Reader, Biotechnology Department
Dr Ifeyinwa C. Mgbemena

Dr Ifeyinwa Celestina Mgbemena
B.Sc. (Zoology, UNN), M.Sc. (Environmental Health Biology, FUTO), PhD (Environmental Health Biology, FUTO)
Mgbemena Ifeyinwa Celestinais a reader in the Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. She read zoology and Environmental Health Biology with a major in parasitology. She is currently researching the use of indigenous plants for the control of vectors with a view to eliminating hazards associated with the use of chemicals. She has published widely in her research area of Parasitology and Environmental Health especially on vector-borne diseases like malaria, onchocerciasis and other tropical diseases in both local and international journals. She is a member of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria (PPSN), Zoology Society of Nigeria (ZSN), Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, Society for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (SOSEH), Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and Organization for Women in Science in Developing Countries (OWSD).
Academic Qualification
- PhD in Environmental Health Biology – 2010
- M.Sc Environmental Health Biology – 2002
- B.Sc. – 1992
- WAEC – 1987
- Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria(PPSN)
- Zoology Society of Nigeria
- Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON)
- Biotechnology Society of Nigeria(BSN)
- Society for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (SOSEH)
- Organization for Women in Science and Development (O W S D)
- Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
- Society for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health(SOSEH)
Course Code & Courses:
- BTC 301 – Biostatistics,
- BTC 305 – Introduction to Biotechnology II,
- BTC 407 – Virology
- BTC 419 – Cell Biology
- BTC 505 – Seminar in Biotechnology
- BTC 511 – Bioresources Management
- BTC 312 – Embryology
- BTC 308 – Ecology and Diversity
- BTC 508 – Research Project Biotechnology
- BTC 817/907 – Seminar
- BTC 813 – Animal Biotechnology
- BTC 823 – Environmental Management
- BTC 825 – Biodegradation
- BTC 827 – Parasitic Diseases & their vectors
- BTC 814 – Environmental Biotechnology
- BTC 822 – Pest & Pesticides
- BTC 904 – Epidemiology and Control of Parasitic Diseases in the tropics
- BTC 800/900 – Research Project
- Assistant Lecturer – 2005 – 2008
- Lecturer II – 2008 – 2011
- Lecturer I – 2011 – 2014
- Senior Lecturer – 2014 – 2017
- Reader – 2017 – Date
Research Interest
- ParasiticDiseases/Epidemiology
- Medicinal Plants
- Environmental Management
- Vector Control
- Udensi, J. U., Ebe, T., Ugochukwu, G. M., Awurum, I. N., Mgbemena, I. C., Aroh, K. and Ezenweani, E. (2019). Enhancement of Cassava fermentation using Nail and Scent leaf (Occimiumviridis). International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(10): 1128 – 1136.
- Udensi, J. U.; Umeh, S. I.; Mgbemena, I. C.; Emeka- Nwabunnia, I.; Ebe, T.; Aroh, K. and Onah, J.(2019). Antifungal Activities of Virgin Coconut oil on Candida albicas, Aspergillusniger and Mould species. AJEHS, 6: 66 84.
- Toochukwu, EzechiEbe, RoselineFeechiNjoku – Tony, Ihejirika, C. E.; Emereibeole, E. I.; Nicholas, ChimaNdukwu, and Augusta AnuliNwachukwu(2018). Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on Surface and Groundwater in Ogwuma Community of Ahiazu, Imo State, Nigeria. JBEMi, 5(3): 27 – 33.
- Nwachukwu, C.I.,Mgbemena, I.C.,Nwachukwu, M.O., Okoro, L.C., Ikeh, S. G. I. and Nwaiche, C.B.(2018). Futo Journal Series (FUTOJNLS) 4(1): 334 – 346
- UgenyiAssumpta U 1., OzohPactrick O., Ukwandu N. C., MgbemenaIfeyinwa Okorie Chioma C., Onyeocha Ignatius O.(2018).Evaluation of Toxicological Effects Ethanol Extracts of Mimosa pudicain Adult Male Albino Rats. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci.: 5(10): 98-109
- Ugenyi Assumpta U1., Ozoh Patrick O., Ukwandu N. C., Mgbemena Ifeyinwa C., OkorieChioma C., Onyeocha Ignatius O., Okereke Josephat N ., OgbulieToochukwu E., AdjeroLawrencia A. (2018). Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci./5(9): 164-173
- L. N. Allison, I. Mgbemena, A.N.C. Amadi, M. N.Ezike, A.A. Ukoma, D.O. Iwu(2017). Effect of malaria parasite on platelet among pregnant women in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. American Journal of Clinical Research and Review, 1(6): 1 -7.
