Dr. (Mrs.) Emilia C. Nwokenkwo
- Keeping up to date administrative records on admissions, student enrolment, graduate output, staffing at all times. This assignment should be done in collaboration with the registry and the ICTC Unit of the University.
- Ensure that all schools/faculties, departments and non-teaching units in the University keep and update records on staff list (unit, status, rank, date of appointment, gender etc) and students list (school, department, programme, gender etc)
- Collate, process and produce University statistics’ annually (using the NUC’s approved formats) for submission to the NUC as and when requested.
- Produce statistical digest for the University annually.
- Prepare Vice-Chancellors’ annual report and submit the same to the NUC using the NUC approved template.
- Have the knowledge of computing Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) for each programme and its use in planning.
- Keep up to date records on the accreditation status of all academic programmes in the University.
- Ensure that the self-study forms for all academic programme due for accreditation are completed correctly and all the necessary information required are provided.
- Ensure that only programmes with NUC’s approved Benchmark Minimum Academic Standard (BMAS) are allowed to run in the University.
- Follow the necessary due process and request for the development of BMAS for programmes that do not have BMAS.
- Ensure that the BMAS for each discipline is made available to all Schools, departments and widely circulated among academic staff in the University for reference purposes.
- Keep themselves abreast of the Academic Brief and inform University management of its provisions and ensure strict compliance in the implementation of the Brief.
- Ensure that the University’s Academic Brief is reviewed as and when due and submitted to the NUC for analysis.
- Insist the University follow due process when applying for the establishment of new academic units and programmes in the University and ensure that approval is given by NUC before the commencement of any programme.
- Responsible for the completion and submission of application forms for the establishment of new units and academic programmes and splitting of programmes and units at all levels.
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