B.Sc. Civil Engineering: (IFE); M.Sc. Structural Eng. (UNILAG); PhD Structural Eng. (UNN)
Email: john.ezeh@futo.edu.ng
Engr. Prof. John Chukwuma Ezeh Professor

Engr. Prof. John Chukwuma Ezeh
B.Sc. Civil Engineering: (IFE); M.Sc. Structural Eng. (UNILAG); PhD Structural Eng. (UNN)
Email: john.ezeh@futo.edu.ng
John Chukwuma Ezeh is a Professor of Civil Engineering (Structures). Prof. Ezeh holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in Structural Engineering from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). He is an active member of the following professional bodies:
Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Nigerian Institution of Structural Engineers (MNI. Struct. E), A.M. ASCE and COREN. Engr. Prof. J.C. Ezeh has several publications in National and International journals and has also presented papers at National and International Conferences. He teaches courses in Structural Engineering at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and has also carried out several kinds of research in the area of Structural Engineering. Prof. J.C. Ezeh served as acting Head of Civil Engineering Department from 2010 to 2014. He also served as Head of Department of Civil Engineering Department from 2016 to 2018. Prof. Ezeh is presently the Dean, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, SEET (July 2019 to Date). Engr. Prof. J.C. Ezeh is married to Engr. Prof. (Mrs.) G.N. Ezeh of EEE Department, FUTO and the marriage is blessed with three children. Prof. J.C. Ezeh enjoys coaching and mentoring young academics. He also takes delight in watching football and wrestling.
- Qualifications
- Honours/Awards
- Affiliations
- Courses Assigned to Teach
- Experience
- Research Interest
- Publications
Academic Qualification
- PhD Structures (2010);
- M.Sc. Structures (1986);
- B.Sc. Civil Eng. With 21 (1983);
- W.A.S.C. with Distinction (1978);
- F.S.L.C with Distinction (1971);
- MNI. Struct. E (1995);
- MNSE (1997);
- COREN REG. (2001);
- A.M. ASCE (2008)
- Kwara State NYSC Honors Award – 1983/84
- FUTO Long Service Award –
- MNI. Struct. E (Member Nigerian Institution of Structural Engineers) – SE 0422
- MNSE (Member Nigerian Society of Engineers) – 08685
- A.M. ASCE (Member American Society of Civil Engineers) – 495294
Course Code & Courses assigned to Teach:
- ENG 212: Engineering Economy;
- CIE 316: Soil Mechanics 1;
- STE 515: Structural Analysis III;
- STE 519: Prestress Concrete Design;
- ENG 307
- Assistant Lecturer FUTO 1989 – 1992
- Lecturer II FUTO
1992 – 1996 - Lecturer I FUTO
1996 – 2001 - Senior Lecturer FUTO 2001 – 2010
- Reader FUTO
2010 – 2013 - Professor FUTO
2013 to Date
Research Interest
Stability of Structures; Structural Dynamics; Engineering Economy; Use of Local Content in Practice; Concrete Materials and Optimization of Concrete Mixes.
- J.C Ezeh, L. Anyaogu, O.M Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu and S.U Okoroafor “Buckling Analysis of Thin Cylindrical Shell Reinforced with Inclined Stiffeners Under Uniform Axial Compression Using Direct Variational Principal’’. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research; Vol. 9, Issue 5 (May 2018), Pp. 1480-1488.
- L. Anyaogu, S.U. Okoroafor, S.C. Anyanwu and J.C. Ezeh“Comparative Analysis of Buckling Behaviour of Cylindrical Shells Reinforced with Inclined Stiffeners and that Reinforced with Rings-and- Stringers under Uniform Bending” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (2017), PP. 82-90
- J.C Ezeh, L.Anyaogu, S.U Okoroafor and S.C Anyanwu: “Buckling Stress Values of Internally Pressurized Imperfect Thin Cylindrical Shell Under Uniform Axial Compression”. Elixir International Journal, Vol 106, (2017), PP. 46541-46545.
