Senior Lecturer and HOD, Department of Biology
Dr Christopher M. Duru

Dr. Christopher Maduabuchi Duru
Senior Lecturer
Head of Department of Biology
BSc., MSc., PhD
Mobile Number: +2348037207650
Academic Qualifications
- BSc…… 1989
- MSc…. 2001
- PhD…. 2009
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Botanical Society of Nigeria
- International Research and Development Institute
Work Experience
- Graduate Assistant (NYSC): University of Calabar – 1989 – 1920
- Secondary School Teacher: St. Kizito Seminary School, Umuchima – 1991 – 1993
- General Manager: RICZ Industries LTD – 1993 – 1998
- Cancellor: Abba Ward – 1999 – 2002
- Assistant Lecturer: Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology Owerri – 2005 – 2008
- Lecturer 11: Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology Owerri – 2008 – 2011
- Lecturer 1: Department of Biological Science, Federal University of Technology Owerri – 2011 – 2014
- Senior Lecturer: Department of Biological Science, Federal University of Technology Owerri – 2014…….
- Head, Department of Biological Science, Federal University of Technology Owerri
Research Interest
- Plant Biotechnology
- Medicinal Plants
(List of peer-reviewed Publications)
- Udebuani A.C., Otitoju O., Abara P.N., Eze E.C., & Duru M.C (2017)
- Cytotoxicological Response of Zea mays to Crude Oil: The Ecological Effects of Exposure to Contaminants. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review 16(3) 1-9
- Inyama, C. N., Mbagwu, F. N. and Duru, C. M. (2016)
- Taxonomical relationship on some Chrysophyllum species based on anatomical studies. Med. Aromat. Plants 5:227. Doi: 5051721/2167-04121000227
- Duru C. M. and Gaye, A. M. (2016)
- Antifecdant activities of the Rind of Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) swingle and the leaves of Hyptis suaveolans Poit on Sitophylus Zea Motsculsky. Journal of Agricultural Research and Policies 11(1):69-72.
- Ajuruchi, V. C. and Duru, C. M. (2015)
- Efficacy of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. and Aframomum melegueta Rose K Schum. Fruit on Sitophulus zea. Journal of Food Science and Quality management 412: 75 – 79.
- Ogbulie T.E., Duru C.M., & Nwanebu F.C. (2015)
- Interaction Effects of plants and Indigenous Micro-organisms on Degradation of N-Alkanes in Crude Oil Contaminated Agricultural Soil. J Ecosys & Ecography 5: 166. doi: 104172/2157-7625 1000166.
- Duru C.M., Anyadoh S.O., and Okechukwu R.I. (2015)
- Antimicrobial Potency and Phytochemical Analysis of Aqueous and Ethanol Extracts of the Bark of Tabernaemontena Pachysiphon Stapf
- Duru C.M., Osikwe A.K., & Okechukwu R.I. (2015)
- Endophenotype Growth Response of Allium Cepa L. Under Salinity Stress. Ambit Journal of Biotechnology 1(2) 9-15.
- Duru C.M., Okechukwu R.I. & Ajuruchi V.C. (2014)
- Antimicrobial activity and Phytochemical Analysis of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the fruit of Hedranthera bacteri Hook (f) Pichon (2014); Int. J. Env. Healt & Human Dev. 15 (2) 33 – 40.
- Abara P.N., Udebuani A.C., Thomas B.P., Duru, C.M., and Allison I.N. (2013)
- Cytotoxicity of Deltamethrin on the Growth of Onions (Allium cepa L). International Journal of Environmental Health & Human Development 14 (26-29)
- Duru C.M., Nkemka- Evans C.I. & Osikwe A.K. (2012)
- Invitro assay of antimicrobial potency and phytochemical analysis of Ethanolic leaf extracts of Acia barteri. Int. J. Env. Healt & Human Dev. 13 (1) 51 – 58
- Duru C. M., Omenka C. A., & Gaye A. M. (2012)
- Rollback aflatoxin: Ethnobotanical exclusion approach. Nig. J. of Botany 25 (1) 93-102.
- Ezeji E.U, Anyalogbu E.A. & Duru C. M. (2011)
- Use of biochemical biomarkers in the ecological risk assessment of Permethrin pesticide exposure. J. of Tox. And Env. Health Sc. 3 (1) 014 – 017.
- Ezejiofor T.N.I., Eke N.V., Okechukwu R.I., Nwoguikpe R.N. & Duru C. M. (2011)
- Waste to wealth: Industrial raw materials potentials of peels of Nigerian sweet orange (Citrus sinensis ) Afr. J of Biotech. 10 (33) 6257-6264.