- Mgbemena I. C, Allison, L.N, Udensi, J.U, Ezea, C. O and Azubuike, C. G.(2017). Hematological Indices Associated with Malaria in Children Between 0 – 12 Years Old. FUTO Journal Series (FUTOJNLS), 3(2): 197 – 206
- Mgbemena, I. C., Allison, L. N., Udensi, U. J., Nweke, K. E., Nwachukwu, A. A and Ezea, C.O (2016). Screening of Ethanol extract of Combretumracemosumand Euphorbia hirta leaves for possible activity on Trypanosomabruceibruceiinfecte
d mice, Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 4(9): 725-731 - Mgbemena, I.C; Ezea, C. O; Ebe, T. E; Udensi, U. J; Nwachukwu, A. A; Nzenwa, D. C; and Nwannah, A. L. (2016). Asymptomatic malaria among students of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri(FUTO), Imo State, Nigeria.Issues in Biological Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research; 4(6), 50-57,
- Mgbemena, I. C.(2016). Synergistic Larvicidal Activities of Three Local Plants on Aedesaegypti. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: C Biological Science,16 (3/1):5 – 13.
- Mgbemena, I. C, Ebe, T. E., Ezea, C. O., Irokanjo, C. E. and Okechukwu, R. I. (2016). Phytochemical Characterization and Insecticidal Property of Jatropha Plant. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: C Biological Science; 16 (3)
- MgbemenaIfeyinwaCelestina(
2016). Microbiological quality of sachet and bottled water produced and marketed around Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO), Imo State, Nigeria. Academic Journal of Science, 05(01):459–470, - T. E. Ebe., R. F. Njoku – Tony., C.E. Ihejiriika., L.C. Izunobi., I. C. Mgbemena and U. Udensi(2016). Bioefficacy of some Indigenous Nigerian Plant leaves on Mosquito species. Journal of Mosquito Research,6(2): 1 – 4.
- Mgbemena, I.C, Azuwike, C. O, Nnadozie, A. I and Ezea, C. O(2015).Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Parasites among School-aged Children in Imo State, South Eastern Nigeria.Elixir Biosciences 84: 34013-34018
- Mgbemena, I. C, Ezea, C. O, Azuwike, C. O and Nnadozie, A. I.(2015). Prophylactic Potential of Lemon Grass and Neem as Antimalarial Agents.Elixir Biosciences 84: 34019-34022
- Mgbemena, I. C., Adjeroh, L. A.andEbe, T.(2015). A sampling of Adult Mosquito Using Human Bait Method, Spray-Sheet Method and the CDC Light Trap.G.J.B.A.H.S., 4(2):142-150
- Ebe, TochukwuEzechi., Mgbemena, Ifeyinwa C., Njoku-Tony, RoselineFeechi., Njoku, J. D. and Emereibeole, Enos.(2015).Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 5(12):95 – 98,
- Mgbemena, I. C; Ebe, T; Nnadozie, A. I, Iloanya, U. C(2015) Bacteriological And Parasitological Assessment Of Fresh Meat Marketed In Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS); 10(4):71-76
- Mgbemena, I. C; Ebe T; Nnadozie, A. I; Ekeanyanwu, K. K.(2015).Repellent activities of the methanolic leaf extracts of Moringaoleifera And Stachytarphetaindica against Aedesaegypti mosquito. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS); 10(4): 77-81
- Tochukwu E. Ebe., Ifeyinwa Mgbemena, Roselyn F. Njoku-Tony., ChineduIhejirika and Emmanuel E. Onuoha. (2015). Larvicidal effect of Cymbopogoncitratusroot and leaf on the first instar larval stage of Anopheles gambiae, Culexquinquefasciatusand AedeseagyptiJournal of Environmental Toxicology and Public Health, 1(1):41 – 43
- Mgbemena, I. C.(2015). Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activities of aqueous and methanol extracts of Jetrophacurcasleaf.AnaleleUniv
ersităţii din Oradea, FasciculaBiologie), 22(2): 52 – 56. - Ebe, TochukwuEzechi., Mgbemena, Ifeyinwa C., Njoku-Tony, RoselineFeechi, Onuoha, Emmanuel E., Anyanwu Jonathan and Edward Kelechi C. (2015). Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 5(12):73 – 76
- Udensi Justina Ugochi., Mgbemena, Ifeyinwa C., Emeka – NwabuniaIjeoma., UgochukwuMmasi Godson and Awurum Ivy Nwaku. (2015). Prevalence of intestinal parasites among primary school children in three Geopolitical Zones of Imo State. Science Journal of Public Health, 3(5 – 1): 25 -28.
