria species associated with ugba (Pentaclethra macrophylla) produced traditionally and in the laboratory and the effect of fermentation on the product of oligosaccharide hydrolysis. Nigerian Food Journal 32(2): 73-80. Hosted by Elsevier DOI: 10.1016/S0189-7241(15)30120-X
- Ogbulie, T. E., Uzomah, A. O. and Agbugba, M. N. (2014) Assessment of the safety of some on-the-shelf canned food products using PCR- based molecular technique. Nigerian Food Journal 32(2): 81-91. Hosted by Elsevier
- Ogbulie, T. E., Nwanjo, G. O. and Azuwike, C. O. (2015) Culture-based and molecular detection of the microbial quality of borehole water used in some hostels in Ihiagwa, Imo State. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 29: 3116-3126
- Nsofor, C. A., Ogbulie, T. E. and Ugbogu, O. C. (2015). Whole Genome Sequencing: Bacterial Typing Revolutionized. Pyrex Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research 1 (3):038-048.
- Ogbulie, Toochukwu E., Duru, Christopher and Nwanebu, Ferdinand C. (2015) Interaction Effects of Plants and Indigenous Micro-organisms on Degradation of N-Alkanes in Crude Oil Contaminated Agricultural Soil. Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography 5: 2-16
- Nsofor C.A, Anyanwu N.C and Ogbulie T.E (2016). High Antibiotic Resistance Pattern Observed in Bacterial Isolates from a Tertiary Hospital in southeast Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences. 2(7):1-6
- Ogbulie T. E and Nwaokorie F.O (2016) Molecular Diversity of Microbes with Probable Degradative Genes in Agricultural Soil Contaminated with Bonny Light Crude Oil. Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography. 6: 1-9
- Chikezie, U. N, Nsofor C.A, Adjeroh L.A, Ogbulie T. E, Udensi, J.U and Oyirioha K.C (2016). An Evaluation of the Phytochemical and Nutritional Compositions of Fresh Leaves of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius. International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences 4(6) 21-28 http://dx.doi/10.20431/2349-0365.0406004
- Anuforo Henry Uzoma, Ogbulie Tochukwu Ekwutosi, and Akujobi Campbell Onyeka (2016). Comparative Study of Effects of Electrode Materials and Catholyte on Simultaneous Generation of Bioelectricity and Wastewater Treatment. International Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry; 1(1): 8-20.; doi: 10.11648/j.ijbc.20160101.12
- Akujobi Campbell Onyeka , Anuforo Henry Uzoma , Ogbulie Tochukwu Ekwutosi and Ezeji Ethelbert Uchechukwu (2017). Study on Generation of Bioelectricity Using Potassium Ferricyanide Electron Acceptor in Microbial Fuel Cell. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; 2(1): 5-13. doi: 10.11648/j.cbe.20170201.12
- Justina Ugochi Udensi, Toochukwu Ekwutosi Ogbulie, Emeka-Nwabunnia Ijeoma, Nkeiruka Uche Chikezie, Ugochukwu Mmasi Godson, Awurum Ivy Nwaku, Ifeyinwa Celestina Mgbemena (2017), Study on the Effects of Hydraulic Dredging and Disposal Operations on Water Quality of Nworie River, South-Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis. 5(2), 25-31. doi: 10.11648/j.ijema.20170502.12
- Ogbulie, T. E., Anuforo, H. U. Akujobi, C.,O., Nwachukwu, A. A. and Okika, W. O (2017) Potential Exoelectrogenic Bacteria Species Isolated from Piggery Wastewater used in Generation of Bioelectricity and Wastewater Treatment. Analele Universitatii din Oradea Fascicula Biologie Tom. XXIV, Issue: 1: 30-39
- Anuforo, H. U., Ogbulie, T. E., Akujobi, C. O., and Ezeji, E. U (2017). Study on the Use of Microbial Fuel Cell as Waste Management Option to Generate Electricity from Piggery Wastewater. Analele Universitatii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie Tom. XXIV, Issue: 1: 40-47.
