Senior Lecturer, Biotechnology Department
Dr Chijioke A. Nsofor

Dr Chijioke A. Nsofor
Senior Lecturer
BSc., MSc., PhD (Microbiology)
Apart from my training in microbiology from the University of Nigeria; I have gotten further training in several aspects of epidemiology, molecular biology and infectious disease research from world-class laboratories in reputable institutions in America, Asia and Europe. In 2010, I was a WSU-Visiting Research Scholar in the Call Lab at Washington State University, USA where I conducted research on molecular epidemiology of Escherichia coli isolates from Nigeria leading to the award of my PhD. In 2014, I won the TWAS-DFG Visiting Fellowship which supported my research in the lab of Prof. Christof Hauck at the University of Konstanz, Germany. I did my postdoctoral work in tuberculosis with Prof. Qian Gao of Fudan University China, 2015-2016, with support from Natural Science Foundation of China. In March 2018, I was awarded DAAD scholarship for university scientist and academics which supported my research visit to the lab of Prof. Achim Kaasch, University of Düsseldorf Germany. In all these international experiences, I have acquired skills in experimental study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation both in traditional and molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases in a resource-limited setting like Nigeria.
My academic career took a start as a Graduate Assistant in 2005 during the mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program at Madonna University Nigeria. In 2008 after obtaining my Master degree in Medical Microbiology I was appointed as Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology Madonna University Nigeria. In 2011, I moved to Imo State University Owerri as Lecturer 11. I was appointed Lecturer I in the Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) in May 2013; a permanent tenured position which I hold presently. In October 2017 I was promoted to Senior Lecturer. In these institutions, I have served in several committees in the University system and taught courses in Epidemiology, Medical Biotechnology, Genetics, Medical Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Research Methodology to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
In July 2019, I was appointed the pioneer Head of Department to develop the new programme of Forensic Science in FUTO. This appointment was based on my track record and previous research experience abroad.
Academic Qualification
- University of Nigeria PhD. Medical Microbiology – 2012
- University of Nigeria M.Sc. Medical Microbiology – 2008
- University of Nigeria B.Sc. (Honours) Microbiology – 2003
- The World Academy of Science and Department of Biotechnology (TWAS-DBT) Postdoctoral Fellowship tenable at the National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India (not taken due to COVID-19 Pandemic) 2020
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Scholarship for University Academics and Scientists award tenable at Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Krankenhaushygiene University of Düsseldorf, Germany August -October 2018
- Fudan University Postdoctoral Fellowship at Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of Ministries of Education and Health, Fudan University, China March 2015- December 2016
- The World Academy of Science and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (TWAS-DFG) Visiting Fellowship, at Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany, November 2014-January 2015
- Washington State University Scholarship for Visiting Scientists at Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman USA March-October 2010
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Nigeria Society for Microbiology (NSM).
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM).
- The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union).
- International Society for Infections Diseases (ISID).
- Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN).
- Society for Forensic and Analytical Scientists of Nigeria. (SFASN).
- 2017-present: Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology Owerri: Senior Lecturer
- 2013-2017: Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology Owerri: Lecturer I
- 2011-2013: Department of Microbiology, Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria: Lecturer 11
- 2008-2011: Department of Microbiology, Madonna University Elele, Nigeria: Assistant Lecturer
- 2004-2005: Graduate Assistant: Department of Microbiology, Madonna University Nigeria
Research Interest
My research interest is focused on infectious diseases epidemiology, cellular and molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, microbial resistance to antibiotics, identify vaccine candidates and drug targets to cure infectious diseases. We routinely conduct epidemiological surveillance of antibiotic resistance bacteria of particular public health importance in southeast Nigeria. In cooperation with our foreign collaborators, we apply molecular and genomic epidemiological approaches to better understand the mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and how antibiotic resistance determinants persist in an environment where their no antibiotics use. This is to establish the problem of antimicrobial resistance in the society and search for potential new targets that may be used for the development of new antimicrobials as well as an alternate therapy for bacterial infections. We also direct our efforts to studies aimed at control and prevention of infectious diseases of poverty such as tuberculosis.
My detailed publication list can also be viewed from Google Scholar profile
- Nsofor CA and Okonkwo U.S (2020) Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Patients as Regard to Tuberculosis in Aba, Southeast Nigeria: Implications for Tuberculosis Control Efforts. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 10 (01), 24-30. DOI: 10.5799/jmid.700508.
- Nsofor CA and Ozurumba O.P (2019) Prevalence and Antibiogram of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Herd of Goat, Cow and Ram at Obinze, Imo State, Nigeria. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2019; 3(2): 1-5.
- Nsofor CA and Umeorah UE (2018) Antibiotics susceptibility pattern of Staphylococci isolated from poultry and poultry environment in Owerri, Nigeria, Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology, 6(4), 2018, 87-94.
- Nsofor CA and Odom CM. Distribution and Antibiotics Susceptibility Pattern of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Pigs in Ahiara, Imo State Nigeria. (2018) MOJ Cell Sci Rep. 5(3):78‒81. DOI: 10.15406/mojcsr.2018.05.00120.
- Nsofor C.A, Qi J, Wu J, Liu M, Gan M, Zhu G and Gao Q (2017). Primary Drug Resistance is a Noticeable Cause of Resistance among Treated Tuberculosis Patients in Shanghai, China. Scientific Reports | 7: 7691 | DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-08061-3.
- Nsofor C.A, Amadi E.S, Ukwandu N.C.D, Obijuru C.E and Ohalete C.V (2016). Prevalence of Antimicrobial Use in Major Hospitals in Owerri, Nigeria EC Microbiology 3(5): 522-527. DOI: 10.12691/bb-4-1-1.
- Peng Xu, Jie Wu, Chongguang Yang, Tao Luo, Xin Shen, Yangyi Zhang, Chijioke A Nsofor, Guofeng Zhu, Brigitte Gicquel and Qian Gao (2016). Prevalence and transmission of pyrazinamide resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in China. Tuberculosis 98, 56-61.
- Nsofor C.A. and N.C.D Ukwandu (2016) Transfer of Resistance Plasmids between Escherichia coli Isolates from Domestic Livestock. EC Microbiology. 3 (1), 402-408.
- Nsofor C.A, Okaro C.C, and Nsofor C.M (2015) Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Clinical Salmonella Isolates from Patients Attending Hospitals in Owerri Metropolis Nigeria. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2(12): 137-141.
- Nsofor C.A., Kemajou S.T and Nsofor C.M (2014) Incidence and Antibiotic Susceptibility pattern of Vibrio species Isolated from Sea Foods Sold in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Bacteriology Research 6(2) 13-16.
- Nsofor C. A., Iroegbu C.U., Davis M.A., Orfe L and Call D.R. (2013). The Genetic Relatedness of Drug-Resistant E.coli Isolates of Human and Animal Origin in Nigeria. International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology 5(3) 37-41.
- Nsofor C. A. and Iroegbu C.U., (2012) Antibiotic resistance profile of Escherichia coli isolated from apparently healthy domestic livestock in South-East Nigeria. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology 6(6), 2445-2450.