- L.A. Adjeroh, V.C. Ajuruchi, J. C. Nnokwe, C. O. Azuwike, I. C. Mgbemena. (2015). Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Journal of Natural Sciences Research5(16):153 6 158
- Justina U. Udensi; Moses O. E. Iwuala; Harriet C. Nwigwe; Nkechi E. Onyedineke; Joseph N. Okereke and Ifeyinwa C. Mgbemena(2014). Studies on the Recovery Potentials of a Disturbed Aquatic Ecosystem on Pre – and Post Dredging Analysis of Nworie River, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal for Environmental Health & Health Development(IJEHHD),15(1):42 – 49).
- Mgbemena, I. C.(2013). Comparative Study on the Use of Microscopy and Rapid Diagnostic Test Methods in Malaria Parasite Examination.International Journal of Applied Research and Technology
- Mgbemena, I. C., Ebe, T., Adjeroh, L. A. and Mbakwe, O. L. (2012). Prevalence of Intestinal parasites in HIV Patients in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.International Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 1(8), 113 – 118.
- I.C. Mgbemena; U.J. Udensi; J. Nnokwe; R.K. Obi and E. A. Ogbonna(2012). Antibiotics Sensitivity of Bacterial Pathogen Isolated from Tilapia in Aquaculture systems in Owerri, Imo State. Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 27(1):15 – 22.
- I.C. Mgbemena, J.C. Nnokwe, L.A. Adjeroh and N.N. Onyemekara. (2012). The resistance of Bacteria Isolated from Otamiri River to Heavy Metals and Some Selected Antibiotics. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 4(5): 551-556.
- C. Mgbemena; I. J. Okechukwu1; N. N. Onyemekara and J. C. Nnokwe. (2012). Physicochemical and microbial characterization of SomberiroSiver in Ahoada East Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria.International Journal of Biosciences (IJB) 2(8), 36-44.
- Opara, F. N.; Anuforo, H. U.; Okechukwu, R.I.; Mgbemena, I.C.; Akujobi, C.O.andAdjero, A. (2012). Preliminary Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activities of Leaf Extracts of TerminaliaCatappa. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3 (3): 424-428.
- Ifeyinwa Celestina MGBEMENA, Tochi EBE. (2012). Distribution and occurrence of mosquito species in the municipal areas of Imo State, Nigeria.AnaleleUniversităŃii din Oradea – FasciculaBiologie, Tom. XIX, Issue: 2: 93-100
- C. Mgbemena, L. A. Adjeroh, F. N. Opara, D. Ezeagwuna, T. Ebe. (2012). Seasonal variation and relative abundance of drainage breeding mosquito species in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Biosciences, (IJB), 2(8): 23-35.
- Ezeagwuna, DA; Ekejindu, IM; Onyido, AE; Nnamah, NK; Oli, AN; Mgbemena, IC; Ogolo, BC and Orji, N. (2012). Efficacy of Artesunate in the Treatment of Urinary Schistosomiasis in an Endemic Area in Anambra State, Nigeria. International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2(1): 34 – 39.
