Prof. Julius Sunday Orebiyi

Prof. Julius Sunday Orebiyi
Academic and Professional Qualification
- B.Sc. Agric. Economics 21 (1981)
- M.Sc Agric. Economics (Agric, Finance & Cooperatives) (1985)
- Ph.D. Agric – Finance & Rural Development (2000)
Working Experience
- United Secondary School Omi Adio (1981 – 1982) (NYSC)
- Igbaraoke Community Grammar School (1982 – 1983)
- Federal University of Technology Owerri (1983 – Date)
- University of Ilorin(March 2003 – Feb. 2004) (Sabbatical Leave)
- Graduate Assistant(1st Oct. 1983- Sept. 1985)
- Assistant Lecturer (1st Oct. 1985 –Sept. 1987)
- Lecturer II(1st Oct. 1987- Sept. 1990)
- HENRI –UKOHA, A, J.S. OREBIYI; D. O. OHAJIANYA; U. C. IBEKWE; S. U. O. ONYEAGOCHA; F.O. NWOSU AND U.I. NWAIWU (2011). Gender and Net Farm Income of Cassava Farmers under Individual Land Tenure System in Abia State, International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology (IJASRI) Marshland Press, Lansing, Michigan U.S.A. 1 (2): 47-54
- KORIE, O.C; C.C. EZE; J.I. LEMCHI; U.C. IBEKWE; J.S. OREBIYI; P.C. OBASI; D.O. OHAJIANYA AND E.U. EZE. (2011). An overview of the Benefits of Organic Agriculture as a climate change Adaptation and mitigation Strategy for Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (IJARD). 14(2): 638-643
- HENRI-UKOHA, A; J.S. OREBIYI; I. I. LEMCHI; U.C. IBEKWE; S. U. O. ONYEAGOCHA G.N BENCHENDO (2011) Comparative Analysis of Agricultural credit users and Non-credit users among cassava farmers in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State, South East, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology (IJASRT) Marshland Press, Lansing, Michigan USA. 1(1): 7-11
- OREBIYI, J.S; EZE, CC; HENRI-UKOHA, A; AKUBUDE, F. AND IBITOYE, S.J. (2011) Demand for Institutional credit from the NACRDB by small scale farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology (IJASRT) Marshland Press, Lansing, Michigan USAb 1(2): 83-87
- CHIKEZIE, C; IBEKWE, U. C; OHAJIANYA., D. O; OREBIYI, J. S; OGUOMA, N. N; OBASI, P. C; HENRI-UKOHA, A; EMENYONU, C..A AND NWAIWU, I. U (2011)Size Distribution of Income among Rice-Based Farming Households in the South-Eastern States of Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (IJAMAD) 1 (1): 1 – 25 Winter.