Professor, Department of Biology
Prof. Oliver O. Njoku

Prof. Njoku Oliver O. was born Nov. 14, 1950, at Emedike Chokoneze Mbaise Imo State, he obtained his FSLC at St. Benedict primary School Chokoneze in 1962, WASC at paternoster secondary school Ekwereazu in 1971. He travelled to the United States of America to further his education and obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Benedict college Columbia South Carolina(USA) 1975 and got his Doctorate degree in Zoology from Atlanta University Georgia in 1981. He came back to Nigeria in 1982 and got a lecturing job at Anambra State University of Technology as Lecturer 1 and was promoted to senior lecturer in 1984 at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka and was promoted to the rank of a professor in 2001 and he is transferred his service to Federal University of Technology Owerri, in 2008. in 2011 he was a member of International junior scientific olympiad, in 2019 he was a member of accreditation theme to Usman Danfodio University Sokoto. He is married and blessed with three children.
Academic Qualifications
- St Benedict School, Chokoneze, First School leaving certificate (F.S.L.C) 1962
- Birabi Memorial Secondary School, Bori,Ogoni, Rivers State 1964- 1967
- Paternoster Secondary School, Ekwereazu Mbaise, Imo State West Africa School Certificate (WASC) 1971
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Biology, 1975, Benedict College, Columbia, South Carolina, U.S.A
- Master of Science (M.Sc) Zoology 1978, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A
- Area of Specialization: Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Zoology 1981, Atlanta University, Atlanta Georgia, U.S.A
- Area of Specialization: Animal physiology and Medical Microbiology
- WHO ̉S WHO among students in American universities and colleges (1974-1975)
- M.V. Edds Memorial Award by Atlanta University for achievement in scholastic and Research (1977)
- J.H Birnie Memorial Award by Atlanta University for meritorious achievement in Molecular Biology (1978)
- National Dean’s list, U.S.A. (1981)
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Member, Nigerian Society for Microbiology
- Member, Nigerian Society for Biotechnology
- Member, Nigerian society for Biological conservation
- Member, Science Association of Nigeria
- Member, Nigerian Society for Parasitology and Public Health
- Member, New York (U.S.A) Academy of Science
- Member, Nigerian Zoological Society
- Member Environmental Health Officer in Nigeria
Academic Experience
- Professor of Zoology, Department of Biology, F.U.T.O 2008-Date
- Professor of Zoology, Department of Zoology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. Oct 2001-April 2008
- Associate professor, Department of Zoology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Oct 1992-Sept 2001
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Biological Science Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Oct 1984-1992
- Lecturer 1, Department of Applied Biology, Anambra State University of Technology, Enugu July 12, 1982-1984.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Florida A and M University, Tallahassee Florida U.S.A August 1981- June 1982
- Laboratory Instructor in Medical Physiology, Morehouse College of Medicine, Atlanta Georgia, U.S.A, 1980
- Research Assistant, Department of physiology, Morehouse College of Medicine, Atlanta Georgia U.S.A 1978-1981
- Research Assistant, Department of Biology, Atlanta University, Atlanta Georgia U.S.A, 1976-`1978
Research Interest
Animal physiology
(List of peer-reviewed Publications)
- Njoku O.O., Joyce Early and Judith Lumb. 1982. A Re-interpretation of phosphatase-N. Onco-developmental Biology and medicine 3: 335-341
- Njoku O.O. and Gordon J. Leitch. 1983. Separation of cholera Enterotoxin induced mucus secretion from water and electrolyte secretion in rabbit ileum by Acetazolamide, colchicines, cycloheximide, cytochalasin B.and Indomethacine. Digestion 27:174-184
- Onyilagha J.C. O.O. Njoku, H.U. Anaso and A.S Omenyi 1988. GEL electrophoretic study of variations among Nigerian yellow yams (Dioscerea cayensis). Nigeria Journal of Biotechnology 5:71-72
- Esimai, B.N. and Njoku O.O. 1994. Chloloquine-resistant falciparum malaria in Enugu, Enugu state, Nigeria. Nigerian journal of Parastology 15:59-63
- Ajiwe V.I.E, Njoku O.O. and ogbuagu J.O. 1997. Impact of erosion on pollution level of some surface water of Anambra state. Nigerian .J.Sc. Eng, Tech. 4(2):810-820
- Anayamene C.O.and Njoku O.O. 1997. Asymptomatic urinary Tract infection in first year university students. Proceeding of an International conference in Biotechnology for Development in Africa 1:335-337
- Ajiwe V.I.E, Njoku O.O. and Ogbuagu J.O. 1998. The pollution of surface water bodies of Igala Area, Kogi state, Nigerian. J.sci. Eng.Tech 5 (2) 142-150.
- Ajiwe V.I.E, Anyamene C.O, Umerie S.C, Okeke C.A and Njoku O.O. 2000. Relationship between blood genotypes and blood groups of Nigerian population. World Journal of Biotech. 1:59-63
- Ajiwe V.I.E. Njoku O.O. and Onochie C.C. 2000, characteristics of ground waters in Anambra state, Nigeria. Policies and Remedies. J. Applied Science 2(1):238-2661.
