Assistant Lecturer, Computer Science Department
Mrs Theodora U. Onwuama

Mrs Theodora Udochukwu Onwuama
Assistant Lecturer
BSc., MSc.
I joined FUTO as a Technologist II. I enrolled for my Masters degree in FUTO. At the completion of my Masters degree, I was converted to an Assistant Lecturer. I am a very hardworking and resilient person. I am very passionate about impacting knowledge, grooming young ladies to be outstanding in the society. I also like learning new things through research. I am currently pursuing my Doctorate degree at the University of Port-Harcourt.
Qualifications: MSc, BSc.
Computers and Applications, and Software Engineering
Improved Extraction and Selection Technique for Spam Emails using Soft Computing.
SPECIALIZATION: Software and database design
- N. Odii, T.U. Onwuama and F.O. Adibe (2016): An Integrated Project Evaluation system. International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS), volume3, issue 07, July 2016. ISSN: 2393-9842.
- Odii J. N., Nwokoma, F.O., Onwuama T.U. and Ejem A. (2017): The Technologies of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Based Telephony System. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT). Vol 49, No.4, July 2017. 217-222
- Odii J. N., Nwokoma, F.O. Onwuama T.U., and Eke J.I. (2017): Network Congestion Control System Using Frame Relay Technology. International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) Vol 4, issue 07, July 2017
- Odii1N, Onwuama T.U2, Okpalla C.L3, Ejem A4. (2016): Job Scheduling Using Fuzzy Logic Approach. Published in the International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 42 Number 2 – December 2016. ISSN:2231 – 2803.
- Odii J. N, Odirichukwu C., Adibe F.O., Okpalla C.L., and Onwuama T. U. (2016): Combating Social Engineering Threats in Information Technology as a National Security Strategy. Published in Digital Innovations and Contemporary Research in Science and Engineering Journal, volume 4, no. 4, December 2016.
- Onwuama T.U, Odii J.N, Onukwugha C.G, Nwokoma F.O (2018): Mobile Phone Cloning-A Conceptual Review. Published in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) Vol 16. No 8, August 2018
- Onwuama T.U., Asagba P.O., Odii J, N. (2015): Application of Role-Based Technology in Database Intrusion Detection. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS)
- Odii J.N, Nwokoma F.O, Hampo J.A.C, Onwuama T.U (2019): Comparative Analysis of Malware Detection Techniques using Signature, Behaviour and Heuristics). International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS)