School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT)
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The Department of Agricultural Economics offers a 5 – year programme leading to the award of the Degree in Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (Agricultural Economics). The core field of the programme covers subject areas of Farm Management and Production Economics, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Marketing and Agricultural Resource Economics. The importance of Agricultural Economics cannot be overemphasized, it contributes in agricultural policy developments of the nation, such policies like the achievement of food security of the nation, production of raw materials for industrial growth, foreign exchange earning to the nation, providing investment opportunities in the agricultural sector and non-agricultural sectors of the nation, to mention but a few. Agricultural Economics is essentially management in nature, it has to do with decisions of effective allocation of scarce resources to achieve an optimal output. Students of the Department also take courses from Crop Science, Animal Science, Soil Science, Forestry and Wildlife as well as Fishery and Aquaculture, as well as other Sciences and General Studies. These are all designed to give the students professional background in agriculture especially in policy formulation, analysis and implementation and in solving the human, societal and environmental challenges of the nation.

Philosophy of the Programme

The philosophy of the Degree Programme is to produce graduates with in-depth knowledge in both practical and theoretical aspects of agriculture and economics. These are to equip the students for work in the private sector, international organizations, teaching and research as well as meeting the challenges of self-employment. Further, the students undergo one-year industrial attachment for practical exposure in the relevant fields. The programme is carefully designed in a manner to raise graduates who will be job creators rather than job seekers for a job. Graduates on their own can establish, run and manage any of agribusiness value chain, starting from input suppliers, production, processing and marketing. All these are geared towards making the students be globally competitive.

Aims and Objectives of the Programme

The objective of the programme is to train scientific and professional workers with competence in the analysis of socio-economic problems in agriculture in both micro and macro levels. More specifically, the programme is expected to:

  • Produce graduates who are mentally, physically and emotionally ready to be self-employed,
  • Produce graduates who are equipped with balanced scientific knowledge and skills in Agriculture and Economics, ready for employment in industries and related areas.
  • Provide trained manpower who will become an important source of staffing and replenishing dwindling /retired staff nationally, in Agricultural Economics and related area, especially in teaching and research.

Our Mission

The mission of the Department is to produce graduates with in-depth knowledge in both practical and theoretical aspects of Agricultural Economics and well-grounded enough to permit self-employment upon graduation.

Career Opportunities

The unique practical training offered to students confers on them a competitive advantage in the Agricultural and allied sector labour market.  The career opportunities arise from our emphasis on producing well-trained graduates who are confident job creators, self-employers, owners and managers of agribusiness enterprises. They are particularly groomed as academics and decision-makers to occupy such positions as Agricultural  Economists, Agricultural Consultants, Farm Managers/Accountants, Agricultural Managers in private companies and oil, gas, bank and environmental industries, Credit executives in service industries, Rural Development Specialists,  Agricultural Planners, Internal Auditor etc both within Nigeria and overseas.

Past Heads of Department

The Department of Agricultural Economics was headed within the following periods by:

1Prof. C.E. Onyenweaku1987- 1990
2Prof. J. E. Njoku1990- 1992
3Prof. C. C. Asiabaka1992- 1999
4Prof. C. E Onyenweaku1999-2000
5Prof. J. S. Orebiyi?2001 -2003
6Prof. M. A. C. A. Odii2003 – 2005
7Prof. J S. OrebiyiMay 2005 – Sept 2006
8Prof. N. N. O. OguomaOct. 2006 – 2008
9Prof. J. I. LemchiOct. 2008-Jan 2010
10Dr D. O. OhajianyaJan 2010 – June 2012
11Prof. C. C. EzeJuly 2012 – June 2015
12Prof. P. C. ObasiJuly 2015 – June 2017
13Prof. U. C. IbekweJuly 2017-July 2019
14Prof. S. U. O OnyeagochaJuly 2019 – to date