- Njoku O.O. and Nweke L.N. 2000, Gastro-intestinal helminthiasis among primary school pupil in urban and rural communities of Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria, World J. Biotech.1:39-42
- Mbah D.C. and Njoku O.O. 2000. Hookworm infection and anemia among pregnant women in Aguata, Anambra state, Nigeria. J. Applied science 3(2):993-1001.
- Esimia B.N. and Njoku O.O. 2000. The use of antioxidant vitamins in treatment and management of malaria. Nig. J.parasit. 21:75-82.
- Mbah D.C. and Njoku O.O. 2000, Prevalence of lymphatic filariasis (LF) in Oraeri, Aguata local Government Area of Anambra state, Nigeria Nig. J. parasit 21:95-102.
- Amadi A.N., Onwere, Kamanu C.I. Njoku O.O and Aluka C.E. 2000. Study on the association between maternal infection and anaemia. J. Med. Invest. and pract.1:23-30
- Amadi A.N. Njoku O.O. and Anya O.K. 2000. Epidemiology of pulmonary tuberculosis in Uburu and Environs. J. Health and visual sciences 2:85-90
- Ajiwe V.I.E, Anyamere C.O. Umerie S.C. Okeke C.A. and Njoku O.O. 2001. Experimental facts about blood group of a Nigerian population. African J. of sciences 1:103- 109
- Amadi A.N. Aluka C.I. and Njoku O.O. 2001. Teenage pregnancy and obstetrics complications in Aba, Nigeria J. Med. Invest and Pract.2:52-54
- Njoku O.O. and Alabraonye F.F.M. 2001 Urinary schistosomiasis and other helminthic infections among primary school children in Nri, Anambra state, Nigeria. African journal of sciences 2(1):155-166
- Amadi A.N. Ibekwe J. and Njoku O.O. 2001 Cumulative records of laboratory-diagnosed child malaria in Aba metropolis, Nigeria 1991-2000 Int.J.Environmental Health and Human Dev. 2(2):49-53
- Mba D.C. Njoku O.O. 2001. Immunology of Plasmodium falciparum and the dynamics of malaria vaccine production: A review. J. of Applied Science 5(3):2915-2923.
- Njoku O.O. Nwajuba R.C. and Amadi A.N. 2001 Prevalence of Ringworm infections in primary school children in Onitsha, Anambra state Nigeria. Int. J. of Environmental Health and Human Dev. 2(2): 62-66
- Njoku O.O. Ezissi N. and Amadi A.N. 2001. Observations on Bacterial infections of urinary tract patients in Onitsha metropolis, Anambra state. In residents of Anambra state, Nigeria Int. J. Environmental Health and Human Dev. 2(2):51-61.
- Esimai B.N. and Njoku O.O. 2001. Enteropathogenic bacteria and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of infertile diarrhea in Enugu, Nigeria. African J. Sci.1:137-146
- Ikeh Ifeanyi M. and Njoku Oliver O. 2003. Comparative study on the prevalence of blood groups with respect to plasmodium infection in Awka, Anambra state. J. of Biomedical sciences in Africa. 1:32-37
- Aribodor D.N. Njoku O.O. Eneanya C.I and Onyali I.O. 2003. Studies on prevalence of malaria and Management of practices of Azia community in Ihiala L.G.A. Anambra state south East Nigeria. Nigerian journal of parasit 24:33-38.
- Ekesiobi A.O, Igbodika M.C and Njoku O.O,2008. Co-Infection of Malaria and Typhoid Fever in a Tropical community. Animal Research International.5(3):888-891.
- Ufele A.N and Njoku O.O 2009, Effects of vitamin C on the pact cell volume of trypanosome infected rats. The zoologist 7:219-222
- Mbah D.C and Njoku O.O 2009, Wucheraria bancrofti infection: An increasing cause of morbidity in Nigeria. Knowledge Review 19(5):84-89.
- Mbah D.C and Njoku O.O 2010, Prevelence of Lymphatic Filariasis in a rural Community : A case study of Akpo Community in Aguata L.G.A of Anambra State. The Nigerian Accademic Forum 18(1):6-10
- Afomezie P.I, Ebenebe C.I, Njoku O.O, Ufele A.N and Okonkwo JC (2014) Effects of Different soil Treatments on weight Grain, shell length and shell Aperture of snails(Archachatina marginata) Pakistian Journal of Nutrition 10(2):151-154.
- Nneka L. Ozowara, Oliver O. Njoku, Oliver O. Odikamnoro, Cosmos Uhuo 2011 Study of the prevalence of schistosoma haematobium infection and the treatment using praziquantel among school children in Ezza north Local government area of Ebony State, Southeast Nigeria. Europian journal of experimental Biology.1 (2)…103-108.
- Edoga C.O, Njoku O.O, Ufele A.N and Ebenebe C.I 2012 Effect of Dietary vitamin A supplement on serum protein of Rat Infected with Trypanosoma brucei. Research journal of chemical sciences, 2(11):61-63
- Edoga C.O, Njoku O.O, Amadi E.N and Afomezie P.I 2013 The Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Moringa Oleifera leaves on the hematological parameters of Trypanosoma brucei infected Rats. International journal of Science and Technology 3(1):88-90
- Edoga C.O, Njoku O.O, Amadi E.N and Okeke J.J 2013 Blood sugar level of Moringa oleifera lam in Albino Rats. International journal of Science and Technology 3(1):88-90.
