Prof. Iheanyichukwu S. Iwueze

Prof. Iheanyichukwu S. Iwueze
Director, Academic Planning and Development Unit
B.Sc (UNN), M.Sc (Sheffield), PhD (Sheffield)
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The current Director is Prof. Iheanyichukwu S. Iwueze, a Professor of Statistics.
Prof. I. S. Iwueze had his education in the following Institutions:
- University of Nigeria, Nsukka – B.Sc. Statistics
- University of Sheffield, United Kingdom – M.Sc and PhD in Statistics.
His areas of specialization are Time Series and Forecasting, Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes. He is a fellow of the Nigeria Mathematical Society (NMS) and Nigeria Statistical Association (NSA).
In the University administration, he has held such positions as Head of Department, Dean of School, Ag. Vice-Chancellor and currently, the Director of Academic Planning and Development Unit, FUTO.
Apart from his normal academic publications, he is a consultant to many organizations.
Prof. Iwueze is happily married and enjoys singing hymns of the Anglican Communion.
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Fellow, Nigeria Mathematical Society (NMS)
- Fellow, Nigeria Statistical Association (NSA)
- FGN Foundation Scholar
- Commonwealth Scholar
Research Interest
Time Series and Forecasting, Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes.
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Fellow, Nigeria Mathematical Society (NMS)
- Fellow, Nigeria Statistical Association (NSA)