- Osuoha V.U.N., Mbagwu F.N., Duru M.C., & Unamba C.I.N. (2011)
- Histochemical studies on six Nigeria species of Citrus (Rutaceae), Global Research Journal of Science I (1) 117-122.
- Duru C. M., Mbata, T.I., Nwanze P.I. & Ezejiofor T.N.I. (2011)
- Rollback mycotoxicosis: An ethnobotanical alternative. Nig. J of Parasitology 32(2) 277- 282.
- Unamba, C. I. N., Mbagwu, F. N., Duru, C. M., Inyama, C. N. and Osuoha, V. U. N. (2011)
- Comparative petiole anatomical features and their taxonomic significance in five species of the genus Senna (Leguminosae). Global Research Journal of Science 1: 93 – 97.
- Duru C. M., Mbata T.I. (2010)
- The Antimicrobial Activities And Phytochemical Screening of Ethanolic Leaf Extracts of Hedranthera barteri Hook and Tabernaemontana pachysiphon Stapf. Journal of Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering, 2(1) 1-4.
- Okore, C. C., Mbanefo, O. N. & Duru C. M. (2010)
- Antibacterial effects of the seed, stem bark and leaf extracts of Picralima nitida on selected enteric organisms. Proceedings of International Conference on Research and Development, 3(18): 111 – 115.
- Duru C. M., & Onyedineke N. E. (2010)
- Invitro study on the Antimicrobial Activity and Phytochemical Analysis of Ethanolic Extracts of the mesocarp of Voacanga africana Amarican Journal of Plant Physiology 5 (4) 163-169.
- Mbata T.I., Onwumelu H. A. & Duru C. M. (2010)
- Antibacterial activity and phytochemical analysis of a crude extract of seed of Buchholzia coriacea E. on some selected gastrointestinal isolates. International Journal of Biological Science 2(4): 92 – 96.
- Duru C. M., & Onyedineke N. E. (2010)
- In-vitro Antimicrobial Assay and Phytochemical Analysis of Ethanolic Extracts of Voacanga africana seeds. Journal of American Science 6(3): 1- 4.
- Duru C. M., & Opara F. N. (2009)
- Plant Extracts in Invitro propagation of Crop Plants IJOTAFS 3(3): 219- 222.
- Duru C. M., & Anyadoh, S. O. (2009)
- Seed Rot Fungal Pathogen of post-harvest Irvingia gabonensis in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. IJOTAFS 3(2):155-158.
- Duru C. M., Mbata T.I, Ogu P., & Iheagwam U. (2009)
- The Antimicrobial Activities And Phytochemical Screening of Ethanolic Leaf Extracts of Hedranthera barteri and Tabernaemontana pachysiphon. World Journal of Biotechnology. 10(1); 1549-1553.
- Duru C. M., Ezeji E.U., & Anyalogbu E. A. (2009)
- Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial activity of the bark Extracts of Voacanga africana. Nig. J. Biotech 18: 60-64
- Duru C. M., & Okoli B. E. (2009)
- In-vitro Antimicrobial Assay and Phytochemical Analysis of aqueous and Ethanolic fruit Extracts of Voacanga africana. Int. J. Env. Healt & Human Dev. 10 (1) 24-30.
- Mbata T.I., Duru C. M., & Onwumelu H. A. (2009)
- Antibacterial activity of crude seed extracts of Buchholzia coriacea on some pathogenic bacteria. J. Dev. Bio. Tissue Eng. 1(1): 001-005.
- Obasi K.O., Chimezie N.C., & Duru M.C. (2009)
- Studies on the Bactericidal effects of galic (Allium sativum) on selected pathogenic bacteria. Int. J. Env. Healt & Human Dev.10 (2) 14-21.
- Ekeledo C.B., Duru C. M., & Iroamachi A. (2009)
- Observation on growth and survival of fry/fingerlings of Dutch Clarias gariepinus in an indoor experimental tank in a hatchery in Abuja, Nigeria. Int. J. Env. Healt & Human Dev. 10 (1) 21 – 23.
- Duru C. M., & Omenka C. A. (2008)
- Antifungal activity of ethanol extracts of Baphia nitida and Dennetia tripetala against the rot fungi of Irvingia gabonensis. Int. J. Env. Healt & Human Dev. 9 (2) 10-18.
- Duru C.M. (2007)
- Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts of Hedranthera barteri. Int. J. Env. Healt & Human Dev. 8 (2) 31-38.