Dr Nnaemeka Chiemezie Onuekwusi is a lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO), Imo State Nigeria. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2008, Masters in Communication Engineering in 2012 and PhD in Communication Engineering in 2019 all from FUTO. His research interest is on wireless communication with the primary focus on wireless sensor networks. He is a member of notable professional bodies and has published in a number of reputable international journals as well as delivered papers in international conferences.
Academic Qualification
- PhD (Communication Engineering, FUTO, 2019)
- M.Eng (Communication Engineering, FUTO, 2012);
- B.Eng (Electrical and Electronics Engineering, FUTO, 2008);
- Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers,
- Registered Engineer, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)
- Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Courses Assigned to Teach
COE 510, COE 508, COE 503, COE 413, EEE 305, EEE 705, EEE 706
- Teaching, Research and Community Service 2011 to date
Research Interest
Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communication and Smart grid
Publication Details
- Chijioke .N. Onuekwusi and Nnaemeka .C.Onuekwusi, The Dawn of E-Examination In Nigeria – Issues And Challenges, Alvan School of Education Journal, Vol.7, No 1, pp 47-57, April 2010, ISBN: 0189- 076X-4
- Onuekwusi N.C., Ozioko O.O. and Opara F.K. A Proposed Electronic Medical Report Model for the Improvement Of Security and Efficiency in Health Care Services International Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp 141-149, May 2013,
index.php/component/content/ article/14-sample-data- articles/122-vol-2-no-6 - Onuekwusi Nnaemeka .C., Chukwudebe Gloria .A. and Ononiwu Gordon .C., Towards the Achievement of Adequate Consumer Integration in the Nigerian Grid: The Smart Grid Approach, IEEE Xplore digital library
document/6715670?section= , DOI: 10.1109/NIGERCON.2013.6715670abstract - Okereafo D.T., Diala U., Onuekwusi N., Uzoechi L.O. and Chukwudebe G. Improving Security and Emergency Response Through the Use of Unmanned Vehicles, IEEE Xplore digital library,
document/6715666DOI : 10.1109/NIGERCON.2013.6715666 - Onuekwu Nnaemeka, Achumba Ifeyinwa, Chukwuchekwa Nkwachukwu, Chukwudebe Gloria and Ononiwu Gordon Leveraging Wireless Sensor Networks for Improved Infrastructure Management in the Energy Sector, Nigerian Society of Engineers Technical Proceedings, 2015 National Engineering Conference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, pp 26
- Olanrewa L. Kadir, Okechi Onuoha, Nnaemeka C. Onuekwusi, Ufuoma Onochoja, Chikwelu N. Udezue
Development of A Cost Effective 2.5KVA Uninterruptible Power Supply System
American Journal of Engineering Research, Volume5, Issue-2, pp-125-135, March 2016, - Olanrewa L. Kadir, Okechi Onuoha, Nnaemeka C. Onuekwusi, Nwanyinnaya Nwogu, Uzoiigwe U. Victor and Albert Agulana Exploiting the Potentials of Photovoltaic Cells in the Extension of Lifetime of A 2.5KVA Power Inverter for Stable Power Supply in a Developing Nation, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: 45-54, July 2016,https://www. .php/IJIRI/Issue-3-July-2016- September-2016/0?catid=IJIRI& id=Issue-3-July-2016- September-2016&starting=0 - Gordon Ononiwu, Arinze Okoye, James Onojo, Nnaemeka Onuekwusi Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Wireless Quadcopter for Rescue Operations American Journal of Engineering Research Volume-5, Issue-9, pp-130-138, 2016.
v5(09)/T050901300138.pdf - Gerald Eze, Longinus Ezema, Haris Orah and Emeka Onuekwusi Performance Evaluation of Multi-Antenna Techniques in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, pp 1615 -1622, September 2016
researchpaper/Performance- Evaluation-of-Multi-Antenna- Techniques-in-Long-Term- Evolution-LTE-Networks.pdf - Onuekwusi Nnaemeka Chiemezie, Achumba Ifeyinwa Eucharia, Ozioko Oliver Okwudili and Unigwe Obinna Chikwado Effective Energy Measurement, Management and Data Communication: A GSM-Based Smart Metering Framework, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology Volume 4, Issue 6, pp 7557 – 7561, June 2017
content/uploads/ JMESTN42352276.pdf - L. S. Ezema, E. E. Atimati, G. Ononiwu, N.C. Oniekwusi and W. E. Mbonu Conceptual Framework for Mobile Location-Based Services (LBS) in Nigeria Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electro-Technology for National Development (IEEE NIGERCON 2017)
publication/334388123 - Eze Peter U, Udaya Parampalli, Iwuchukwu Uchechi C., and Onuekwusi Nnaemeka Challenges and Prospects of Blind Spread Spectrum Medical Image Watermarking Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electro-Technology for National Development (IEEE NIGERCON 2017)
document/8281873 DOI: 10.1109/NIGERCON.2017. 8281873 - Onuekwusi, N.C., Ndinechi, M.C., Ononiwu G.C. and Nosiri, O.C. An Energy Balanced Routing Hole and Network Partitioning Mitigation Model for Homogenous Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of interdisciplinary telecommunication and Networking Volume12, Issue 1, article 3 -2020. DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.2020010103
- Onuekwusi Nnaemeka Chiemezie, Okpara Chinedu Reginald, Ewunonu Toochi Hybrid Energy Management Technique: A Paradigm Shift To Energy Conservation In Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 9 Issue 01, January-2020.
energy-management-technique-a- DOI: IJERTV9IS010271paradigm-shift-to-energy- conservation-in-wireless- sensor-networks - Onuekwusi Nnaemeka Chiemezie, and Okpara Chinedu Reginald Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN): An Overview American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)
Volume 64, No 1, 2020. pp 53-63. Journal/issue/view/90 - Onuekwusi Nnaemeka .C., Nwabude Geraldine .C., Okozi Samuel .O. and Ezema Longinus .S.
An Integrated Presence Detection Sensor and Android Mobile Application System for Energy Management and Control Indian Journal Of Science And Technology Volume 13, Issue 07, February 2020. Pp 860 – 869. DOI: 10.17485/IJST/2020/V13I07/149822. - Onuekwusi Nnaemeka Chiemezie, Nkwonta Joseph Chukwuma, and Akande Akinyinka Olukunle Trio-Sensor Wireless Networked System for Indoor Monitoring and Fire Detection in Human Habitats. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) Volume 11, Issue 1, 2020.