- Okechukwu R. I., Onyedineke N. E., Mgbemena I. C., Opara F. N. And Ukaoma A. A. (2012). Inhibition of Pathogenic Microorganisms by Ethnobotanical Extracts of Fruit Peels of Musaparadisiaca. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 02 (04); 2012: 01-03.
- Okechukwu, RI; Onyedineke, NE; Mgbemena, IC. andEmejulu, AA (2012). Effect of Different Cassava Varieties Ethanol Production. Int’l Journal of Agric and Rural Dev, SAAT FUTO, 886 – 890.
- Ebe TE, Mgbemena IC, Njoku JD, Ihejirika CE, Emeribe E and Edward KC (2012). Remediation of crude oil-polluted soil in Otuogidi town in BayelsaState of Nigeria using poultry manure. Journal of Research in Biology, 2(6): 544-548
- Mgbemena, IC; Obiajuru, C; Onyedineke, N; Ebe,T, Okeke, UE and Udensi, UJ (2011). Evaluation of Bacterial and Parasitic Load of Clarias species from River Niger and an Artificial Habitat in Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology,32(1), 117 -122.
- R.I. Okechukwu; I.C, Mgbemena; L.N. Onyechere and N.A, Tony – Chiegboka(2011). Physicochemical and Microbial Qualities of Borehole Water in Owerri West, Imo State, Nigeria. Advances in Science and Technology,5(2), 127 – 132.
- Rosita I. Okechukwu; Ifeyinwa C Mgbemena; A.E, Chukwulebe and R. N, Anunobi(2011). Prevalence of Pediculosis in Selected Rural Areas of Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 7(1), Tapas Institution, of Scientific Research and Development, 7(1),126 – 129
- Mgbemena, I.C. (2010). Comparative Evaluation of Larvicidal Potentials of Three Plant Extracts on Aedesaegyti. Journal of American Science, 6(10), 435 – 440.
- Opara, F.N.andOkechukwu, R.I.(2010). Attitudes and Local Beliefs towards Mosquito Insurgence in Imo State, Nigeria. Journal of American Science, 6(10), 430 – 434.
- Mgbemena, I.C; Okechukwu, R.I. and Ebe, T. (2010). Knowledge and Practical Measures Against Mosquitoes in Imo State, Nigeria. International Biotechnology and Allied Science, 5(2), 699 – 705.
- RI, Okechukwu; IC, Mgbemena; NA, Tony Egboka; CO, Azuwuike; LA, Adjeroh and FN, and M.O. E. Iwuala(2009). Studies on the Pesticidal Efficacy of Azadirachtaindica on Three Mosquito species in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal Environmental Health & Human Development, 10(1), 37 – 46.
- F.N. Opara; F.O.U. Osuala and M.O. E.Iwuala(2009). The Physicochemical Characteristics of Drainage Breeding Sites of Mosquitoes in Parts of Imo State, Southern – Eastern, Nigeria. International Journal Environmental Health & Human Development, 10(2), 1 – 13.
- Opara, F.N and Mgbemena, I.C.(2008). Onchocerciasis: Skin Lesions in Amaokpu in Nike, Enugu North L.G.A, Enugu State, Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Bioscience, (3)1, 94 – 99.
- Mgbemena, I.C; Opara, F.N and Iwuala, M.O.E. (2006). The effect of Insect Pest Infestation and Nutritional Composition of Cowpea and Maize. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, Tapas Institution, of Scientific Research and Development, 2(2),96 – 100.
- Mgbemena, I.C; Opara, F.N.andIwuala, M.O.E. (2005). Studies on Pest Infestation of Commercial Samples of Cowpeas and Maize Marketed in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, Tapas Institution, of Scientific Research and Development, 1(2), 5 – 9.
- S. O. Obiekezie; I.C. Mgbemena and M. Nnoli(2005). Seasonal Variations in the Levels of Heavy Metals in River Waters of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 1(2), Tapas Institution, of Scientific Research and Development, 1(2), 113 – 117.