- L. Anyaogu, J. C Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem, L.O Ettu and S.U. Okoroafor. “Determination of Effectiveness of Inclined Stiffeners of Thin Cylindrical Shell Under Uniform Bending”. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 9 Issue 5, (May 2018). Pp. 1489-1497.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh and U.C. Anya, “A New Regression Model For Optimizing Concrete Mixes”, International Journal Of Engineering Science & Research Technology (IJESRT), Vol.2, No. 7, (2013), Pp.1735-1742, (http://www.ijesrt.com).
- J. C. Ezeh, O.M.Ibearugbulem, A.N. Nwadike and U.T. Echehum, “The Behaviour of buckled CSFS Isotropic Rectangular Plate Using Polynomial Series Shape Function on Ritz Method”; International Journal of Engineering Science And Innovative Technology (IJESIT), Vol. 3, Issue 1, (2014), Pp. 60 – 64.
- J. C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem and S. I. Ebirim, “Fundamental National Frequency For Isotropic Rectangular Plate Simply Supported on Free Edges with One Edge Free of Support (SSSF Plate)”, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IMPACT: IJRET), Vol. 2, Issue 2, (2014), Pp.67-74.
- O. M. Ibearugbulem, J. C. Ezeh and U. O. Okpara, “Fourth-Order Improved Finite Difference Approach to Pure Bending Analysis of Line Continuum; International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol. 03, Issue 02, (2014), Pp. 579-585.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh, A. N. Nwadike and U. J. Maduh; “Buckling Analysis of Isotropic SSFS Rectangular Plate Using Polynomial Shape Function”; International Journal of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), Vol.4, Issue 1, (2014), Pp.6 -9.
- J. C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem and S. I. Ebirim; “Vibration Analysis of Plate with One Free Edge (CCCF Plate) Using Energy Method”; International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No1, (2014), pp. 85 – 92.
- J.C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem, M. C. Nwaokorie and K. O. Njoku, “A New Eigenvalue Solver for Eigenvalue Problems in Structural Engineering”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management (IJERM), Vol. 1, Issue 4, (2014), pp. 1 – 5.
- K.O. Njoku, J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu and L. Anyaogu, “Free Vibration Analysis Of Thin Rectangular Isotropic CCCC Plate Using Taylor Series Formulated Shape Function In Galerkin’s Method”, Academic Research International, Vol.4, No.4, (2013), Pp.126-132, (www.journals.savap.org.pk).
- J.C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem, H. E. Opara and O. A. Oguaghamba, “Characteristic Orthogonal Polynomial Application to Galerkin Indirect Variational Method for Simply Supported Plate Under In-Plane Loading”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, (IJRET) Vol. 03, Issue 04, (2014) Pp. 720 – 725
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh and L.O Ettu, “Pure Bending Analysis Of Thin Rectangular SSSS Plate Using Taylor-Mclaurin Series”, International Journal Of Civil And Structural Engineering, Vol.3, No.4, (2013), Pp.685-691; IPA.
- J.C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem, A. N. Nwadike and U. J. Maduh; “The use of Polynomial Shape Function In the Buckling Analysis of CCFC Rectangular Plate”, International Journal of Research In Engineering And Technology (IJRET), Vol. 02, Issue 12, (2013), Pp.652 – 655.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem and J.C. Ezeh, “Instability Of Axially Compressed CCCC Thin Rectangular Plate Using Taylor-Maclaurin’s Series Shape Function On Ritz Method”, Academic Research International, Vol.4, No.1, (2013), Pp.346-351.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu and J.C. Ezeh, “A New Stiffness Matrix For Analysis Of Flexural line Continuum”, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science, (IJES), Vol.2, No.2, (2013), Pp.57-62.
- Ezeh, J.C, Ibearugbulem, O.M, Onyechere, C.I, “Pure Bending Analysis Of Thin Rectangular Flat Plate Using Ordinary Finite Difference Method”, International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering, Vol.3, No.3, (2013), Pp.20-23.