Meet our Team


1Prof. J.?S. OrebiyiB.Sc, M.Sc, PhDProfessorAgricultural Finance, Coops & Rural Dev.
2Prof. M.A.C.A. OdiiB.Agric Tech., M.Sc, PhDProfessorProduction Economics
3Prof. N. N. O. OguomaB.Agric, M.Sc, PhDProfessorAgric. Finance & Development Economics
4Prof. P. C. ObasiB.Agric, M.Sc, PhDProfessorProduction Economics &Quantitative Methods?
5Prof. C. C. EzeB.Agric. M.Sc, PhDProfessorAgricultural Finance, Rural Dev. & Environment
6Prof. J.I. LemchiB.Agric, M.Sc, PhDProfessorAgricultural Marketing & Cooperative
7Prof. D.O. OhajianyaB.Agric-Tech, M.Sc, PhDProfessorProduction Economics & Quantitative Methods
8Prof. U.C. IbekweB.Sc., (AgricEcons), M.Sc., PhDProfessorAgricultural Production Economics & Farm Management??
9Prof. S.U.O. OnyeagochaB.Agric,. M.Sc., AgricEcons. PhDProfessorAgricultural Finance & Project Appraisal
10Dr. O.C. KorieB.Agric Tech., M.Sc., PhDReaderResource and Environmental Economics
11Dr. N. C. Ehirim????????B.Agric-Tech, M.Sc., PhDReaderResource Econ.
12Dr. C. A.? EmenyonuB.Agric-Tech, M.Sc, PhDReaderAgric Policy
13Dr. F. O. NwosuB.Agric-Tech,.M.Sc, PhDSnr. LectureAgric Project
14Dr. (Mrs.) G. N. Ben-ChendoB.Agric, M.Sc., & PhDSnr. LecturerAgric Marketing
15Dr. I. I. Osugiri??????????????????????B.Agric. M.Sc., PhDSnr LecturerFarm Mgt.
16Dr. C. S. OnyemauwaB.Agric-Tech, M.Sc, PhDSnr LecturerAgric Project
17Dr. I. U. O. NwaiwuB.Agric. M.Sc., PhDSnr LecturerAgric. Production
18Dr. (Mrs.) M. N. OsujiB.Agric, M.Sc., PhDLecturer IAgric? Marketing
19Mr. I. I. UkohaB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Lecturer IAgric Finance
20Dr A. J. ArigorB.Agric. M.Sc., PhDLecturer I
21Dr. (Mrs.) C. ChikezieB.Agric. M.Sc., PhDLecturer IIAgricEcons
22Dr. U. A. EssienB.Agric. M.Sc., PhDLecturer IIAgric Finance:
23Mr I. A. Maduike? ? ?M.Sc, B.Agric-Tech.Lecturer IIAgric Finance
24Mrs. M. O. OkwaraB.Agric-Tech, M.Sc.Lecturer IIAgric Finance
25Dr. B. O. IbeagwaB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.?Lecturer IIProject Mgt.:
26Mrs. I. J. UhuegbulemB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.?Lecturer IIAgric Finance
27Mrs. U. G. AnyanwuB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Asst. LecturerAgric. Mark. Coop
28Mrs. I. O. OshajiB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Asst. LecturerAgric. Finance
29Mrs. C. Obi-NwandikomB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Asst. LecturerResource Economics
30Mrs. E. U. NwachukwuB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Asst. LecturerFarm Mgt
31Mr. C. C. IbekweB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Asst. LecturerResource Economics
32Mr. O. U. EjikeB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Graduate Assist.Resource Economics
33Mr. G. I. Isaiah???????????B.Agric-Tech.Graduate AssistAgric. Finance
34Miss A.U.T. AnyanwuB.Agric-Tech.Graduate AssistFarm Mgt.
35Mr. K.H. AnyiamB.Agric-Tech., M.Sc.Graduate AssistFarm Mgt
36Miss J. A. EzeB.Agric-Tech.Graduate Assist
37Miss C. Obasi-AkaneleB.Agric.Graduate Assist
38Miss L. U. IgweB.Agric-Tech.Graduate Assist
39Peter OdiiB.Agric.Chief Farm OfficerAgricultural Rural Sociology and Extension
40Ugochukwu R. AnyanwuB.Agric.Farm Officer II

Courses 100 level

MTH??? 101Elementary Maths I310
PHY???? 101General Physics I210
PHY???? 107General Physics Practical I001
CHM??? 101General Chemistry I210
CHM??? 107General Chemistry Practical I001
BIO????? 103Biology for Agric& Bio I110
BIO????? 107Biology for Agric& Bio Practical I001
ENG???? 103Engineering Drawing I001
ENG???? 101Workshop Practice I001
GST????? 101Use of English I110
GST????? 103Humanities: Philosophy and logic100
IGB 101Introduction to Igbo Grammar, Composition and Comprehension100
FRN 101French language 1
MTH??? 102Elementary Maths II310
PHY??? 102General Physics II210
PHY 108General Physics Practical II001
CHM?? 102General Chemistry II210
CHM 108General Chemistry II001
BIO???? 104Biology for Agric& Bio II100
BIO 108Biology for Agric& Bio II001
ENG?? 102Workshop Practice II001
GST??? 102Use of English II110
GST??? 108Social Science I110
GST??? 110Science Technology and Society100
IGB 102Introduction t Igbo History, Culture and Literature.100
FRN 102French language II

Courses 200 level

AGR 203Introduction to Agriculture100
CST 201Crop Anatomy &Taxonomy Physiology10
AST 201Principles of Animal Production I200
AGR 205Agricultural Chemistry101
AEX 201Introduction to Agric. Extension & Rural Dev.200
GST 201Nigeria & African Cultural Dev.100
STA 211Statistics210
CSC 201Computer and Applications I211
AGR 207Agricultural Biotechnology101
AEC 201Principles of Microeconomics200
AGR 202Farm Practice I001
CST 202Tree & Vegetable Crop Prod.200
AST 202Principles of Animal Prod. II101
CST 204Field Crop Production200
AEC 202Principles of Macro-Economics200
FWT 202Principles of Forestry Resources & Wildlife Management?200
AGR 204Agricultural? Bio-Chemistry101
CST 206Agric – Climatology & Biogeography101
SST 202Principles of Soil Science101
FAT 202Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture101
SIW 200Industrial Attachment002
SIW 200 Industrial Attachments 0.0.2