- Okore, C. C., L. U. Nwaehiri., O.N. Mbanefo., T. E. Ogbulie., A. U. Ugenyi., I. B. Ogbuka., A. E. Ejele and I. A. Okwujiako (2017). Study on microbial diversity of biosurfactant producing bacteria from contaminated environmental samples. International Journal of Advanced Research. 5(6 ), 1387-1396. Article DOI URL:
- Okore, C. C., L. U. Nwaehiri., O.N. Mbanefo., T. E. Ogbulie., A. U. Ugenyi., I. B. Ogbuka., A. E. Ejele and I. A. Okwujiako (2017). Study on the effect of monovalent and divalent salts on the production of Biosurfactant and emulsification index. International Journal of Advanced Research 5(6 ): 1875-1881. Article URL:
- Okore, C. C., L. U. Nwaehiri., O.N. Mbanefo., T. E. Ogbulie., A. U. Ugenyi., I. B. Ogbuka., A. E. Ejele and I. A. Okwujiako (2017). Study on the production and Antibacterial activities of biosurfactants produced from some bacterial species. International Journal of Advanced Research 5(7 ): 581-586. Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/4755; DOI URL:
- Okore, C. C., L. U. Nwaehiri., O.N. Mbanefo., T. E. Ogbulie., A. U. Ugenyi., I. B. Ogbuka., A. E. Ejele and I. A. Okwujiako (2017). The Use Of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to Study the genetic variation of Biosurfactant Producing Bacteria. Academic Journal of Science, 07(03):267–286 ISSN: 2165-6282.
- Ugoenyi, A U., Ozoh, P.T., Ukwandu, N.C., Mgbemena, I.C., Okore, C.C.,Onyeocha, I.O., Okereke, J.N., Ogbulie, T.E and Adjaero, L.A (2018). Acute and Sub-chronic Toxicity of Euphobia serrata Ethanol extracts in Adult male Albino Rats. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences 5(9): 164-173 ISSN: 2348-8069 DOI
- Ogbulie, T.E., Okore, C. C., Ejele, A. E. and Okwujiako, I. A. (2020) Comparative study on identification of biosurfactant producing bacteria using three screening tests Analele Universitatii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie, 27(2): 179-186;;
- Anuforo, H.U., Ogbulie, T.E., Elumezie, A.O and Nwachukwu, A. A. (2020) Impact of heavy metals on the safety of cattle meat sold in Owerri metropolis, Imo state, Nigeria Environmental Engineering, and Management Journal, 19(11): 2013-2019;
- Nwachukwu, A.A. Ogbulie, T. E., Udodi, N.C., Evans-Kemka, C.I. and Onyekachi, V.C. (2020) Assessment of Proximate, Phytochemical and Selected Mineral Content of Acanthus montanus Leaf. Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology 6(2): 45-54, doi: 10.9734/AJB2T/2020/v6i230079
- Onwuakor, C.E., Ogbulie, J.N., Braide, W., Ogbulie, T.E., Nwokafor C.V. and Uchendu C.E. (2020) Optimization of culture conditions for enhanced bacteriocin production by Lactococcus lactis MT186647 using response surface methodology. American Journal of Microbiological Research, 8(4): 110-116 DOI:10.12691/ajmr-8-4-1
- Unachukwu, M.N., Nwakanma, C., Ogbulie, T. E. and Enebechi, C. L (2020). Antimicrobial activity of formulated local herbal soap made from paw-paw (carica papaya) leaf extract. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 23(2): 5211-5215.’L_JOURNAL_OF_AGRIC_AND_RURAL_DEV_CSAAT_FUTO_2020
- Ogbulie, T.E., Okore, C. C., and Ejele, A. E., (2021). Comparative essay on heavy metals removal from soil using a chemical surfactant, crude biosurfactant and the producing bacteria. Analele Universitatii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie,28(1): 35-41.;
- Okore, Chioma C., Ogbulie, Toochukwu E., Ejiogu, Chris, Odangowe, Ogidi I., Duruojinkeya, P., Ogbuka, Ifeanyi and Ajoku, Joseph U. (2021). Removal of Pb (II) from Synthetic solution using Activated Carbons produced from Agricultural wastes. Global Scientific Journals, 9(4), 2697-2707.
- Onwuakor, C. E., Ogbulie J.N., Braide, W., Ogbulie T.E., Nwokafor, C.V., and Uchendu C.E. (2021). Optimization of Bacteriocin Production by Lactobacillus fermentum Strain COE20 from Fermenting Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth Using Response Surface Methodology. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 9 (2): 30-37.
- Ugwu, T. N., Nwachukwu, A. A., Ogbulie T. E. and Anyalogbu, E. A. (2021). Compositional Assessment of Selected Plant-based Substrates for Biogas Production. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, 24(3): 1-6. DOI: 10.9734/jabb/2021/v24i330202 ;
- Chioma C. Okorea, Toochukwu E. Ogbulie, Ogidi I. Odangowei, Chris Ejiogu, Prisca Duruojinkeya, IfeanyiB. Ogbuka, Joseph U. Ajoku (2021). Heavy Metals Incidence and Plasmid Profiles of Bacteria Isolated from borehole water around Federal Polytechnic Nekede Communities. Global Scientific Journals, 9(6), 1247-1261.