- J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem, C.I. Onyechere, “Free Vibration Analysis Of Thin Rectangular Flat Plate Using Ordinary Finite Difference Method”, Academic Research International (Natural And Applied Science). Vol.4, No.2, (2013), Pp.187-192.
- L. Anyaogu and J.C. Ezeh, “Optimization Of Compressive Strength Of Fly Ash Blended Cement Concrete Using Scheffe’s Simplex Theory”, Academic Research International (Natural And Applied Science), Vol.4, No.2, (2013), Pp.177-186.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu and J.C. Ezeh, “Direct Integration And Work Principle As New Approach In Bending Analysis Of Isotropic Rectangular Plates”, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES), Vol.2, No.3, (2013), Pp.28-36.
- J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem, K.O. Njoku, L.O. Ettu, “Dynamic Analysis Of Isotropic SSSS Plate Using Taylor Series Shape Function In Galerkin’s Functional”, International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), Vol.3, No.5, (2013), Pp.372-375.
- L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh, U.C. Anya, L. Anyaogu, and K.C. Nwachukwu, “Suitability Of Nigerian Agricultural By-Products As Cement Replacement For Sandcrete Making”, International Journal Of Engineering Research And Technology(IJERT), Vol.2, No.4, (2013), Pp.1592-1599.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh, and U.C. Anya, “A New Shape Function For Analysis Of Line Continuum By Direct Variational Calculus”, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science, (IJES), Vol.2, No.3, (2013), Pp.66-71.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezehand U.C. Anya, “New Stiffness Matrices For Stability And Dynamic Analysis Of Line Continuum”, International Journal Of Engineering Research And Development, Vol.6, No.7, (2013), Pp.92-95.
- L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem, U.C. Anya, K.O. Njoku, “Strenth Of Binary Blended Cement Composites Containing Coconut Husk Ash”, International Journal Of Science And Research (IJSR), Vol.2, No.4, (2013), Pp.282-286.
- L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem, U.C. Anya, K.O. Njoku, “Strength Of Binary Blended Cement Composites Containing Cassava Waste Ash”, International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering, Vol.3, No.4, (2013), Pp.15-20.
- L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh and M.S.W. Mbajiorgu, “Strength Of Binary Blended Cement Composites Containing Pawpaw Leaf Ash”, International Journal Of Advancements In Research And Technology, Vol.2, No.5, (2013), Pp.236-240.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh, U.C. Anya, “Application of Iterative-Inversion In Solving Eigen Value Problems In Structural Engineering”, International Journal Computational Engineering Research. Vol.3, No.4, (2013), Pp.17-22.
- L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh, U.C. Anya, K.C. Nwachukwu and K.O. Njoku, “Strength Of Ternary Blended Cement Concrete Containing Afikpo Rice Husk Ash And Saw Dust Ash”, International Journal Of Engineering Science Invention, Vol.2, No.4, (2013), Pp.38-42.
- L.O. Ettu, O.M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh, U.C. Anya, “A Reinvestigation Of The Prospects Of Using Periwinkle Shell As Partial Replacement For Granite In Concrete”, International Journal Of Engineering Science Invention, Vol.2, No.3, (2013), Pp54-59.
- J.C. Ezeh and J.I. Enem, “Comparative Study On The Use Of Triangular And Rectangular Finite Elements In Analysis Of Deep Beam”, Academic Research International, Vol.3, No.3, (2013), Pp.131-140.