Courses 300 level

AGE? 301Farm Planning & Structure101
AGR? 303Agricultural Genetics101
AEC? 301Introduction to Farm Mgt& Prod. Economics200
SST? 301Soil Chemistry and Fertility101
CST? 301Crop Disease and their Control101
AEC? 303Agric Marketing & Cooperatives200
AGR 301Farm Practice II001
AST? 301Introduction to Tropical Animal Health101
AEX? 301Community Agric Extension101
ENS? 301Introduction? to Entrepreneurship and innovation200
AGR 306Proc. & Storage of Agric Food Products101
AGR 202Agric Mech. & Mechanization102
SST 302Soil and Water Management200
AGR 302Farm Practice III001
CST 302Crop Pest and their Control201
AGR 304Agric Statistics and Biometry210
AST 302Animal Feeds & Feeding I101
AEX 302Introduction to Rural Sociology200
ENS 302Business creation, growth and corporate governance101

Courses 400 level

SIW 400/401Crop Production Techniques (Permanent, Arable and Horticultural Crops, etc)
Animal Husbandry Techniques
(Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Pigs and Rabbits)
Agricultural Products, Processing and Storage
Crop Protection Pests and Disease Control
Animal Health Management
Farm Design, Farm Survey and Land Use Planning
Soil Fertility, Soil and Water Management
Farm Management, Farm Records and Farm Accounts
Extension Practices
Workshop Practices
Farm Mechanization Practices
Agricultural Meteorology
Report Writing

Courses 500 level

AEC 501Micro-Economic Analysis2002
AEC 503Agricultural Policy, Planning and Development2002
AEC 505Agric Resource Economics1001
AEC 507Farm Accounting and Records2002
AEC 509Econometrics1102
AEC 511Statistics and Research Method2002
AEC 513Agricultural Finance1001
AEC 515Agric Business Mgt and Finance2002
AEC 517Research Techniques in Agric Economics I (Project)0022
AEX 513Extension Org. Mgt& Supervision2002
*500 level Elective (Any Final year Course in SST or CST not less than 2 units)0022
CODE? ? ? ? COURSE TITLE?????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? CREDIT UNIT
SST 501    –   Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry         –  2
SST 503    –   Soil Survey and Land-use Planning          –  3
SST 507    –   Soil Geomorphology and Environmental Conservation     – 3
CST 501    –   Weeds and Weed Control                            –  2
CST 503   –    Plant Pathology I                                          –  2
CST 507   –    Olericulture and Pomology                         –  2
AEC 502Agric Prod. Economics & Farm Management1012
AEC 504Agric Project Appraisal, Management and Evaluation2002
AEX 504Tech. and Social Change in Agric2002
AEC 506Agricultural Marketing and Cooperative2002
AEC 508Operations Research Methods2002
AEC 510Macro-Economic Analysis2002
AEC 512Introduction to Environmental Economics and Law1001
AEC 514Agricultural Financial? Management2002
AEC 516Introduction to Mathematical Economics1001
AEC 518Research Techniques in Agric Economics II (Project)0022
*500 level Elective. (Any Final year Course in AST or SST not less than 2 units).2002
CODE       –     COURSE TITLE                                   CREDIT UNIT
AST 502     –     Swine Production                                      – 3
AST 506     –     Animal Nutrition                                       – 3
AST 512     –     Rabbit and Mini Livestock Production  – 2
SST 502    –      Soil and Plant Water Relationship         – 2
SST 506    –      Soil Fertility and Organic Matter            – 2
SST 510    –      Fertilizer Technique                                    – 2

Entry Requirements

To be admitted into the 5 –year B. Agric. Tech degree with a specialization in Agricultural Economics, the candidate must possess either of the following:

i.     University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) Entry Requirements

In addition to an acceptable pass in UTME, candidates must have Senior Secondary School Certificate with credit passes in 5 subjects, which must include English Language, Chemistry, Biology or Agric. Science., Mathematics, and at least a pass in Physics at not more than two sittings. The UTME subjects shall comprise of English language, Chemistry, and any two subjects from Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science and Mathematics.

ii.    Direct Entry Requirements

  1. HSC/GCE A’ level passes in Biology/ Agric. Science and another science subject, in addition to processing the O’level requirements.
  2. Holders of OND/ND Certificates with a minimum of upper credit pass are eligible for admission into Year II while holders of HND certificate with a minimum of upper credit passes are eligible for admission into Year III. In addition, the holders of OND/ ND or HND must satisfy the O’level requirements.
  3. Holders of FUTO JUPEB (Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board), Basic Studies Programme Certificate are eligible, provided they possess five O’level credit passes at not more than two sittings in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics Biology/ Agricultural Science. 

Prof. Polycap C. Obasi

Dean, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
B. Agric. Tech., M.Sc., PhD,