- Ogbulie, T.E. , Opara, C.N. , Nwachukwu, A.A. , Anuforo, H.U. and Ojimadu, P.O (2021). Assessment of Hygiene Status of Implements for Sale of Raw Beef in Selected. Retail Shops in Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria. EBSU Science Journal, 2: 27-34
Conference Proceedings
- Ogbulie T. E. and Ucheime, A. C. (2015). Assessment of Population dynamics of biodegradable Consortia in Bonny light crude oil polluted agricultural soil using molecular and culture-based Approach. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Biotechnology, OMICS International conferences, October 5-7, 2015 Rohini, Delhi, India pp 176.
- Ogbulie, T. E, Duru, C. M and Nwanebu F. C. (2015). Study on the effect of the interaction of plants and indigenous micro-organisms in degradation of n-alkanes in crude oil contaminated agricultural soil. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Biodiversity, OMICS International conferences, June 15-17, 2015 Las Vegas, Nevada USA pp 34.
Chapters in Books in Relevant Area of research
- Uwaezuoke, J.C. and Ogbulie. T.E (2000). Laboratory Equipment and General Techniques In: Biological and Agricultural Technique. Webs Communications, Nigeria ISBN 978-33947-8-9. Pp 1-9.
- Uwaezuoke, J.C. and Ogbulie, T.E. (2000). General Microscopy. In: Laboratory Manual for University Biology. Egoba Associates, Owerri, Nigeria ISBN 978-34741-6-2.Pp 5-20.
- Ogbulie, T. E (2012) Introduction to Genetics In: Foundation Biology for University Students Vol I. ApplauseB Multisectors Ltd Owerri, Nigeria. ISBN 978-219-314-3 pp 199-238.
- Ogbulie T. E. and J.N. Ogbulie (2013) Agricultural Microbiology In: Foundation Biology for University Students Vol II. ApplauseB Multisectors Ltd Owerri, Nigeria. ISBN 978- 219-354-2 pp 227-317.
- Ogbulie, T. E. (2013). Spectrophotometric Techniques In: Research Technique in Biological and Agricultural Science. Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-50638-9-9 pp 272 – 303.
- Ogbulie, T. E. and Ogoamaka, A. I (2015). Preparation and Observation of cultures and microscopic slides In: Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology. . Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-52586-4-6 pp 63 – 112.
- Ogbulie, T. E. (2015). DNA: The basis of inheritance in organisms. In: Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology. Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-52586-4-6 pp 113 – 147.
- Ogbulie, T. E. and Fowora, M. A. (2015). The Chromosomes, Plasmid DNA, Phages and their general Extraction Methods. In: Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology. Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-52586-4-6 pp 158 – 212.
- Ogbulie, T. E. and Nwaokorie, F. O. (2015). Genetic Modification in Biotechnology. In: Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology. Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-52586-4-6 pp 213- 264.
- Ogbulie, T. E. (2015). Principles, Methods and Application of Gel Electrophoresis. In: Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology.Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-52586-4-6 pp 265- 314.
- Ogbulie, T. E., Nwakanma, C and Anuforo, H. U. (2015). Biological tool used in Biotechnology. In: Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology.Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-52586-4-6 pp 357- 450.
- Ogbulie, Toochukwu Ekwutosi, Opara, Christiana N , Nwachukwu, Augusta Anuli and Ogbodo, Priscilla Amaka (2021). Strategies for yeast strain improvement through metabolic Engineering In: Multidisciplinary Applications and Advances in Biotechnology. Vol 1 Ch 7. Taylor and Francis Group, USA.
- Toochukwu E. Ogbulie1, Nwadiuto Esiobu 2 and Muinah Foworah (2021) Development and composition of the human microbiome from birth In: Multidisciplinary Applications and Advances in Biotechnology. Vol 5 Ch 4. Taylor and Francis group, USA.
- Toochukwu E. Ogbulie, Nwadiuto Esiobu and Ifeoma Enweani (2021) A Brief Review of Earth Microbiomes and Applications. birth In: Multidisciplinary Applications and Advances in Biotechnology. Vol 5 Ch 8. Taylor and Francis Group, USA.
Editor/ Co-Editor of TextBook in Relevant Area of research
- Ogbulie, T. E., Ezeji, E. U. and Nsofor, C. A. (2014). A concise guide to in-vitro recombinant DNA technology: Laboratory manual Unique books, Webs Media Communications LTD Owerri Nigeria ISBN978-978-52588-5-6, 56 p.
- Ogbulie, T. E. and Nwakanma, C (2015) Essential Analytical Methods in Biotechnology. Unique Books, Webs Media Communication LTD ISBN 978-978-52586-4-6 464p.
- Ogbulie, T. E. (2015). A concise guide to Experimentations in Molecular biology: Laboratory. Manual, Stanet Technologies Owerri, ISBN 978-25797-5-3, 67p