- J.I. Enem, J.C. Ezeh, M.S.W. Mbajorgu and D.O. Onwuka, “Analysis Of Deep Beam Using Finite Element Method”, International Journal Of Applied Sciences And Engineering Research, (IPA), Vol.1, No.2, (2012), Pp348-356.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh and L.O. Ettu, “Vibration Analysis Of Thin Rectangular SSSS Plate Using Taylor-Mclaurin Shape Function”, International Of Academic Research, Vol.4, No.6, (2012), Pp.349-352.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, N.N. Osadebe, J.C. Ezeh and D.O.Onwuka, “Bucking Analysis Of Axially Compressed SSSS Thin Rectangular Plate Using Taylor-Mclaurin Shape Function”, International Journal Of Civil And Structural Engineering, Vol.2, No.2, (2011), Pp.667-672; IPA.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh and L.O. Ettu, “The Use Of Agricultural Waste Materials For Concrete Making”, International Journal Of Natural And Applied Sciences, Vol.7, No.2, (2011), Pp.179-182, (www.tapasinstitute.org/
journals/ijonas). - G.N. Ezeh, G.A. Chukwudebe, and J.C. Ezeh, “Impact Assessment of Barrier Facing E-Management of Engineering Projects in Nigeria”, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, (IJAER), Vol.6, No.2, (2011), Pp.183-192, India.
- J.C. Ezeh, “VlasovAnd Euler Flexural Buckling Loads In Single-Cell Monosymmetric Thin-Walled Hollow Columns”, Global Journal Of Engineering And Technology, (GJET), Vol.4, No.2, (2011), Pp.177-186, India.
- O.M. Ibearugbulem, L.O. Ettu and J.C. Ezeh, “Production Of Concrete Using Laterite, Periwinkle Shall Andriver Stone”, International Journal Of Applied Sciences. Vol.7, No.2, (2011), Pp.183-187, (www.tapasinstitute.org/
journals/ijonas) - J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem and U.C. Anya, “Optimisation Of Aggregate Composition Of Laterite/Sand Hollow Blocks Using Scheffe’s Simplex Method”, International Journal Of Engineering, Vol.4, No.4, (2010), Pp.471-478, India.
- J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem and L. Anyaogu, “Optimisation Of Compressive Strength Of Cement-Saw Dust Ash Sandcrete Block Using Scheffe’s Mathematical Model”, International Journal Of Engineering, Vol.4, No.4, (2010), Pp.487-494, India.
- J.C. Ezeh and O.M. Ibearugbulem, “Scheffe’s Simplex Model for Optimizing Compressive Strength of Cement/Blast Furnace Slag Concrete”, Global Journal of Engineering and Technology, (GJET), Vol.3, No.4, (2010), Pp.781-785, India.
- J.C. Ezeh, “Flexural And Flexural-Torsional (FT) Instability Of Multi-Cell Mono-Symmetric Thin-Walled Hollow Columns”, Global Journal Of Engineering And Technology, (GJET), Vol.3, No.2, (2010), Pp.263-275, India.
- J.C. Ezeh, “Buckling Behaviour Of Axially Compressed Multi-Cell Doubly Symmetric Thin-Walled Column Using Vlasov’s Theory”, International Journal Of Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, (2010), Pp.179-193, India.
- J.C. Ezeh, “VlasovAnd Euler Instabilities Of Multi-Cell Doubly Symmetric Thin-Walled Closed Columns”, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, (IJAER), Vol.5, No.19, (2010), Pp.3211-3225, India.
- J.C. Ezeh and O.M. Ibearugbulem, “Optimisation Model For Compressive Strength Of Sandcrete Block”, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, (IJAER), Vol.5, No.19, (2010), Pp.3203-3209, India.
- J.C. Ezeh and O.M. Ibearugbulem, “Optimisation Of Compressive Strength Of Recycled Aggregateconcrete Using Scheffe’s Second Degree Simplex Model”, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, (IJAER), Vol.5, No.10, (2010), Pp.1757-1764, India.
- J.C. Ezeh and G.N. Ezeh, “Moonlighting In Engineering Practice: Case Study of Nigeria”, Global Journal Of Engineering And Technology, (GJET), Vol.3, No.1, (2010), Pp.49-55, India.
- J.C. Ezeh and L. Anyaogu, “Impact Assessment Of Causes Of Vehicular Traffic Congestion On Urban Roads In Nigeria”, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, (IJAER), Vol.5, No.3, (2010), Pp.485-495, India.
