Publications and Abstract of Research
Crop Science Department (2017-2018)
List of 2017-2018 Publications and Abstract of Research from Crop Science Department
School of Agriculture and Agricultural Science
S/N | Author's Name & year of publication | Title of work | Abstract | Journal Name | Journal Vol./Number |
1 | Ekpe I. I., B. U. Uzoho, Ahukaemere, C. M, & S. E. Okere (2017) | Assessment of Fertility Status of Irrigated Lowland Rice Growing Soils of Ebonyi South-East Nigeria | A study to assess soil fertility status was conducted in the lowland rice growing soils of Ebonyi South-East Nigeria situated within latitude 60 41, N and longitude 80 51 E, and 104.40 m above sea level. The assessment covered all the villages that produce rice in the three major rice producing zones of Ebonyi state with Ebiaunuhu, Ogboji and Akaeze representing Ebonyi North, Central and South zones respectively. Soil samples were collected from the rice growing lowland zones at 0-30cm depth using soil auger attached to a core sampler. A total of 250 soil samples were collected from each of the 100 hectare lowland soils of the zones and analyzed for chemical fertility indicators. The data was analyzed for means and percentages and the results were ranked using fertility standard according to Landon. The results revealed that total nitrogen, organic matter and cation exchange capacity were in low in all the zones while P was adequate in all the zones and K was high for the soils studied. Calcium concentration was high in the north but low in the central and southern zones. The soils require good input of N-fertilizer and organic matter to boost CEC and therefore increase the yield of rice in these lowland soils of Ebonyi State. | Environment and Ecology Research | 5(7) |
2 | Ekpe I.I.,Ihemtuge, S.C., Okoye, C.,Ahukaemere, C.M., Onuora, M.D. , Okere, S. E. and Nwaigwe M.O. (2017) | Effect of Humanure and Rumen Digesta on Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and the Yield of Cucumber in Imo South-Eastern, Nigeria | An experiment was set up in the 2015 cropping seasons to compare the effect of humanure and rumen digesta on soil physico-chemical properties and the yield of cucumber in Imo Southeast, Nigeria. The study was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. The treatments were made up of T1- Control = 0 kg/ha; T2 - Humanure = 10 t/ha; T3 - Rumen digesta = 10t/ha; T4 - Humanure + Rumen digesta = (5 + 5 t/ha) and T5 - Humanure + Rumen digesta = (10 + 10 t/ha). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) and raw data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at p=0.05 probability level. Significant differences were separated using F-LSD. The results obtained showed that both humanure and rumen digesta significantly improved the soil bulk density, total porosity and moisture content relative to the control except the aggregate stability and textural properties of the soil. Also the soil chemical properties improved significantly when the treatments were compared with the control and when the treatments were compared with one another. The cucumber yield followed the same improvement trend. Humanure and rumen digesta combination has proved to be superior in soil nutrient enrichment for organic cucumber production in this ultisol. | Futo Journal Series (FUTOJNLS) | Vol. 3, Issue-1, |
3 | Ikechi – Nwogu, C. G., Ukomadu, J. Ezediolu, B. C.and Okere, S.E (2018) | Antifungal activity of siam weed (chromoleana odorata (l.) and woodland tobacco (nicotiana sylvestris (speg &comes) against phytopathogenic fungus of onions (allium cepa l.) bulb. | Antifungal activities of Nicotiana sylvestris and Chromoleana odorata against phytopathogenic fungus of onions bulb were assessed at the Plant Physiology Laboratory, University of Port Harcourt Nigeria. The result of the phytochemical screening revealed the presence of tannins, saponins, flavoniods, alkaloids, phenols and glycosides in both plants but terpenoids were only found in C. odorata. The efficacy of the plant extracts varied at various concentrations (50, 75, 100 and 150mg/mL–1). Extracts from C. odorata showed progressive retardations of the mycelial growth and high fungitoxic effect on the growth of Aspergillus niger at 75% concentration at 100 mg mL–1. N. sylvestris extract decreased the growth of the fungi but not as effective as C. odorata. The aqueous extracts of C. odorata at 75g/100 mL concentration gave the best inhibition of 1.66±0.06a while N sylvestris at 75g/100 mL gave 5.22±0.03b. It is recommended that these plants be used as natural fungicides as they possess antifungal potentials. | Int’l Journal of Agric. and Rural Dev.(IJARD) | Vol. 21(2) |