- Nwigwe Juliet O, Njoku Oliver O., Odikamnoro Oliver O. and Uhuo A. Cosmas (2013) Cosmparative study of intestinal helminthes and protozoa of cattle and goats in Abakaliki metropolis of Ebony State, Nigeria. Advances in Applied Science Research, 4(2):223-227.
- Njoku O.O, Edoga C.O, and Ozor I.A (2013 ) Assesment of Onchocerciasis and Ivermectin Treatment in Udi and Igbo-etiti Local Government Areas of Enugu State, Nigeria. International Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 1(5):19-21
- 37. Njoku O.O, Edoga C.O and Ozor I.A(2013) Effect of Therapeutic Doses of Ivermectin on subjects infected with Onchocerciasis . International Research Journal of Medical Sciences 1(6):27-29.
- Edoga C.O, Njoku O.O, Okeke J.J and Ani C.E (2013) Effect of vitamin C treatment of serum protein, Albumin, Beta-globulin profile and body weight of Trypanosoma brucei infected Rattus norvegicus .Animal Research International 10(1):1685-1688
- Amadi E.N., Njoku O.O. and Anyanwu J.C. (2013) Peptic ulcer diseases (PUD) Treatment using Ocimum gratissimum . International Journal of Engineering Science Invention. 2(8):60-64
- Edoga. C.O., Njoku O.O., Okeke J.J, Afomezie P.I.(2013) The roles of dietary vitamins A and D supplements in treatment of hypoproteinamia induced by trypanosome brucei-infected rats. International Journal of Science and Technology 3(5): 296-299.
- Ebe T.E., Osuala FOU, Njoku O.O, Opara F.N ., Iwuala M.O.E.2013 Toxicity of Ocimum gratissimum leaf extract on the developmental stages of different mosquito species. Journal of Research in Animal Sciences 2(1):69-78
- Edoga C.O, Njoku O.O and Amadi E.N (2014) Effect of potassium nitrate(KNO3) and non nitrate liver meat Delicacy on body weight and Hematological parameters of Rattus norvegicus. American journal life science research 2(3):354-359
- Amadi E.N, Njoku O.O, Okereke C.N, Ndubuisi J.L, Oguoma O.I(2014) Pharamachological use of Ocimum gratissimum in peptic ulcer diseases (PUD) treatment. International journal of Engineering and science Research 4(6):450-455
- Amadi E.N, Njoku O.O, Okereke C.N, Ndubuisi J.L, Oguoma O.I (2014) Anti Acute inflammatory effect of Buchholzia coriaceae. International journal of Engineering and science research 4(6):456-465
- Amadi E.N, Njoku O.O, Okereke C.N, Ndubuisi J.L, Ekwualor K.U. and Edoga C.O. 2014. Honey and vitamine E supplementation in Treating Human African Trypanosomiasis with special reference to Trypanosoma bruce in albino rats Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 9(4):67-69.
- Amadi, E.N, Okereke, C.N, Njoku, O.O, Ndubuisi, J.L, Ekwealor,K.U. (2014) Benchmark study on effect of Trypanosome brucei using Moringaoleifera seed extract and Honey as treatment measure(s). Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 9(4):70-73
- Nneka .L. Ozowara, Oliver. O. Njoku, O.Odikamnoro, Uhuo, Cosmas.A. (2015) Schistosoma Haemtobium Infection in School Children in Rural Communities of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 10(2):66-69
- 1Ibiam, G. A., Njoku, O.O., ELOM, M. O., UMOH, N. O., 1USANGA, V. O., Nwoke, E. U., 2Obi I. A. Eze, C. N. (2016) Assessment of Schistosoma Haematobium. Infections among Pupils in Some Selected Schools in Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) ISSN 2229-5518
- nwigwe, Juliet. O, Njoku Oliver O., Odikamnoro Oliver O. and Uhuo, Cosmas A (2013) comparative study of intestinal helminth and protozoa of cattle and goats in Abakaliki metropolis of Ebonyi, State Nig. Advances in Applied Science Research 4(2):223-227
- Nneka, L. Ozowara, Oliver O.Njoku, Odikamnoro Oliver O.,Cosmos uhuo (2011). Study of the prevalence of schistosoma haematobuim infection and the treatment using praziquantel among school children in Ezza North local Government Area of Ebonyi State, South East Nig. European Journal of Experimental Biology 1(2):103-105
- Owaka E.E, Njoku O.O. Uhuo C.A, Odikamnoro Oliver O. 2016. Survey of intestinal helminth infection among school children in rural communities of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific and Research publication 6(5):75-85
- Ozowara, N.L, Njoku O.O, Odikamnoro Oliver O. and Uhuo C.A (2015). Schistosoma haematobuim infection in rural communities of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Journal of pharmacy and Biological science 10(2 ver.iii):66-69.