- L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh and M.S.W. Mbajiogu, “Strength of Ternary Blended Cement Sandcrete Containing Cassava Waste Ash and Oil Palm Bunch Ash”, IOSR Journal of Engineering {IOSRJEN}, Vol.3, No. 4, {2013}, Pp. 47-51, {www.iorjen.org}.
- L.O. Ettu, O.M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh and U.C. Anya, “The Suitability of Using Laterite as Sole Fine Aggregate in Structural Concrete”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.4, No. 5, {May – 2013}, Pp. 502-507, {www.ijser.org}.
- L.O. Ettu, J.C. Ezeh, U.C. Anya, J.I. Arimanwa, and K.C. Nwachukwu, “Strength of Binary Blended Cement Composites Containing Plantain Leaf Ash’, IOSR Journal of Engineering {IOSRJEN}, Vol. 3, No. 4, {2013}, Pp. 54-59, {www.iosrjen}.
- J.C. Ezeh and O.M. Ibearugbulem, “Suitability of calcined Periwinkle Shell As Partial Replacement For Cement In River Stone Aggregate Concrete”, Global Journal Of Engineering And Technology, (GJET), Vol.2, No.4, (2009), Pp.577-584, India.
- J.C. Ezeh and O.M. Ibearugbulem, “Application ofScheffe’s Model in Optimisation of Compressive Cube Strength of River Stone Aggregate Concrete”, International Journal Of Natural And Applied Studies, Vol.5, No.4, (2009), Pp.303-308, (www.ajol.info/journal/ijonas)
. - J.C. Ezeh and O.M. Ibearugbulem, “Effect of Axial Deformation on the Flexural Behaviour Of One-Bay Multi-Storey Building Frame”, International Journal Of Natural And Applied Sciences, Vol.5, No.4, (2009), Pp.351-356, (www.ajol.info/journals/ijonas
). - J.C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem and C. N. Okoli, “Vibration Analysis of Line Continuum with New Matrices of Elastic and Inertia Stiffness”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol. 03, Issue 04, (2014), pp. 875 – 878.
- J. C. Ezeh, O. M. Bearugbulem, H. E. Opara and O. A. Oguaghamba, “Galerkin’s Indirect Variational Method in Elastic Stability Analysis of all Edges Clamped Thin-Rectangular Flat Plate”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol. 03, Issue 04, (2014), Pp. 674-679.
- C.N. Okoli, J.C. Ezeh and O.M. Ibearugbulem, “Buckling Analysis of Line Continuum with New Matrices of Stiffness and Geometry”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol. 03, Issue 03, (2014), Pp. 233-236.
- J. C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem and U. T. Echehum, “Stability Analysis of Orthotropic Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol: 03, Issue 02, (2014), Pp. 228-231.
- O. M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh and G. C. Ozuluonye, “Pure Bending Analysis of SCSS and CSSS Platforms Using New Approach”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), Vol.3, Issue 2, (2014), pp. 33 – 37.
- J. C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem, S. I. Agbo and U. J. Maduh “Static Analysis of C-S Short Cylindrical Shell Under Internal Liquid Pressure Using Polynomial Series Shape Function”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 03, Issue 02, (2014), Pp. 474-479.
- J. C. Ezeh, O. M. Ibearugbulem and G. C. Ozuluonye, “Analysis of Rectangular Platform Subjected to Transverse Load Using Galerkin Functional”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 2, (2014), pp. 502 – 505.
- J.C. Ezeh, O.M. Ibearugbulem, L. O. Ettu and A. O. Oguagbamba; “Work Principle Method for Elastic Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of all Edges Simply Supported Thin Rectangular Plate” Elixir International Journal (Civil Engineering), Volume 88, (2015), pp. 36132- 36136.
- O. M. Ibearugbulem, J.C. Ezeh, L. O. Ettu and A. O. Oguaghamba; “Buckling and Postbuckling Strength of CSCS Thin Rectangular Plate”, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (2015); Pp. 206-212.