4 | Okere, S.E., & Ataga, A.E. (2018) Okere, S.E., & Ataga, A.E. (2018) | Elicitors and mineral content of water extract from autoclaved spent mushroom (pleurotus tuber-regium) substrate and its effect on cassava inoculated with african cassava mosaic virus(ACMV) | This study investigated the effect of the water extract from spent mushroom (Pleurotus tuber-regium) substrate (autoclaved) on the mineral compositions and resistant elicitors and on the growth, yield and management of African cassava mosaic virus. The treatments for this investigation comprised of cassava plants treated with autoclaved and unautoclaved water extract from spent mushroom substrate and untreated cassava plants as control. The treatment were applied 4 months after culturing from meristem tip culture and inoculated with viral inoculum 7 days after treatment application and then transplanted. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized block design with 3 replicates. The mineral compositions and elicitors in the treatments were analysed using standard procedures. The data generated were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) at (p=0.05).The results revealed significant differences in the values of elicitors: carbohydrate polymers (1.6-33.4%), glycoproteins (0.04-0.90%) and lipid molecules (0.2-18.0g).PTAWESMS had 15.52 mg/100g and 33.64mg/100g higher K and Na than PTWESMS which had 8.94 and 24.21mg/100g for K and Na respectively which were significantly difference. PTAWESMS had 6.3, 39.2 and 76.5 significantly higher number of stems , LAI and LAR than PTWESMS and the control while the other growth parameters were not significantly different. PTWESMS had 8.33 and 35cm significantly higher number of storage roots and storage root length when it was compared with PTAWESMS and the control, while PTWESMS and PTAWESMS had 17.3mm significantly higher root girth than the control. The control had 2.5 severity index at 4WAI significantly higher than PTAWESMS and PTWESMS, while at 28 WAI, the control had 1.37 significantly higher severity index than PTAWESMS and PTWESMS. The result obtained from this investigation clearly revealed that PTWESMS and PTAWESMS significantly reduced ACMD severity when it was compared with the control. It also revealed that unautoclaved water extract SMS performed significantly better than the autoclaved in reducing ACMD severity. However the reductions in ACMD severity did not translate to higher growth and yield of cassava. Therefore it is recommended that ACMD management using water extract from P. tuber-regium should be complimented with the application of solid SMS in order to achieve the desired results. | Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection (NJPP) | Vol. 32, |
5 | Ogbedeh, K.O., Ekwe, C.P.Ihejirika, G.O. Dialoke, S.A.Onyewuchi, O.P.Anyanwu, C.P. Bosah, B.O..Kalu, I.E., Cookey C.O., Nnebue, O.M. | Effect of Palm bunch as and Neem (Azaradirachia indica A. Juss) leaf powder on termite infestation in groundnut field in Owerri ultisol, South- eastern, Nigeria | As one of the major pests of field crops, termites attack groundnut at all stages of its development especially during prolonged dry spell. Efect of palm bunch ash and neem (Azaradirachia indica A. Juss) leaf powder on termite infestation in groundnut field in Owerri ultisol, South- eastern, Nigeria was investigated in this study. The field trial was carried out in 2016 at the Teachin and Research farm of the Department of Crop Science and Technology. Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in a 3x3 Factorial fitted into the randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments include three rates of palm bunch ash at 0.0 (control), 1.0,2.0 tones/ha respectively. Data wre collected on prcentage emergence, termite incidence and termite severity. These were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were separated using least significant differnce at 5% level of probability. Result shows that there were no significan (P<0.05) difference in percentage emergence amongst treatment means due to palm bunch as and neem leaf powder applciations. Contrarily, plam bunch as at 2.0 tons/ha recorded least termite incident especially at twelve weeks after planting (12WAP) with a value of 22.20% while control plot maintained highest values at 6WAP (48.70%) AND 12WAP (48.30%) respectively. Also palm buch ash at 2.0 tons/ha depressed termite severity more than other treatments especially at 2 and 4 WAP (0.56) respectively | Life Science journal | 16(5) 79-85 |
Showing 1 to 5 of 38 entries
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